Spell Crafting Wicca, or Witchcraft, is a positive religion which reverses nature and worships diety. Magick is a practice of most Wiccans and involves harnessing and utilizing the power which surrounds and is in each and every one of us. Please keep in mind the Wiccan Rede when performing any magickal act "And it harm none, do what thou wilt". Magick should be used only for positive goals, never to harm or to control another person. Also remember the rule of three: that whatever you do shall return to you threefold. Keep your magick positive, and you surround yourself with positive energy. Use your magick to cause harm to another and you wind up bringing harm to yourself as well. Magick IS real. It DOES work. Use it carefully and respectfully and you will bring about the positive benefits you want in your life! Wicca or Witta as it was several thousands of years ago in Ireland, was a very simple, "homespun" religion, a faith of those who lived close to the earth and felt the gentle pulse of her ebb and flow. In general, most Wiccans of that time were solitary Witches, who chose to do their worship and spell work on their own. Others worked within their close-knit family groups. The items they chose to utilize in their magick were items that were readily available, the gathering of many complex tools or herbs to perform a particular spell was not done. Modern Wicca has since become more involved and complex, just as modern life itself is. Many Witches nowadays choose spells and rituals which are elaborate and quite complex; however, I prefer to use some of the more simple and basic spells and rituals, and find them to work just as successfully as the more involved spells. Whether you choose to simplify your spells and rituals or to use a more elaborate approach is up to you, it is a matter of personal choice, and one way is certainly not more correct than the other. There are many things to consider before working your spell, such as the moon phase, planetary and astrological influences, days of the week, hours of the day, and color correspondences. For example, if the spell you are going to work is to draw something to you (such as money or love), you would perform it during the waxing moon (the period of time when the moon's energy is building, between the new moon and full moon). If you desire to remove something (such as a bad habit or a health problem) you would perform it during the waning moon (the period of time between the full moon and the next new moon). There are also certain days of the week which are more appropriate for certain spells, for example, Friday (planetary ruler, Venus) is used for love magick, Saturday (Saturn) for banishing, etc... These things are important in determining when to work your magick, however in an emergency (such as healing a sick child, etc.) you can perform magick at any time, whether or not it is the correct day of the week, moon phase, etc. There are four things, however, that are absolutely necessary and essential to working successful magick: a genuine need; a deep, emotional desire; the knowledge to work the spell; and the ability to visualize your magickal goal and result. If these four conditions are present, you have everything you need to successfully perform magick. If any of these are lacking, you probably will not be able to accomplish your magickal goals. To work any act of magick, you must also charge or empower the objects that you will use in your spell or ritual. Your magickal tools should already be charged, but you will need to attune with and empower any herbs, stones, or other objects that you intend to use in your magick. This is done by holding the object in your power hand (the hand you write with) and feeling your energy and your need flow into the object. Often times it is tempting to cut to the chase and begin working the actual spell without taking the time necessary to properly empower your magickal objects. This is a big mistake! It is this investment of your personal energy which makes the spell work...while it is true that magick takes place in the mind where your thoughts act upon the astral plane to form things which will manifest, most Witches use herbs, stones, etc. which are known to share an affinity for the desired goal. The magick is not in the objects themselves, they merely act as a catalyst which helps you focus, direct, and receive energy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BASIC HEALING SPELL FOR YOUR PET Mix some healing oil, using: 6 drops Lavender oil 6 drops Camphor oil 6 drops Rosemary oil 1/2 ounce base oil (apricot kernel, jojoba, grapeseed, even olive oil) Annoint a black candle, a red candle and a brown candle with this healing oil. The black is for absorption of the negativity (the illness), the red is for strength and health, and the brown is an "astral" or "significator" candle for the animal. Place the brown candle between the black and red candles, and make a ring of stones around the set-up, using stones or crystals that you associate with healing (amethyst, quartz, agate...you choose whichever type or combination of types). Place some of the oil in your hands, and begin to rub them together, generating heat and energy. When you feel that you've built a small "bundle" of healing energy, place your hands on your pet, stroking it and giving it the healing energy you've built, making sure to concentrate on any areas where you feel or sense the illness. Focus on the candles, continuing to maintain contact with your pet, and visualize the strength from the red candle pouring into the brown candle, and pushing all the sickness into the black candle. Attune with the Goddess, and when you've got a good grip on the visualizations above (and the animal!), say: "Goddess, with your healing touch Bless this animal we love so much. God, with beasts as your domain, Remove the sickness, heal the pain. So mote it be!" Continue the stroking and energy flow until you feel that the spell is done, then allow the animal plenty of time to rest and heal. Obviously, if you wish to perform this spell in a cast circle, that's your choice. If you wish to continue the spell for a number of days (I'd suggest at least 3 days), and your pet has a special place where it rests or "lives" (such as a cage, etc.), ring this area, if possible, with the stones, place a red candle on one side of the area and a black candle on the other (anointed with the healing oil); focus on the red candle and project its energy into area with your pet, visualizing the illness being pushed out the other side, since there's no room for it, and into the black candle. Rub the oil onto your hands and stroke it into/onto the animal's body as often as you feel necessary. ANOTHER HEALING SPELL Call on the God/ddess images who themselves has animal companions for there aid. "Guardian of the animal spirits we bring before you________________ to entrust to your care. Allow the natural recuperating powers of their body to be rejuvenated. Bring light of warmth and comfort to them, along with waves of healing" PREPARATION: Work with brown candles. Take the following herbs and empower each with its meaning and becoming closer to your pet/familiar in mind. Catnip-Helps create a bond between you Vervain-For Peace and Protection Gardenia-For Spirituality Saffron-For Strength Love Seed-For Friendship Passion Flower-For Friendship WORKING: Take 1/2 of the empowered herbs and wrap in a small square of brown cloth and tie it off with a brown cord or string. Take the other half and make a smaller sachet for your pet. Wear yours four days meditating with your pet at least once a day. You can tie the pets sachet on while meditating. After those four days take all the herbs and burn as an incense while sharing a meal with your pet. Full Moon Spell The Moon's energy is most intense when She reaches abundant fullness. Any magical effort, especially difficult ones, can benefit greatly from the potency of this phase. Use the full Moon to amplify magical intent and to give spellworkings additional power. To seal spells performed during the full Moon, use this chant or one of your own choosing. Abundant Mother, Moon so bright Hear my plea upon this night. Your fertile power lend this spell" Make it potent, strong, and well Meditation From the book "To Ride A Silver Broomstick" by Silver RavenWolf There are many ways to meditate these days, and all kinds of procedures to follow, and not every procedure can be applied to every individual. I suggest that you try as many forms as possible until you settle into one or two. Everyone can meditate, but not everyone can follow all forms of meditation. I found the easiest way is through color association with the chakra centers -- the seven energy vortexes in the body. These vortexes are located at specific points all in a row, which makes them easy to remember. I also incorporate music, as there is nothing more boring or frustrating then to sit perfectly still in a dead quiet room. It just doesn't work. Music is the Universal Language. Its content can be broken into mathematical formulas, and it has the ability to alter your spiritual vibrations. I always thought how amazing it was that a mathematical formula could produce unlimited "feelings" in humans, animals and plants. The music you choose can be calming, exciting, loving, etc. It is best to find a piece you enjoy -- one that is light and easy. There is a wonderful selection of music available these days in the New Age section at the record and tape stores. I do not suggest using a tape with subliminals the first time around. Give yourself a week "cold turkey" before determining if the subliminals are necessary. If you do not care for the newer music on the market, try the classics. I do not suggest using a radio unless the music is uninterrupted for the period of time you plan to meditate. Commercials and disc jockey blather tend to make you lose you concentration. Pick a time of day that you will not be disturbed, and one that fits into your schedule. At first, block out only ten minutes time, then extend it as your proficiency and patience grows. When you can successfully meditate anywhere, you will know you've got the hang of it. In the beginning, the lighting in the room should be dim -- soft candlelight is excellent. Try not to wear restrictive clothing, and find a comfortable chair, but not one so soothing that you will instantly fall asleep. You do not have to twist yourself into a pretzel to successfully meditate. I