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     The damnedest thing happened today. I recieved an intelligent, informative and interesting email regarding this page. As a public service to the rest of you, it is reprinted below.

     I stumbled into your somewhat bizarre web site today. I found it interesting because I grew up in Wichita and lived there until 1993. I moved to San Antonio and have lived in Houston for the past 5 years.
     I used to be heavily involved in disc golf (I'm probably not qualified to be a member of the WFFW); especially at the organizational level. I no longer play disc golf as I have found other frisbee related activities I spend my time with. But from time to time I check in to see what's happening with disc golf; especially in Wichita. That's how I stumbled into your web site.
     I thought you might be interested in some history. I brought disc golf to Wichita in 1988. Money was provided by a local restaurant franchisee to purchase the equipment. The course originally was installed in Riverside Park. But local home owners pitched a fit about an increased amount of park activity (which they considered to be a part of their private property), so the city agreed to move it. Herman Hill Park was an under used (and obviously misused) park. The city agreed to dedicate the entire park for use as a disc golf course. As a result, we removed baseball diamonds, swings, picnic tables; anything that would lend itself to a conflict in park activities. We ended up with a world class course (which I played a large part in the original design). The city got a park that was no longer being used largely for homosexual activity (we ran 'em off), and disc golfers got a world class course. I also designed Oak Park and have since assisted in course designs in McPherson and Hutchinson. Recently, I designed a course at Rice University here in Houston.
     I went onto establish the KDGA (not sure if it still exists) and the Oz Tour (a statewide competition). After I moved to Texas, I found no time to practice or compete. Instead, I acquired a puppy and now throw a frisbee strictly to him. He is now a champion and we are headed to Washington, DC this week to compete in the Canine Frisbee World Championships.
     Let me know if you want any more info on the history of disc golf in Kansas.

There you go.

Many thanks to Bohnkita Enterprises for whatever it was they helped us out with.

This page ©1998-1999 World Frolf Federation of Wichita
last updated 09/13/99 by Ric Pryor