This is my Monkees tattoo. It was finished on May 28 1999. The artist is Don Folmer owner of "Wicked Tattoo's" Feel free to email me for more information..... I have always thought of getting a Monkees tattoo, and some people said I shouldn't get a tattoo of a band, but it is me.It is on my upper left arm, I am happy with it, and I think it is better than picking anything off the wall, to make someone else happy.

My little dog tattoo was done after my kids were born. It was drawn to look like a child drew it and has my children's names around it, on the inside of my right ankle.

This is my first tattoo it is on the outside of my right ankle.

This tattoo is a work in progress...check back for updates.The scene goes all the way around my left ankle. This tattoo was done in 1995.


The gargoyle The Dragon

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