personally think that this is one reason why Eastern forms of meditation died quickly in the seventies; we Americans are used to the couch potato position. Be sure that the volume of the music is not too loud. I prefer headphones because they block out all other sounds. Begin by closing your eyes and consciously relaxing your body. Some people prefer to relax the body one part at a time, starting at the feet and working up to the top of the head. Others can consciously release tension in a few seconds. Breathe deeply -- in to the count of four, out to the count of four -- approximately ten times. Let your mind slip into a semi-conscious state. Try to ignore tingles, itches, etc., but don't make a major battle out of it. Eventually your body will not protest relaxing! Now it is time to make believe. Don't laugh! Wishes and make believe are the same as reality, it is only you who draws the line between the two. So, make believe that you are a fountain of sparkling blue light, or a waterfall, perhaps. This light springs from the top of your head and showers down your right side, swirls around your feet and comes back up the left side. Watch this continuous flow of light from your third eye (which is located in the middle of your forehead, above the bridge of your nose). When this is fully opened, it is a powerful and natural tool. Don't get excited if you can't "see" right away as if you are watching an inner movie. It can take up to thirty days to bring the picture in focus for some; as little as five days for others. Do not put yourself under pressure. Many people have their imagination on a very tight lease for fear that society in general will frown upon them. In the privacy of your meditation, no one will know or care about your imagination, so let it go. Continue the fountain exercise for one full week before going further. This will give your body and mind time to adjust to a new routine and react the way you want it to. End each exercise by envisioning yourself being zipped up like a sleeping bag and counting backwards from ten to one. At one, open your eyes and instruct yourself to fully awaken. During the second week you should follow the same procedures, but this time you will continue your meditation after you complete the fountain by opening up the chakra centers. You can envision them as tumbling balls of colored light, the opening of colored flowers (like a rose or a lotus), or as spirals of colored light. Start at the crown of your head and envision a pure white ball (flower, etc.) of sparkling light. Start the ball spinning in a downward rotation, yet the ball remains in place. When you have this center set in your mind continue to the next chakra. This one is purple and located at the third eye area we talked about earlier. When that one is spinning and stable, move to the throat chakra, where you will find a beautiful azure blue ball. Next is the heart chakra, which can be envisioned as either bright green or warm pink. Move down to your navel and see yellow, as bright as summer sunshine; the area below it, between the navel and groin, see the orange of the setting sun. The last chakra is in the groin area, and it is crimson red. There are also energy centers in the hands and feet; I let them explode all together into small, white balls of light. The third week you will try the hardest trick. Once you have all the balls spinning, let their colors flow into one another, like a giant, colorful waterfall or fountain -- hence, fountain meditation. When you are finished, imagine a zipper the length of your body. You must close up that zipper to shut down the chakras; never leave them open. As before, count from ten to one, then tell yourself you are fully awake. Breathe deeply. You have successfully completed the first leg of a full meditation. Let's stop here and consider if none of this has been working for you. First, you must believe that it is going to work from the beginning. If you are having any doubts, they are probably affecting your subconscious. Try writing some affirmations or taping to yourself to solve this dilemma. You may also try working the chakras from the groin area up. Meditation may not work if you are overly tired or not in the appropriate atmosphere. There are certain times in the day where people are more in sync than others. If mornings are good for you usually, try meditating in the early hours instead of night time. A complete meditation is designed to accomplish something. A partial meditation, like the fountain, is structured to balance the chakras and relieve stress. When you are finished with the partial meditation, you should feel rested and relaxed, yet energized. If you fall asleep during the exercise, do not worry too much about it. Your body is telling you that you need the rest. If this happens often, check your seating, lighting, and the time of day. Perhaps one or more could be changed to keep you from dozing off. As you become more capable of controlling your meditation exercises, you can investigate complete meditations that incorporate creative visualization techniques, subliminals or visualization training. If you are still having difficulty with meditation at this point, you should try a subliminal tape designed for that