Editor and contributors

Michael L. Love Ph.D

The Radical Mormon was founded in 1999 by Michael L. Love for and on behalf of the mutantRM's group, and it was the outer organ for this group for some time. The ideas expressed in this publication did not come out of nowhere, and they were hatched and sprouted in discussions within the mutantRM's group, and as well, the foundations were laid decades before. There are many many people to thank, and some of them are mentioned in the FAQ. As for the editor, Michael has been publishing on the web with great enthusiasm since 1998, and there is a huge collection of materials across many different arenas of endeavor that can be directly attributed to his efforts. Here are some links related to the Radical Mormon editor and/or the mutantRM's group. If you would like to see your link here, please contact us. If you are reading this, it is likely that you deserve a link, but please check first that your organization is not already found in the right sidebar of the Radical Mormon top page.

Contributors and related links

Many thanks to Beth for help with these links. She reports as follows.

    Here is a link to a paper I gave at Sunstone where I publically thanked Ken Shaw for an idea he presented on Mutant RM's that became a substantial part of the paper.

  • Ken Shaw on Facebook unfortunately now very quiet. Ken was there at the Mutant RM's founding.
  • Art de Hoyos on Facebook
  • Todd Jumper on Facebook
  • An obituary/tribute to Kent Steadman on his old Cyber-space Orbit website

  • proclus realm home page
  • "I am Noah! Repent! and look at my home page. It should be noted that mutantRM's began as a discussion of autobiographical material contained on the proclus realm site, the personal statement."
  • proclus site on gnu-darwin, with code and Celestrialism links
  • "The values of freedom and openness are crucial to understanding itself, so that civilization and public welfare now depend on them. MutantRM's and Radical Mormons may appreciate that Celestrialism ideas are a logical extension and conclusion what was started in those groups."
  • Michael L. Love's Amazon Profile
  • "In My Own Words: biochemist, musician, protein crystallographer, system administrator, X-ray lab manager, GNU-Darwin.org operator, life-long bicycle commuter"
  • Check out our Amazon Store
  • "Please check out our Amazon Affiliate Store. Proceeds assist our ongoing work on the internet, especially with respect to the GNU-Darwin, and Molecules sites, proclus realm, and Radical Mormon web sites."
  • Michael L. Love on Linkedin.com

    • X-ray lab manager at Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry School of Medicine Johns Hopkins University
    • Darwin Collection; editor at proclus realm
    • founder, lead developer at The GNU-Darwin Distribution

  • Michael L. Love biosketch on echeminfo site
  • "As founder of The GNU-Darwin Distribution, he is attempting to advance supercomputing on the Apple platform for the benefit of the user community at large."
  • Michael L. Love proclus blog on Vitacost
  • "Many people ask me about the supplements that I am taking. They can now see some of them on my Vitacost blog."
  • Michael L. Love Curriculum Vitae
  • "Exceptional ongoing support for crystallographic stations on synchrotron beamlines and X-ray facilities; Experimental, maintenance, facility and user support, MAR345, R-AXIS IV image plates, Saturn944+, Quantum 4 and 210 CCDs, practical data acquisition and processing mastery"
  • Michael L. Love: Molecules: molecules@gnu-darwin.org
  • "The premise is simple; to publish and promote prior art and public knowledge of molecules, which can have an impact on people's access to inexpensive medicine, beneficial supplements, and other important uses, outside of corporate channeled biased knowledge and their monopolistic price structure. From a professional point of view, I find the chemical and biochemical information to be very useful, but it is also an opportunity to speak out for something good."
  • Michael L. Love on Scientific Commons
  • " Troponin C-the calcium switch in muscle - interactions of TnC with TnI and their role in thin filament regulation by Michael L. Love. (2000)" link
  • Michael L. Love: Three Years of Free Software Activism: The Case of GNU-Darwin OS
  • "GNU-Darwin is an activist distribution. GNU-Darwin has been an ardent defender of digital liberties, and it is a platform for digital activism."
  • The GNU-Darwin Distribution 1.0: A Perspective from the Founder
  • "This Unix-like environment has provided the first major opportunity to reach Apple users with free software, so that they can learn the values which bring that software to them."
  • Michael Love: A Personal Statement
  • "footnote added, January 2010: It is remarkable how this old bio keeps its freshness, and it continues as a touchstone and rubrick for everything that came afterwards. I am including some links below, and an updated email address, to bring the reader up to date. The most notable omission from this piece is my mother's second husband, Clinton France..."
  • The GNU-Darwin Distribution
  • "GNU-Darwin aims to be the most free software distribution. Our mission is two-fold: Focus on projects that leverage our unique combination of Darwin and GNU, and help users to enjoy the benefits of software freedom. (founded November 2000)"

    Michael L. Love on Google Buzz
    Michael L. Love on Scientific Commons
    Check out our Amazon Store, or try the widget at right.

