Chalky, Dufus, Shirt & Tigger…

and the Invisible..ish Enemy


Seventh Galaxy were having another double header for the video release of K9’s first story – “The Invisible Enemy” and the CD release of “…Ish”, a new audio adventure featuring Shirt’s favourite DW pairing (Oh and Colin Baker was in it as well). The presence of the divine Ms. Bryant meant that Shirt was a definite, Dufus was keen to meet John Leeson, and the fact that Tigger had decided to come (knowing who K9 was, and being intrigued to finally meet the object of Shirt’s desire, having only seen dodgy photos of her on Shirt’s bedroom walls), meant that Chalky accompanied them.


Reaching Seventh Galaxy, the friends joined the reasonably lengthy queue, passing the time by continually repeating the anecdote – “You can’t ask John Leeson that !”  (see CDS…Meet One Woman and Her Dog). Nicola’s back still being injured, Big Ted was enforcing an “one item for Nicola” rule  (much to Shirt’s chagrin). Reaching the door, again Tigger decided not to enter, but wait outside where she felt she could see equally well the predicted (by Chalky) sight of Shirt attempting to flirt with the lovely Ms. B.


Dufus was first up, offering his items to Nicola, pausing for a photograph taken by Chalky, before moving down to John, leaving Shirt in front of his belovéd. Smiling what he felt was a winning smile, and remembering the request from Big Ted not to mention Nicola’s back (“I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it!”), he offered his “..Ish” cover and “Varos” DVD cover, which were signed and pushed back towards him. Unable to think of anything else to say, Shirt gulped and mouthed “Thank you”, and made to move to John. However, at this point, Nicola noticed the photograph of the giant prawn on the back of the “Invisible Enemy” sleeve, and commented upon it.


"I was that prawn !”, said John Leeson, just a little too proudly, “I'm an expert on prawns, it would be my specialised subject on 'Mastermind' "

Nicola thought for a moment.

"What a little like that 'Mastermind' sketch on 'The Two Ronnies'?", asked the goddess.

Dufus decided to join the discussion.

"Yes, didn't RB write that himself?"

At this point, with his extensive knowledge of classic comedy, Shirt couldn’t control himself.

"No it was written by David Renwick, who later wrote 'One Foot In The Grave' & 'Jonathan Creek'", Shirt blurted out slightly too eagerly.

There was a slight pause, then Shirt added bashfully,  "How sad am I, knowing that ?", in an attempt to save face in front of Nicola.

However, Ms. Bryant merely muttered agreement. Shirt continued his "I'm a sad fan, feel sorry for me and hug me" act, which was singularly unsuccessful, despite his bringing fluttering his eyelashes into play. Embarrassed by his failure, he darted along to John, getting his items signed quickly, then leaving even quicker, surprisingly passing up the opportunity of a photo with his belovéd.


Chalky was next, having just managed to control his laughter at Shirt’s failed flirting. Getting his items signed, he rejoined Dufus, Shirt, and his belovéd Tigger. For some reason, Shirt seemed to be denying any flirting behaviour, and so the friends wended their way home, the other three chanting "How sad am I ?” as a mantra.


