USA:    Season    1    Cast

The cast of season one were the people who started it all. They were the originals, not knowing what to expect, or what to deal with...

Shelly- A Native American girl, with alot of tatoos. She loved heavy metal, and for a little bit of time, Los was interested in her romantically. Since, she didn't feel the same, he quickly stopped liking her. Had some fights with Carlos. Mark was fascinated with her last name (Spottedhorse). A really cool person.

Carlos (Los)- Last name is Jackson. He attended Howard University (so did Ayanna-RR 8) and studied photography (so did Pawel-RR 8. He started the most conflicts of the cast, and was very argumentative. This was especially true, as he argued alot with Alison and Shelly. He can be spotted on the Real World/Road Rules Challenge 2000. He was interesting to have on the show.

Kit- Her last name's Hoover. She's from Atlanta, Georgia originally. She knew someone in every state that they stopped in, and is the only Road Rules member in history to do that. She had a short stint with cast member, Mark. That started conflicts with her boyfriend-at-the-time, Andy. She has been seen many times on T.V. and can be seen on Fox Files. She is currently engaged to her beau, Crowley(ESPN Sportscenter). CONGRATULATIONS, KIT!!!! My fave cast member.

Mark (last name Long)- Shared a short romance with Kit during the show. He was the first member cast for Road Rules. Applied for Puck's spot on The Real World season 3, but was turned down, because he looked too much like Ken. A fun guy to watch on T.V. Was in a playboy movie since the ending of Road Rules U.S.A.

Alison- Her last name's Jones. She is a good student ans she's originally from New York. She had alot of fights with Carlos. She said she was happy the experience was over. She had a short romance with Louie Valdez (the mayor of Nogalis), when one of the missions took place there. They're not together now. She is currently attending Columbia Medical School in New York.

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