purpose. Witch, Heal Thyself From the book "To Ride A Silver Broomstick" by Silver RavenWolf While you are working with the chakra centers you may discover that some seem to shine brighter than others on different days, or that some may have dark spots in them from time to time. If this happens, it means that you are aware that there is an imbalance in one of the chakras. Don't get excited; they just need to be fine-tuned a little. While doing the meditation exercise, work extra hard on the weak vortex. This can be accomplished by raising the vibrational level, or adding white light from the Universe to bring it into balance. Another method is to make a black spot vacuum ball. Visualize a swirling ball at your feet. This ball is designed to suck up negative energy like a giant vacuum. Allow any dark spots on the chakra vortex to be swept down to this ball, where they are absorbed. When the spots are gone, sink the vacuum ball into the ground. At the onset of physical illness, you should also use the vacuum ball. Open the chakra center that is closest to the illness, such as the throat chakra for a sore throat, and clean it out with the vacuum ball. Once the illness has physically manifested in your body, it may take several sessions throughout the day with the vacuum ball to bring the chakra into balance. Drawing Down The Moon From the book "To Ride A Silver Broomstick" by Silver RavenWolf The practice of drawing down the Full Moon's energy and essence into oneself and using that power is called "Drawing Down the Moon." When accomplished, you will feel a heightened trance state combined with a power surge that radiates through your body. One should Draw Down the Moon during a ritual in the protection of the Magick Circle. However, if you are taking a midnight stroll and feel the need to perform it, you may do so. There are Witches who use their wands or athame when Drawing Down the Moon. To do this, first open the chakras. Then form the Goddess Position with your arms, with the wand in your right hand. Slowly raise your arms directly above you and clasp both hands on the wand or athame. Point it to the Moon. Say: "I now draw the power of the Moon Priestess into myself, merging with Her power, the pure essence of the Goddess." Raise your vibratory rate and allow the power of the Moon to enter the wand. You will feel it. Now, bring the wand down slowly with both hands and point the tip directly at your heart. Envision the surging of blue-silver light entering your body, coursing through and around your entire physical and astral being. When the energy begins to ebb, bring your arms down at your sides. You have just raised your own cone of power. You are now empowered by the Goddess of the Moon. Use this enhanced ability wisely. If your next step is to do a "working", leave the wand/athame in your right hand (to send). If you will not be doing any type of spell casting, leave the wand/athame in your left (receiving) hand and go into a meditative state to absorb the energy. When you have finished either function, ground your power by either stepping out of it, or placing your hands physically upon the ground. Note: When you are Drawing Down the Moon you cannot be concentrating on anything else. Balancing And Grounding Ritual From the "Grimoire List" Author: Anya I changed a word or two to fit my needs, but this is pretty faithful to the original. Make sure to say everything that is in quotations out loud. Face East and center yourself. "I am grounded in the center of my being." Visualize energy of below. "I am supported by the powers of below." Visualize the God/Goddess of above. "I am guided by the powers of above." Visualize the unity of self with center above and below. "I am balanced in the axis of my being." Extend your hand to the East. Visualize and make contact with the powers of the elemental forces. Visualize clarity. "I am inspired by the powers of Air." Visualize purifying/transforming. "I am enlightened by the powers of Fire." Visualize healing/cleansing. "I am renewed by the powers of Water." Visualize nurturing/stability. "I am nurtured by the powers of Earth." Establish the balance of axis and elements. Feel this to be true. "The forces are in balance within me and about me." Feel the Sphere of the Circle. "The Sphere is placed." Feel the Cube of the Temple within the Sphere. "The Temple is established." Feel the Temple within yourself. "I am the Temple." Rite Of Union From the book "Ways of the Strega" by Raven Grimassi This is a truly beautiful ritual. Really isn't Wicca, but I thought that it would fit best in this category. The rite is performed to the Sunrise in adoration to the God and to the Full Moon in adoration to the Goddess. It may also be done at any other time, or setting, when you feel "Union" would be appropriate. Standing or kneeling before the Light make the Triangle of Manifestation (index fingers and thumbs together to form a triangle resting on your head, pointing up) and say: "Hail and adoration unto Thee, O' Source of All Enlightenment. I pray Thee impart to me Thy Illumination." Make the Triangle at the center of your forehead. This region is called the Third Eye. Say: "And enlighten my mind that I may perceive more clearly, all things in