Alternative information links about the NATO war and Kosovo
Still under construction, I am planning to add a lot more!
- ÆNet
- Excellent combination of articles about Kosovo-NATO war plus
interesting links
- Common Dreams
- Massive newscenter about Kosovo
- Transnational Foundation of Peace and Future Research
- Åxcellent site with many interesting and original texts, including a thorough criticism of the Rambouillet "agreement".
- Food for thought
- Selected articles by the Diaspora organization
- Ío to NATO expansion
- Inventory of anti-NATO protests, by the International Action Center
- Site of the Committee against US Intervention
- Serbia Info News
- The Web site of the Ministry of Information of Serbia
- The Web site of the Serbian Democratic Movement of Kosovo
- Â92 News
- The independent radio from Belgrade
- Belgrade site
- Belgrade Academic Association
- www.mako-sport
- Another site from Yugoslavia, with breaking headlines.
- Åxcellent site with bilingual info, webcam from Belgrade, etc.
- Orthodox Diocese of Raska and Prizren
- The Web site of the Orthodox Diocese, including the famous Decani Monastery.
- Serbia Now!
- News site from Serbia.
Fake camps?
- Progressive
UK magazine LM reveals that famous "Serbian atrocities" photographs may have been a fake -and gets sued for libel. Read the
whole story!
Jay's Directory
- Massive inventory of leftist texts & links, with special emphasis on the NATO war. Many interesting texts and links.
Personal Web pages
Stories You Cannot Afford To Miss
- Selected articles by eminent Western intellectuals.
- Information about the crisis in Yugoslavia
- Excellent inventory of articles against the NATO war!
- Messages
- Solidarity messages from all over the world.
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