A Little Bit About Sir Darksol

Not that I really think any of you want to know about me, but it helps my poor little ego to do this as if you did.
I'm mid-twenties. I've been role-playing since I was in fifth grade. The first game I ever played was MERPS (Middle-Earth-Role-Playing-System,) which was set in, you guessed it, Middle-Earth.
Our little (two to three people at the time) group quickly moved on to Rolemaster, which is one of the most complicated games in the world, surpassed only by GURPS from what I hear. Despite its complexity, it is a very fun game, and allowed for very realistic battles and puzzles.
Our group grew slowly, adding a couple of Junior-High friends. We started playing Marvel, Teenagers From Outer-Space, Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtles, James Bond (great game, one of my favorite systems, but a bitch to keep thinking of sneaky spy-like missions,) AD&D, Palladium, Champions (another great system, this one is a very customizable hero/superhero game,) Spacemaster, Cyberpunk, Star Wars, Shadowrun, and several home-brewed systems that played more like the Dragon Warrior Nintendo game than a pen and paper RPG.
I began playing Vampire in college, and from there I began playing in several of the White Wolf systems.
I am currently involved in two 3rd Edition AD&D games, one run by my wife and one by a friend, a Werewolf game, and am sort of part of a Mage game. I'm also currently running a new Shadowrun Game.
I'm of the (very stubborn) mindset that rules and rulings in RPGs should make sense. I also prefer speed and smooth flow in a game to strict adherance to the rules.