which I endeavor." Make the Triangle at your solar plexus (still point up, palms out) and say: "I reveal my Inner Self to Thee and ask that all be cleansed and purified within." Raise your arms at your sides, palms up. Wait a moment for the blessings. End the Rite by saying: "In Thy Name and by Thy Grace, let it be done." Cold Remedy Infusion From Ambrosia Knight's personal Book of Shadows An infusion is a tea. They can be made for drinking, put into baths, used for washing crystal balls, etc. The following infusion is used for drinking, but it can also be added to a bath. For the following infusion, I use a good amount of herbs. You can omit any of the following herbs from this infusion that you wish. For example, if you don't have these symptoms or are allergic to some of these herbs. Also, using the following method you will have enough herbs for 4 cups of tea. You can do one of two things. You can make yourself a cup at a time and save the rest of the herbs in a bag or jar. Or, you can use my method. When I get a cold, the last thing I feel like doing is getting out of bed. It would be nice to have a butler and ring a little bell and be served. But let's face it, this is the 'real' world and we have to do things for ourselves. Even when we are sick. So, I came up with an idea. Make 4 cups of tea, put it in a Thermos and place it somewhere close to your bed. Simple, easy, efficient. Ingredients: 1 tsp. angelica (colds and fevers) 1 tsp. vervain (coughs) 1 tsp. coltsfoot (headaches) 1 tsp. eyebrite (congestion) 1 tsp. passion flower (insomnia) 1 tsp. rose hips (high source of vitamin C) 1 tsp. echinacea (rids the body of bacterial and viral infections) Preparation: Enchant the herbs then crush them in mortar. Boil 5 cups of water. Pour water into a large bowl, add herbs and stir well. Steep for an hour, but stir the herbs every 15 minutes. At the end of the hour, strain infusion into a large microwavable container. Microwave infusion until it comes to a boil. Pour into a Thermos that holds 4 cups. Note: You will have to use 5 cups of water to come out with 4 cups as the herbs will absorb 1 cup of water. Also, this tea is a little bitter and medicinal so add a lot of sugar or honey to it. Attention: In no way am I suggesting that you shouldn't go to a doctor when you are sick. I personally do not believe in doctors so I don't go to them. But I can not speak for everyone. If you are really sick, please, see a doctor and see what he or she has to say about herbal remedies. Cold Remedy Spell Take one cup of the Cold Remedy Infusion and pour into running bath water. Light a healing candle and place it at the far end of your bathtub. Or whichever one is furthest away from the shower curtain. Put on some inspirational music, turn off the lights and get into the bathtub. While you are soaking, imagine your illness leaving your body and being absorbed by the bath water. Relax and breathe deeply. Do this for about 20 minutes. Then take a quick shower imagining that if there is any illness left over, it will be washed away. When you are done with your shower, say: "My illness is gone. I am healthy." Know this in your heart to be true. Spell To Break A Bad Habit The following spell was sent to me via e-mail. With water colors or chalk, draw or write the bad habit on a piece of paper. Immediately take it out into the rain. Let the rain dissolve and disperse the water colors or chalk. So shall your habit Protection Spells The following spells were sent to me via e-mail. The first spell involves focusing and compressing the swirling energy of your stomach chakra and then letting it suddenly expand around you in a hard, inflexible shell. (This is mainly for road trips and such. Envision it expanding to encompass the entire car.) When that is done, visualize commanding the energy to return to you when you arrive at your destination and not to bother your consciousness until then. I find that your energy CAN be programmed... The second spell involves using your stomach chakra once again by focusing its swirling energy into a tight ball of power and releasing it to surge outward into all parts of your body, to purge it of any and all psychic influence/vampirism. I have noticed that the effects of this one last quite a while! Remember to separate yourself from the utilized energy so as to avoid the "drained" feeling in your stomach that will otherwise ensue. (it makes you feel like you're really hungry). As you do either of these spells, an indicator that you are concentrating and performing your visualization adequately will be that you should feel your stomach tense involuntarily and get warmer. It will literally feel saturated with energy. Do not picture the vortex being inside your body. Picture it being about two inches out from your belly button and parallel to your stomach. A Spell To Lose Unwanted Physical Weight From the book "A Salem Witch's Herbal Magic" by Laurie Cabot Take: one tbsp. juniper berries one tbsp. damiana one tbsp. dandelion leaves one tbsp. red clover tops one tbsp. scullcap herb one tbsp. wintergreen herb To these ingredients add: twenty drops of peppermint oil twenty drops of strawberry oil Bind it all together with: one tsp. gum mastic one tbsp. myrrh Mix all the ingredients