Chalky, Dufus and Shirt…

…Up the Stairs!

(Guest Starring Chris Cwej)










Chalky was a frequent frequenter of rec.arts.drwho, the worldwide newsgroup for all things Who. It was on there that he struck up an acquaintance with Chris Cwej.

"Is anyone going to the Sophie Aldred signing of The Genocide Machine at 7th Galaxy?" the message asked.

"Yes. We are - Chalky, Dufus and Shirt," replied Chalky.



"I'll see you there then!" said an e-mail from a strange name.

"Eh?" thought Chalky, "Who's this?"

"I'm Cwej on the newsgroup!"

"Oh, I see," replies a now slightly less confused Chalky, "See you there then!"

Rogues Gallery was visited by both.


The day arrived…

Items bought and queue was joined.

Standing in the queue, Chalky spied someone who looked a bit like Cwej. Their eyes met, but no action was taken.

A few minutes later, Chalky took another look. Definitely seemed to be the most likely candidate.


"Erm, are you Cwej?" asked Chalky.

"Yes. Chalky?" replied Cwej.

"Yes. How do you do?" said Chalky, proferring a hand.

Introductions were made, and things discussed ("Lot of tossers on the newsgroup, aren't there?").


Miss Aldred arrived with husband and baby in tow. They disappeared for ten minutes for a nappy-change.

But Miss Aldred was not the only attendee. For our delight we also had Mr. Mike Tucker - famed special effects creator, and accomplished author (now heralding the return of the Daleks!); Mr. Jason Haigh-Ellery - Large Endings answer Barry Letts (he's Jamie in Few Doctors, don't you know (well, we didn't)); Mr. Alastair Lock - soundmeister and Dalek voice; and Mr. Nicholas Briggs - all-round good guy (who can't seem to keep his fingers out of every pie going - writing, directing, acting, sound, music, producing etc etc).


Shuffling along, Shirt and Dufus went on ahead (Chalky having slipped back in the queue to talk to Cwej), and eventually Cwej and Chalky encountered the cornucopia of stars.

Cwej had his digital camera and managed to take some great shots of the stars (only also managing to capture a not so great shot of Chalky from side on).


The new friends shook hands and parted ways, as Chalky, Dufus and Shirt returned to the train, and Cwej tried to find the car.

A new friend, Miss Aldred and the return of the Daleks - what more could anyone want?