    Finally, let us all thank caviar. Without fish eggs, there would be far fewer people ;-}. Great things come in small packages.

    You can tweet this:

    The Radical Mormon: editor, contributors, and links proclus@gnu-darwin.org

    The Radical Mormon

    The Radical Mormon

    GNU-Darwin Action: On value and money, molecules activism
    GNU-Darwin Action: winter bicycler
    Michael L. Love: proclus blog
    Radical Amazon Store
    Auxin: a tribute to Terrence McKenna
    On the loss of US credibility: conscription, death penalty
    End the war, Impeach!
    Current actions: Impeach Cheney, Tell Abbott
    Celestrialism live
    Life extension happens, a war protest
    The stupid war against terrorism
    Bootstrapping your body
    The Rise of the Church
    Radical Quick Links
    The Invasion of the Saints!
    LDS World Gems bites the big one
    Conference Center is a watershed
    Worthy of the mantle
    Boston Temple Ordeal
    Take the Radical Mormon Poll!
    Read the FAQ.

    The blog


    Michael L. Love: writing and riding
    Michael L. Love: aspirin hiatus upshot
    Michael L. Love: On value and money, molecules activism
    Michael L. Love: aspirin hiatus
    Michael L. Love: citrus pudding recipe
    Michael L. Love: parsley recipe alert!
    Michael L. Love: parsley and bone loss
    Michael L. Love: Apigenin MOD
    Michael L. Love: Happy Valentines!
    Michael L. Love: some reading and links
    Michael L. Love: winter bicycling upshot




    The GNU-Darwin Distribution


    GNU-Darwin Action: On value and money, molecules activism
    GNU-Darwin Action: iPhone boycott continues
    GNU-Darwin Action: winter bicycler
    GNU-Darwin Action: parsley an antidiarrheal
    The molecule of the day is: Apigenin
    GNU-Darwin Action: another health care reform message
    GNU-Darwin Action: Molecules activism revisited
    Michael L. Love: proclus blog
    GNU-Darwin Action: beta sitosterol
    GNU-Darwin Amazon Store
    Michael L. Love Amazon Profile
    Molecules activism
    GNU-Darwin Action: Black Friday
    GNU-Darwin Action: Research Means Hope
    GNU-Darwin Action: Join EFF action against Chamber of Commerce DMCA filing
    GNU-Darwin: Action Amazon.com
    GNU-Darwin Action: Copyright Treaty Outrage
    GNU-Darwin Package set of Molecules Machine
    GNU-Darwin User Guide and Cookbook
    FSF: Why free software and Apple's iPhone don't mix
    GNU-Darwin source code repository
    GNU-Darwin Program Documentation Project
    GNU-Darwin: an attack on Iran
    GNU-Darwin Alert: Time to stop telecom immunity
    GNU-Darwin: blackout warning
    On the loss of US credibility: conscription, death penalty
    URGENT: Log a call against telecom immunity!
    GNU-Darwin: Shell access, AMD Phenom Quad CPU
    Apple Sued for iPhone Bricking
    GNU-Darwin to support Iraq moratorium
    GNU-Darwin OS on a Via CPU
    Apple's Darwin OS still unfree and unusable
    iPhone restricts users, GPLv3 frees them
    End the war, Impeach!
    Verizon Die!
    Current actions: Impeach Cheney, Tell Abbott
    Intel "open source fraud"?
    Yager's latest...
    Open-source Darwin? Not yet
    The kernel building fiasco
    GNU-Darwin: AMD Opteron support now
    Life extension happens, a war protest
    U.S. Government Intervenes in EFF vs. ATT
    Action item: war and energy
    Unintended Consequences: DMCA
    kill micro$oft
    Bootstrapping your body
    The stupidest war
    Say No to New PATRIOT Spying!
    GNU-Darwin rides the Tiger
    GNU-Darwin-x86 Office-1.1
    GNU-Darwin-ppc Office-1.1
    Firefox-1.0.1, ppc, i386
    GNU-Darwin: bootable DVD-R protocol
    PPCnerds: Gnu-Darwin 1.1rc2
    FBI destroys the presses: Indymedia in trouble
    New shell server
    Key scientific software
    Monster News