together and catalyze the intentions of your spell. Say out loud or to yourself, "This spell will help me achieve the weight I desire, maintain my good health, and bring to me always a good mental attitude. I ask that this be correct and for the good of many people. So mote it be." Carry the philter in a green, pink, or copper-colored magick bag to draw in the energy of Venus and self-love. Wish Sachet From Ambrosia Knight's personal Book of Shadows Sachets are very easy to make. All you need is two pieces of cloth, a needle and some thread. You can add many different things to them. Such as: herbs, gems, crystals, whatever holds magickal meaning for you. The things that I place in my sachets work for me, but feel free to add or do whatever works for you and use this spell for a guideline. Cast the Circle in the usual manner. On parchment, write down all the material things that you need using Dragons Blood ink or a consecrated pen. Make sure to think for a few minutes before putting pen to paper and omit the things that really aren't that important. When you feel that you are ready, write the spell and ask in the name of a Higher Source for the items that you need. If you are asking for money, make sure to write down how you want to receive it. For example, if you play the lottery, ask for a winning. NEVER ask for money to be willed to you through someone's death. Next, read the list over out loud. By vocalization, you are infusing the spell with magickal energy. Burn the list and put it aside. Make the sachet. Take two pieces of cloth and sew them together leaving one end open. As you are sewing, visualize your intention for making the sachet. Crumble the ashes of the wish list and pour them into the sachet. Add some echinacea to ensure and strengthen the spell. Place a wishbone (obvious reasons) in the sachet then sew it up. As you are sewing, say: Wishes, Wishes, Come to me. This is my will, So mote it be. When the sachet is finished, thank the Higher Source, undo the Circle and put the sachet in a place that holds magickal meaning for you. Home Protection Spell Bottle From the book "Spell Crafts" by Scott Cunningham & David Harrington Ideally, such a bottle should be walled up in a new home under construction, or placed under the floorboards. If this is impossible, simply place it in a position of importance somewhere in the home. Items Needed: 1 bottle with cork stopper 1/2 to 1 cup salt 3 cloves garlic 9 bay leaves 7 tbsp. dried basil 4 tbsp. dill seeds 1 tbsp. sage 1 tbsp. anise 1 tbsp. black pepper 1 tbsp. fennel 1 bowl In the morning, ideally on a bright and sunny day, assemble all items. Place the salt into the bowl and say: "Salt that protects, protect my home and all within it." Add the rest of the ingredients, one by one, saying the above phrase. Just change the first word to whatever herb you are putting in next. Mix together the herbs and the salt with your hands and fingers, lend energy to the potent protective items. Visualize your home as a shining, safe, guarded, secure place of sanctuary. Pour the mixture into the jar. Seal tightly and place in your home with the following words: "Salt and herbs, nine times nine Guard now this home of mine." Money Candle From the book "Spell Crafts" by Scott Cunningham & David Harrington Items Needed: 2 to 4 pounds of paraffin Thin candlewicking Green candle dye (or a green crayon) 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg A small bowl Patchouly essential oil A large pot A clean coffee can Baking soda (for fire safety) 1 wooden spoon Wax paper 1. To speed the melting process, grate or chop the paraffin into small pieces before melting. Fill the large pot about 1/3 full of water. Place on high heat until boiling. Place the paraffin in the coffee can, and set the can into the pot. Turn the heat down to medium. Watch the paraffin as it's melting. Paraffin easily bursts into flames over high heat (this is exactly why it's used to make candles). If flames appear, place a lid over the can or drench the area with baking soda to snuff out the fire. If you keep the heat low you should have no problems. 2. While the paraffin is melting, place the two spices into the bowl. Mix them together, empowering them as you visualize money manifesting in your life. Infuse the herbs with your goal. 3. Check the paraffin. For best results, you should have at least 6 inches of melted paraffin. If there's less, add more paraffin. (If the paraffin has melted, but has begun to harden, the heat is too low. Turn it up a bit.) Add a few chunks of green candle dye to the paraffin and mix with the wooden spoon. Alternately, remove the paper wrappings from a green crayon, break it into pieces, and add this to the paraffin. The dye will melt. Stir until the paraffin is evenly colored. The finished, dried candles will be a shade or two lighter than the color of the melted paraffin. More dye may be necessary to create the desired dark green shade. 