Chuckie Cheese!!!

Here are a few pics of our visit to Chuckie Cheese. What can we say it was all for Andi. Someone should never be deprived of not going to Chuckie Cheeses!!!LOL Smile Andi it's Chuckie!!!!

Here's a pic of Amy and Andi. Aren't they just soo cute..LOL

Bees Bees and more Bees!!!BBBBBBBBZZZZZ!!

Now i'm sure most of you know about the bees. How they have big stingers and all. Well me and Amy sent Angie a little present of bees since she decided to play Miss Innocent. And she loved them didn't you Angie. Well it's been a ongoing joke since and in June Bonnie finally got her bunch of bees only hand delivered. Well low and behold she had gotten me and Amy bees of our own though these type of bees we can actually show in public..LOL So Angie here's by bees..LOL This is my favorite and it hangs from my rear view mirrow in my car. That way I never go without my bees..LOL And I wish I could get wallpaper like this..

Here is a pic of my Aunt Joni and Andi.

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