The Crossroads of Twilight: A Review
An exercise in Equal Time

more action on the cover than in the whole book!

Well the reviews are in on WoT #10 and it must be a bitter pill for RJ and WoT fans everywhere to swallow. Well, the WoT fans at any rate; RJ and TOR books are no doubt laughing all the way to the bank. Crossroads of Twilight is a colossal dissappointment, and even many former die-hard WoT have begun to question their allegiance to the series. The Emperor has no clothes, and now it seems more and more people are getting a glimpse at his package. (don't worry, I just disgusted myself with that imagery, you're not alone)

But don't take my word for it.

In the interest of using this site as a forum for ALL opinions, I have solicited for reviews of CoT from rabid WoTers everywhere, and one man has answered the call. He will now present his review of this novel. Ladies and gentlemen, I turn this page over to Terry Touchberry. Terry, it's all yours...

The Crossroads of Twilight: JORDAN IS GOD!

All right, listen up. Don't listen to everyone slamming Jordan's (GOD's!)new book. They dont have the IQ to understand a work of this magnitude! I'll admit, I was a little put off at first, there was some hints that something may actually happen in this book....I can't handle action you know, it makes me wanna throw up, like I've been on a rollercoaster or somethin'. But man, that's when RJ laid down the BOOYAH and this thing went down to my speed, nice and slow like. I don't read my books, I LIVE my books, and let me tell ya, I was LIVING this Mofo!

I couldn't get enough when RJ (GOD) described those dresses, those doublets, all of that silk. Yeah, I have WoT dolls I dress up, what's it to ya? I don't PLAY with them, I re-enact scenes from the books, especially all of those Aes Sedai tea parties. Cut that tension with a knife...all those icy looks, all those folded arms beneath breasts... THAT's drama you WoT haters. Choke on it, because you can't handle where RJ is taking us!

It wasn't all good, this book did have it's terrifying moments. When Perrin cut that wheat bag open and the Weevils came out....I won't lie to ya, I pissed myself then I slept with the nightlight on for the next two weeks, but that's because Jordan is able to get inside your head, you know? The writing, the 500 pages leading up to that moment was all's's mind games, and not many people can handle that. RJ just grabbed me and shook the fear outta me,better then Stephen King could ever's part of the human experience and that's what being alive is all about! I haven't gone near the bread aisle since.

So in short, I give CoT 20 stars out of 10, 3 thumbs up (I got a thing for Egwene, what can I tell ya) and recommend this to any THINKING person who likes the power of people sittin' and descriptions of chambermaid's dresses. It ain't Dickens, it ain't Joyce, but MAN...It's close!

Thank you Terry.