Chalky, Dufus and Shirt... A U.N.I.T. Chappie.

(Guest starring Enigma)


Chalky insisted that he knew Enigma. He had worked with her for a while. They had been to the pub together. She was a Doctor Who fan (and an attractive one to boot!). "You're lying!" exclaimed Dufus and Shirt who couldn't believe Chalky socialized with anyone of the female gender.

Even when Shirt was in the room as Chalky spoke to Enigma on the phone, the denial continued...until....

The Adventure

The time had come for Dufus to meet his childhood idol - Captain Mike Yates a.k.a. Mr. Richard Franklin.

Dutifully doing the fan thing, Chalky, Dufus and Shirt assembled in East London at 7th Galaxy for the presence of Mr. Franklin and Mr. Courtney. On arrival, Chalky and Dufus found no sign of Shirt and a queue of the staggering number of ONE!

"Do you think we'll have to wait long?" asked Dufus.

They entered the shop.

"Where do you think he is?" asked Chalky, referring to Shirt.

"Over there," said Dufus, pointing, and referring to the personage of Mr. Franklin who was expounding his views on the recent London bombings to a couple of fans.

Having chosen their items of purchase, Chalky and Dufus decided they couldn't be bothered to wait for Shirt, and as Mr. Franklin had already started signing autographs, would join the queue. Moments later, Shirt did arrive.

"Oh well," said Chalky.

Dufus approached the table, laden with his entire Captain Yates collection.

"How long before he drops it all," muttered Shirt.

To their surprise, Dufus managed to retain his composure and not drop his merchandise at the feet of Mr. Franklin (as he had done with Miss Manning, Miss Sladen, Miss Aldred, Miss Bryant, Mr. Sheard, Mr. Baker, Mr. McCoy, Mr. Davison, Mr. Courtney..............)

Chalky and Shirt decided it was only because there was a whacking great table between Dufus and Mr. Franklin that his habit was staved.

As Mr. Franklin signed their bits and bobs, Chalky, Dufus and Shirt had a long and involved conversation with him about Chalky and Shirt's jobs and how Dufus would get it in the ear later over holding them up with his entire Captain Yates collection.

Mr. Franklin very quickly entered the ranks of 'nice Who people to meet', along with Mr. Baker, Mr. Courtney, Mr. Sheard, Miss Sladen, Mr. Leeson, Miss Bryant, Miss Aldred, Miss Sutton to name but a few. Thankfully, he didn't enter the halls of 'totally mad' or 'rude and indifferent', as some Who luminaries have ('totally mad' can be forgiven, but not 'rude and indifferent').

Leaving the shop - they weren't going to buy a silly CD just to get Mr. Courtney's autograph - they headed for the What shop, and it was there the amazing happened.

"Hello you!" said a female voice.

"Eh? Oh my goodness!" replied Chalky.

Enigma was in the shop.

Big Hug.

"Shirt! THIS is Enigma !"

"Rubbish - you've paid her to say that!"

"Dufus - This is Enigma, Dufus."


Much whispering occurred as Chalky attempted to tell Enigma about the signing up at the 7th Galaxy, without letting What shop hear - it might have upset them. Eventually, Enigma had to leave to go to a football match, but Chalky promised to phone and arrange to all go to the signing of Miss Ward and Mr. Leeson up at 7th Galaxy the following week.

Dufus and Shirt are still unwilling to believe the Chalky knows Enigma, but their feeble arguments are falling apart at the seams.

Chalky, Dufus and Shirt will return when One Woman and her Dog.


