"Im süßen Traum, bei stiller Nacht. Da kam zu mir, mit Zauberpracht!"


"We must resurrect a Faith in Purity and its Glorification"-Yukio Mishima


Lake Mine is a ghost town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, that holds mystical significance for Simar Rousseau. That is why he has adopted the moniker for his endeavour into emotive esoterica. Concepts explored are the Runes and Norse Paganism; Hinduism, Bahnhofs, Europe, old Americana, electricity, clairaudience, nostalgia, and Love found; Love lost! Mostly instrumental in nature (at this point); the songs are vintage mood pieces done as the mood dictates. A CD compiling archival material is to be released before the Spring. Further details shall be posted in due fashion.

Simar Rousseau: Electronics, keyboards, rhythms, tapes, composition.

Daniel Tram: Chauffeur, Odinesque demeanour, the Walker.

Lake Mine Foto Galerie  Simar's visual documentary

For additional information and visuals on Lake Mine and its environs ; visit these pages at Kevin E. Musser's excellent Copper Range Railroad and Copper Country Historical web site. A true delight!

Lake Mine and the Mass City Area

The Simar Wasas Rousseau Memorial