IANC Constitution

India Association of Northern Colorado

IANC's Annual Picnic & Election Photographs

IANC's annual picnic was held at Roland Moore Park, August '99. It was atteneded by by 124 persons, not including little kids. Pizza, tea, soft drinks and watermelons were served.

The nomination committee (R.K. Sampath, Ratna Murthy and Vik Agrawal) had received several suggestions and nominations for the four IANC Board positions. The election was conducted by Dr. R.K. Sampath. After discussion with nominated persons, these were elected unanimously.
Presidet: Yashwant Malaiya
Vice-President: Mandar Sunthankar
Secretary: Kaushik Ramasubramanium
Treasurer: Ravi Narayanan
The rest of the Board members will be nominated by the Officers according to the constitution.

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