Chalky, Dufus, Shirt and Cwej...

…Have Space Buns and Tea










BBC Video had finally decided to put fans worldwide out of their misery and release the finest, best, most stupendous piece of Doctor Who on to the video market.

Yes that's right…


Chalky was over the moon to say the least.

Rock and roll, Bonnie, Sara Griffiths, Belinda Mayne, Ken Dodd!

What more could a fan want?

Well obviously - a signing with Bonnie Langford!!!!


7th Galaxy arranged the event and - as an added bonus included Jacqueline Rayner, author of Earthworld and Large Endings producer; AND Toby and Michelle from Sword of Orion, the latest Large Endings McGann release.

Chalky, Dufus and Shirt rushed to Barking as fast as their little legs would carry them (and still found a long queue - I thought people hated Bonnie and Delta - put the both of them together and you'd have thought that it's just be our favourite three saddoes!).

On the way, it must be mentioned, the trio chatted about plans for the following day's return visit to 'The Local Group', and in discussing possible questions to ask them in a 'Tom or Colin', 'Delgado or Ainley' kind of way, possitted the use of 'Curse of Peladon or Curse of Fenric'.

"What's Curse of Peladon?" asked Dufus.

Chalky and Shirt just sat, gobsmacked, for a full minute.

"What?" asked Dufus, who had seemingly forgotten the Pertwee classic featuring the walking phallus and Princess Josephine.

Eventually - in a very JoeyTribbiani-style manner - the truth dawned.

"There it is!" thought Chalky and Shirt.


Bonnie was already at the shop, signing away (pre-orders, you understand) and hubby was holding the baby - aaaaaaah!

There was some interesting overhead conversation when Bonnie asked the lads of 7th Galaxy whether Jason Haigh-Ellery was dating India Fisher, because they'd seemed ever so pally at the Gallifrey convention she had recently attended.

The lads explained this wasn't so, which was just as well, considering Jason later turned up with a young lady one assumed was his actual girlfriend.

Cwej arrived some time later and dashed past the innocuous trio, returning for a bit of surreptious queue-jumping as he sidled in beside them, clutching his copy of the the glorious Bannermen.

As the group shuffled closer, Cwej caught a glimpse of Miss Langford in the shop.

"My goodness she looks old!" he screamed.

"Shush…" hushed the others. Cwej hadn't been able to attend the last time she had done a signing, and it was the fault of the trusty trio for not informing him of the fact that Bonnie, whilst retaining her youthful vim and vigour, was still advancing in age like the rest of us. (And to be honest, she actually looks quite good.)

Shuffling through, the lovely Miss Langford asked Chalky if he'd seen Sweet Charity (as he proffered her the programme) and then encouraged him to try and get to see her new one-woman show. Chalky promised to look out for details.

Moving on, Dufus asked Jac Rayner if she was attempting to become Izzy S from the comic strips. Apparently, he was the third person to say that (never one for originality, but then again he was the only one with guts enough to ask).

After quick photos with Jac (pheeeeeeew!) Dufus and Chalky joined Cwej and Shirt who had already left the shop.

"If we hang around here," said Shirt, "Humpty said we can go back in and get Toby and Michelle's autographs."

"Okay," said Chalky, who then relayed the information to Dufus, whilst Cwej hoped beyond all hope they wouldn't ask if he'd liked the CD (he hadn't - for the record; 'Bored of Orion' is the witty way Cwej constantly refers to the adventure).

"Where are they?" asked Dufus.

"Over there," muttered Chalky, nodding subtly with his head.

A bit too subtly it would appear, as Dufus turned his head in completely opposite direction.

"No…over there!" emphasised Chalky and Shirt, in muttered urgency.

Dufus promptly turned the other way to stare straight at Mr. Longworth who, by this time, had cottoned on to the gang's conspiratorial whispers and gave Dufus and little wave, smile and a 'Yes - over here - I'm Toby Longworth' raise of eyebrows.

Slipping back in, the gang got said autographs and praised Mr. Longworth on his wonderful question-mastering at Invasion 2001.

Then it was on to What Shop for a bit of a 'let's see what they're doing now' reccé.

Apart from a new wooden floor and display shelves - and a ranting Cwej as he ordered a book he was going to tear to shreds (odd chap) - there was nothing special and the gang wended off to their respective homes.