    Distribution forum


    GNU-Darwin Action: On value and money, molecules activism
    GNU-Darwin Action: iPhone boycott continues
    GNU-Darwin Action: winter bicycler
    GNU-Darwin Action: parsley an antidiarrheal
    The molecule of the day is: Apigenin
    GNU-Darwin Action: another health care reform message
    GNU-Darwin Action: Molecules activism revisited
    Michael L. Love: proclus blog
    Molecules activism
    GNU-Darwin Action: beta sitosterol
    GNU-Darwin Amazon Store
    Michael L. Love Amazon Profile
    GNU-Darwin Action: Black Friday
    GNU-Darwin Action: Research Means Hope
    GNU-Darwin Action: Join EFF action against Chamber of Commerce DMCA filing
    GNU-Darwin: Action Amazon.com
    GNU-Darwin Package set of Molecules Machine
    GNU-Darwin: Shell, Web Hosting, Email Access Accounts
    GNU-Darwin User Guide and Cookbook
    FSF: Why free software and Apple's iPhone don't mix
    GNU-Darwin source code repository
    GNU-Darwin Program Documentation Project
    GNU-Darwin: an attack on Iran
    GNU-Darwin: blackout warning
    On the loss of US credibility: conscription, death penalty
    GNU-Darwin: Shell access, AMD Phenom Quad CPU
    Apple Sued for iPhone Bricking
    GNU-Darwin to support Iraq moratorium
    GNU-Darwin OS on a Via CPU
    Apple's Darwin OS still unfree and unusable
    iPhone restricts users, GPLv3 frees them
    End the war, Impeach!
    Verizon Die!
    Current actions: Impeach Cheney, Tell Abbott
    Intel "open source fraud"?
    Yager's latest...
    Open-source Darwin? Not yet
    The kernel building fiasco
    GNU-Darwin: AMD Opteron support now
    Action item: war and energy
    U.S. Government Intervenes in EFF vs. ATT
    Nature's way: resveratrol supplement
    kill micro$oft
    Bootstrapping your body
    The stupidest war

    Ports forum


    GNU-Darwin Action: On value and money, molecules activism
    GNU-Darwin Action: iPhone boycott continues
    GNU-Darwin Action: winter bicycler
    GNU-Darwin Action: parsley an antidiarrheal
    The molecule of the day is: Apigenin
    GNU-Darwin Action: another health care reform message
    GNU-Darwin Action: Molecules activism revisited
    Michael L. Love: proclus blog
    Molecules activism
    GNU-Darwin Action: beta sitosterol
    GNU-Darwin Amazon Store
    Michael L. Love Amazon Profile
    GNU-Darwin Action: Black Friday
    GNU-Darwin Action: Research Means Hope
    GNU-Darwin Action: Join EFF action against Chamber of Commerce DMCA filing
    GNU-Darwin: Action Amazon.com
    GNU-Darwin Action: Copyright Treaty Outrage
    GNU-Darwin Package set of Molecules Machine
    GNU-Darwin: software up and coming, Inkscape
    GNU-Darwin User Guide and Cookbook
    FSF: Why free software and Apple's iPhone don't mix
    GNU-Darwin source code repository
    GNU-Darwin Program Documentation Project
    GNU-Darwin: blackout warning
    On the loss of US credibility: conscription, death penalty
    URGENT: Log a call against telecom immunity!
    GNU-Darwin: Shell access, AMD Phenom Quad CPU
    Apple Sued for iPhone Bricking
    GNU-Darwin to support Iraq moratorium
    GNU-Darwin OS on a Via CPU
    Apple's Darwin OS still unfree and unusable
    iPhone restricts users, GPLv3 frees them
    End the war, Impeach!
    Verizon Die!
    Current actions: Impeach Cheney, Tell Abbott
    Intel "open source fraud"?
    Yager's latest...
    Open-source Darwin? Not yet
    The kernel building fiasco
    GNU-Darwin: AMD Opteron support now
    Action item: war and energy
    U.S. Government Intervenes in EFF vs. ATT
    Nature's way: resveratrol supplement
    kill micro$oft
    Bootstrapping your body
    The stupidest war

    Radical Mormon on Greenspun
    Parsley Apigenin
    Michael L. Love on eYari
    arin ppml
    OpenID for Radical Mormon?
    OpenID for Radical Mormon?
    more links
    Michael L. Love/proclus/GNU-Darwin link block

    Related social networking sites that might be lesser known