While the core of this song is about One Night Stands, it also touches on the fact that turnabout is fairplay, and on one level it is a response to men and women who can't face reality.

As a musician traveling from club to club, town to town, stage to stage, we are sometimes in the presence of women who want to sleep with us. While in these days of disease and death i don't advocate sleeping with any whore with a pulse, you just can't ignore the thrill of being wanted is an aphrodisiac. So on occasion we become willing participants of one night stands.

A major problem with one night stands though is that if it's good you want to go back for seconds. Unfortunately away from the glitter of the stage, the once willing participant may be more reluctant now. I guess the Tequila may have had something to do her judgment.

The reaction to this snubbing can one of 2 ways. Both are present in this song. There's the childish:" fine, I didn't like you any ways" response, or the adult version, "fine I was only there for the funk of it" and besides that you were easy".

And there's the self pity reaction of what's wrong with me, I realize I'm not this anorexic, model want to be, hanging out in malls, spending all my money on clothes kinda guy, but I deserve a chance.

The song is intended to make people bump and grind and hopefully look a little deeper into the eyes of the person they've been talking to at the bar all night. It is drawn from past personal experience as well as the experiences of those around me. The radio seems to like it, as it is being played on most local programs in the area.

For The Funk, (c) 1999 Stacy Bugg Thanks for hanging out-don't forget to go listen to the song, the link is below. Also, you can buy the CD from me by sending a Money Order or Check payable to Kozar Studios, PO Box 534, Nashua, NH 03061-0534


This one is pretty self explanatory. The way a woman walks speaks volumes about her personality. Confidence is a very sexy characteristic, and the swing of a hip can bring a room to a stop. Think Van Halen's Hot for teacher video when the teacher's walking down the isle and then dave starts singing. Or ZZ tops Legs video when it starts off with the shot of that lady walking. Sexy! Too bad when most guys are confronted with a women with that special wiggle, they are too dumbfounded to strike up an intelligent conversation with her. Ya a snake could never match the wiggle of some of those hip hop back up dancers in all the glitzy videos on mtv. Baby got back and rhythm. I'll leave the visuals to your own sick imagination. And the way a woman stops, turns her head, hair flowing, posing so you can get one last look as she looks back and catches you staring at her ass. This is your last shot, go for it the worst she can say is" Get the hell away from me you friggin loser or my psycho body builder boyfriend will rip your puny little legs off!!!!" Sugahfly, (c) 1999 Stacy Bugg
