It has always been understood that a person cannot be 100% complete as a human being. There are always things that get in the way from being so. But, It's to my understanding that one should always keep in touch with yourself and always keep in mind what your faults are at the given moment.

People get sick, but what does that actually do to a person? Will this person just be sick for a while? Will a person that has a stressful day at work, just be stressed? Will a person that is in a argument with his or her's partner, just be in that argument?

NO, all of the above will ALWAYS affect every aspect of your life. This is why it is so important to have a open mind to your own mistakes, your own health, your situation at work, your family and your morals and the ethical standards that are set in the community you are a part of. On my fridge I have this formula to constantly remind me of this.

Each day as I go to get some breakfast and a cup of coffee or tea, I have a quick look at it and I think to myself, "What shall I work on today?" The formula is ideal for everyone who would like to make as much of their lives as possible. People who want to keep the harmony and positive thoughts intact. And, it will guide you to find what to work on.

By that I mean the fact that if you have a problem, if you are bothered by something, but you don't know what. This formula will help you find the source to your problem(s).

The Formula

You will see by the graphic that "The Whole YOU", is centered inside a circle consisting of the aspects of your life that's considered the most important that are most vital to you.

Health, family, morals and ethics, social life and work. To be as much "whole" as you can be, you should find the part of your life that's "hurt" in any way. Then you should take a close look at the formula and see that, that certain part of your life will automatically affect the rest of the circle. Call it "the chain reaction of life".

To learn how to use the formula in a positive way, the best way is to look at a example of how it works.


Say that you have been in a skiing accident where you break your leg. Of course this is bad enough as it is, but what will happen?

Well, that broken leg WILL put you out of WORK for a few days, The fact that you are out of work WILL put a damper on your morals, which again affects your FAMILY, and your social life will NOT be as it used to be because you will have to stay home till you are able to get back with your friends that you were socializing with.


You loose your job, due to cut downs at the firm. This don't even have to be your fault, but it will still affect the rest of your life. Am I wrong? No, I don't think so.

The fact that you lost your job, WILL make your harmonic family-life a lot less than it used to be, because you can't support them as good as you used to, for a while.

This will automatically affect your morals, which again WILL be a really hard test to your mental health. As for social life, well it will give you more time to socialize with friends, but it is most definitely, something you could afford in the long run.


A friend of yours dies in a tragic car accident. Will this affect you and your life? Of course it will, it's only natural, that you as a friend will morn the loss. The fact that you as a part of a family has lost a friend will affect the rest of the family and your social life.

Your mental health is not as it used to be, therefore you won't do your job as effective as usual. This will again affect your morals, and you will most likely either make hasty and bad decisions or be sloppy "on purpose" to make people believe that you have done it just as good as you used to do them.

These are three very quick examples on how one thing leads to another. Why don't you try to work out example #4 yourself.

Think about it, and try to prove my theory wrong. Believe me, I don't think you can.
Your wife or husband leaves you………what happens? Answer this honestly and see what you come up with.


I would like to thank a very special person...

Vidar Nilsen for the teriffic graphics he made for me, that I proudly display in my site!

I love them...They are perfect!

To views his site just click the banner below, he is a very talented writter! In the process of writting and developing a new Sci-Fi T.V. series. Called of luck Vidar!

If you like Sci-Fi movies, you will find his site to be most interesting!

To view my other site click below...


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