
…Gets Lost In The Maze of the Dead



Seventh Galaxy were having another signing event, featuring new series actors – namely two Series 5 Weeping Angels, Marie McGonigle, Caroline Royce – as well as First Doctor companion, William Russell, and “Underworld” guest stars, Jonathan Newth and Frank Jarvis. The event was to be at The Arc Theatre, a location in Barking that Shirt had never been to, and so armed with instructions from the website, he sallied forth in search of Angels.


Arriving at Barking Station, he made his way down the High Street, turned left towards the Broadway Theatre, then pulled out the instructions, poring over them intently before striding off purposefully in the direction that he believed was right. Halfway across the large expanse of grass, he met a small group of fans who were also having trouble with the directions. However, they had co-opted a local woman (who was just out doing her shopping) to help them find the venue. She began leading in a direction that Shirt believed to be wrong, but not wishing to argue with someone who was giving up their morning’s shopping to help, and having already admitted being on the way to the event, he found himself unable not to be subsumed into the group. A lack of blue-roofed buildings meant that they retraced their steps, until the café mentioned on the instructions was spotted (the large CAFÉ sign having made it difficult to find !!).


Wandering down the right road eventually, the group were passed by Hamble in his car, who stopped and offered them a lift, but as the venue was in sight, this was refused. Signs pointing to the signing had also now come into view, just too late to be of any use. Crossing the gravel-filled car park, and walking up a flight of metal stairs, he made his way into the complex, along with their local guide, who wanted to pick up details of future signings for her son. Finding the room where the signing was taking place, Shirt paid for three autographs and joined the short queue to the signing tables.


First up was William Russell, but Shirt managed to cleverly side-step him, his Black and White hatred coming to the fore again. Jonathan Newth was next, and Shirt got him on the video cover for the Jeremy Brett “The Bruce Partington Plans” in which he guest stars. Sidestepping Frank Jarvis as well, Shirt proferred his MDW Eleventh Doctor poster for Marie to sign, having been unable to find the Eleventh Doctor/Amy in the vortex poster prior to the signing. First signature on the poster achieved, and Shirt was soon passing it to Caroline who added her signature also. Shirt was very impressed at how both were able to identify themeselves in Weeping Angel photos.


Leaving the signing table, Shirt went to take his seat, pausing briefly to buy a postcard featuring a cartoon Sixth Doctor. About fifteen minutes later, the panel began, and all guests spoke enthusiastically about their time on the programme, with Frank and the Angels comparing make-up stories, Frank having been painted green in “The Power of Kroll”. Marie had also previously appeared with Karen Gillan in “The Kevin Bishop Show”, whilst Jonathan Newth had been in “Swimming With Sharks” with Matt Smith (and Arthur ‘Rory’ Darvill).


Panel completed and Shirt made his way home for a brief rest before going out again for a Sherlock Holmes Society of London event at a Public House near Bank Station. Wrongly believing that the appropriate road would be shown on the map outside the Station, he failed to check the address online before leaving. Having wandered around aimlessly for some time, having become lost for the second time that day, Shirt finally got the number of the Pub from Directory Enquiries, and was guided in by the man behind the bar. An evening of good food and a Sherlockian radio play “in-vision” was had, and miraculously Shirt managed to find his way home without getting lost again.


