Internet Validity Questionnaire
On the Internet we find all kinds of cool information and entertainment. Unfortunately we have no guarantee that the information provided is actually real or true. So in order to help protect ourselves, we need to think try and evaluate a web site prior to taking the information as strictly facts. In order to help you, I have provided a few questions that you may want to ask or investigate before just putting the information found on a site in your next research paper.
Questions |
My Answers |
1. Did the author of this page put their name somewhere on the page? |
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2. Is there someway of contacting the author or group other than an email? |
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3. Does the author cite any factual information? |
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4. Does the author give you some other place to find "further" information on any that they have given you so that you can verify the facts? |
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5. Is the information provided opinion or fact? |
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6. Are there advertisements on the page that promote the author’s opinion or the company that is providing the information? |
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7. Are there advertisements on the page that are for different things or companies that do not relate to the subject or information? |
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8. Did the author include information as to when they wrote this page or last updated it? |
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9. If there are any charts, graphs, or data that was collected, does the author provide a date for the information gathered? |
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10. Does the page clearly state what topic of information they are trying to give you? |
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11. Does the page state that it has not yet been finished? |
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12. Does the page completely cover the topic or just give you a general overview? |
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13. If any opinionated information is given, does the author provide facts or information to back it up? |
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