



Penalty if broken

A member will not scam any player of The Realm Member scammed: EXCLUDED FROM THE GUILD
Other newbie scammed: 500,000 GP
High level scammed: 200,000 GP
Hacking is forbidden. EXCLUDED FROM THE GUILD
Joining of a player with a level higher than the founders is not allowed N/A (See "Rules with possible exclusion")

The penalty, is divided using the following formula:

Average worth of the item scammed compared in percentage of penalty. That means if a high level was scammed from 800,000 GP and the penalty as stated above is 200,000 GP the penalty is 25% of the scammed. It is multiplied by 10. That is now 250%. That's divided by 2. 125%. As it's more than 100% it's divided by 2 again. 62.5%. Rounded UP to the ten (70%). This is the larger part which is payable to the victim. The remaining 30% go to me. The larger part ALWAYS goes to the victim. Therefore in this example the victim recieves the scammed stuff and 70% of 200,000 GP which is 140,000 GP while I recieve the remaining 60,000 GP.

If a member is unable to pay the penalty, he can either give any magical item or an enchanted item or be found a suitable penalty decided by the nobles. Exclusion from the guild can be replaced by 1,000,000 GP, but only once. The second time a member is penalized with exclusion, there is NO alternative. Also if a member scams and doesn't return the item that he scammed he will be suspended from the guild until he returns the item. If he doesn't return the item within two weeks he will be excluded and will have no alternative of the payment.

It is preferable that members include "TNE" at the end of their title.

Rules with possible exclusion

Rule Exclusion
Joining of a character with a level higher than 50 is not allowed You're not a newbie if you're higher than that level. THIS GUILD IS FOR NEWBIES. Oh ya... hint hint. You still are a member if you joined while below level 50 and advanced to it already.
Joining of a character higher than my own level is not allowed Ahh, forget it. If you are higher than my level then you're not a newbie.

Some plain info about our guild

This guild is dedicated to helping newbies in everything they need help with. While guild halls are not implemented the meeting place will be in Wen at LordTimaLar's house. (Type lordtimalar). Our channel is 753. As it's not used much by anyone of us I rarely go on it. In the case that it is used much Obviously I'll visit it more often.


The Origin

You wanna join? Then come hither...


If you are Vincent1 (the original founder) E-Mail me at i.larkin@sheffield.ac.uk. If you ARE Vincent1, you are obviously of higher rank in the guild than myself (founder) and if you play The Realm 3.x you have instantaneous admission into the guild and you will have the right to override me at any time.