Chalky, Dufus, Shirt and Cwej...

…P.P.P.P.Pick Up a Penguin







Back in the mists of time, 7th Galaxy had announced that for the release of Large Endings much-anticipated release 'The Holy Terror' starring Colin Baker as the Doctor and Robert Jezek as Frobisher (the shape-shifting penguin), they would be -hopefully - getting both stars.

As the time drew nearer, it became clear that, due to work commitments, Mr. Baker would be unable to attend, and therefore only Mr. Jezek would grace the store with his presence.

It was a day of train troubles.

The trio had been forced to find an alternative route to the District Line to reach 7th Galaxy (although consequently had found this route much quicker than their usual - oh the wonders of the Jubilee line).

But these train troubles had also caused problems for Mr. Jezek who was unavoidably late.

Also in attendance - but on time - were Mr. Alastair Lock (musician extraordinaire); Mr. Robert Shearman (writer of grand opus The Holy Terror); Miss Helen Punt (villainess and meeter of grizzly end); Mr. Nicholas Pegg (director and all-round nice guy) and finally Mr. Barnaby Edwards (who had absolutely nothing to do with the production in hand but had heard that an envelope might be opened).

Waiting in the queue, the trio - who had been joined by sometime compadre, Chris Cwej, were presented with a chocolate biscuit. Not a Kit-Kat - no; nor a Jacobs Club; neither was it a McVities Chocolate Digestive. No it was, naturally enough, a Penguin!

The friends debated on the use of this - was it to be eaten, signed or kept for posterity?

'Eaten' was the general consensus (although Cwej revealed on a later encounter that he had forgotten its existence within his jacket pocket until said jacket had been left on a radiator for a week or so…)

It was decided to start moving the queue, but as luck would have it, as the happy trio eventually got inside, Mr. Jezek arrived and meant that they wouldn't have to queue up all over again - hurrah!

Moving along the queue, Dufus - in awe of a musical genius - asked Mr. Alastair Lock:

"What's it like to be the new Dudley Sutton?"

Blank looks all around, as Mr. Lock tried to fathom why he should be compared to the star of Lovejoy.

Chalky whispered behind Dufus, "I think you mean Dudley Simpson."


Moving along, Chalky was asked if he'd listened to the music CD that he was asking Mr. Lock to sign. No, he replied, but he was looking forward to it. Hovering in the background was Mr. Jason Haigh-Ellery who asked Mr. Lock if many people had bought the CD (obviously wondering whether it was going to be worth releasing the implied later volumes).

Sidling along, Chalky came to Mr. Jezek and proceeded to chat amiably about his work. Mr. Jezek revealed that Battlefield had been his first job after coming over to our fair isle and that it had been a most enjoyable and friendly atmosphere.

Shifting further along, Chalky struck up another conversation with Mr. Robert Shearman, author of The Holy Terror (he was feeling incredibly chatty and amiable today, was Chalky). He asked him about his stage plays which apparently ripped ideas off Doctor Who (Mawdryn Undead and The Brain of Morbius in particular) which had been mentioned in the recent edition of MWD.

After chatting briefly with Mr. Nicholas Pegg (who seemed to recognise Chalky from the other numerous signings he had attended) and the heavenly Miss. Helen Punt, and trying to politely ignore Mr. Barnaby Edwards (who, after all, had nothing to do with the signing) Chalky joined his friends.

Saying goodbyes to Cwej, they wended their merry way home.


