Cool site award
Best of the Planet Awards
Site of the week award
Award received on 09/14/98.
Award received on 09/21/98.
Award received on 09/28/98.
Enlightment Award
Web design award
Ravi's Award
Award received on 10/02/98.
Award received on 10/03/98.
Award received on 11/25/98.

This site has been completely built up with Flash 3 so that you need the shockwave plugin to view this site. If you don't see any animation above, you need to download it. Note that more and more Site builders use this technology so don't hesitate to download it now because you'll more and more often need it (the downloading shouldn't take more than one or two minutes). Don't forget to add this page to your favorites or bookmarks (Ctrl-D) to come back here after the plugin has been installed.

Download Shockwave

If no new page opens at the end of this animation or if you want to skip it and go further, click here.

This site was created the 5th of september 1998.