4. Once the paraffin has been tinted, sprinkle the spices onto the paraffin with your projective hand. Dust off your fingers over the pot and stir the herbs into the paraffin with the wooden spoon. Stir clockwise and visualize. Add eight to sixteen drops patchouly essential oil to the paraffin and again stir with the wooden spoon. Smell the paraffin. It should be heavily scented. If not, add more patchouly oil. 5. Begin dipping. Hold a length of cotton wicking between your thumb and forefinger. Dunk it into the paraffin. It will probably just float on the surface the first few times you do this, for the wick lacks enough weight to plunge it to the bottom of the can. After dipping, remove it and hold it in the air for a moment or two until the paraffin has set, then dip again. Dip again, lifting the wicking completely from the melted paraffin, allow the paraffin to set, and re-dip. Repeat as needed. The longer you wait between dippings, allowing the paraffin to harden, the faster the candle will build up. If you simply dunk and dunk and dunk, the hot paraffin will melt each proceeding coat and you'll end up with a soggy piece of wick. With proper dipping, the candle will soon form. Its bottom will grow into an inverted cone-shape from the paraffin that drips down the taper's sides as it cools. This is natural; don't worry about it. 6. When the candle has achieved the proper width, hang it dry in a spot where it won't be touched for several minutes. Test the candle after 20 or so minutes. The paraffin should have set but the taper should still be warm. Check it periodically to be sure that it hasn't completely hardened before the next step. 7. Turn off the heat under the paraffin. Place the wax paper on a counter or table. Lay the candle on the paper and gently, with an easy rocking motion roll the candle back and fourth on the wax paper. This straightens the taper and reduces irregularities on its surface. 8. When the candle is fairly straight, cut off the inverted cone at the bottom of the candle with a sharp knife. Dip the taper two more times into the melted paraffin and hang to dry until hard. You've just made a money candle. (To save time and produce more tapers, make two, three, or four at a time. Hang each to dry as you dip the next.) 9. To use your Money Spell Candle, choose a time when you'll be alone. Smell the rich, prosperous scent and visualize money manifesting in your life. Hold the candle tightly between your palms. Send energy into it, saying something like the following words: I charge you by Jupiter, I charge you by the Earth, I charge you by the Sun, Moon, and Stars: Bring money to me, Prosperity. Money to me, Prosperity. Money to me, Prosperity. Set the candle in a holder. Light it. Sit or stand before it, watching the flame transform the wax into a liquid. Visualize the candle releasing the energies that you've placed within it. Sense it sending out the power to bring your need for money into manifestation. Let the candle burn down to its end (if in a safe location). Or allow it to burn for 4, 8, or 16 minutes daily until your need manifests. Note: Never blow out the candle. Always use a candle snuffer. Other Types Of Candles From the book "Spell Crafts" by Scott Cunningham & David Harrington The same ritual and processes as the Money Candle can be used to create candles for any magickal purpose. Recommended colors, herbs or spices, and oils suited to many of these goals follow, but feel free to experiment. Grind all herbs before using, and use only genuine essential oils. Health: blue candle dye, allspice, sage, sandalwood oil Love: a bit of red candle dye (this will dye the wax pink), rose petals, basil, lavender oil Protection: no dye; leave the wax white, rosemary, sage, frankincense (or cedar) oil Psychic Awareness: blue candle dye lemongrass, yarrow, lemon oil Purification: no dye; leave the wax white, anise, lemon peel, lavender oil Spirituality: purple candle dye (if unavailable, leave the wax white), myrrh, cinnamon, true jasmine oil (which is quite expensive), or sandalwood oil Flying Ointment Ingredients: 1/2 cup shortening 3 tbsp. mugwort (powdered) 3 drops dragons blood oil Preparation: Melt the shortening over low heat. This will be your base. Add the mugwort and the dragons blood oil to the base. Visualize your intention while stirring. Steep for 9 minutes or until the herb is 'fried'. Strain into a glass jar. Allow the ointment to cool before use. Note: The dragons blood oil will not only strengthen the spell, it will also make the ointment smell good. You can put this ointment over your body, but I would recommend that you just anoint the chakras. Beaded Psychic Mandala From the book "Spell Crafts" by Scott Cunningham & David Harrington This Mandala is designed to create Psychic Awareness. Items Needed: 16 inch embroidery hoop Purple felt #0 beading needle Purple or blue thread Blue #10 gauge glass seed beads Purple #10 gauge glass seed beads Scissors Household glue A large, flat rock A blue candle and candle holder 1. Assemble all items. Put felt onto embroidery hoop and secure. Thread needle, knot one end of thread, and push needle through center of felt from reverse side. Pull thread taut. 2. Place one blue bead onto thread of needle; sew tightly onto center of felt. This is the center bead--the middle of the project. 3. Sew a purple bead beside the center blue bead. Position it as close to the center bead as possible. Sew purple beads in a circle around the center bead, once again closely positioning them. Make the beads touch each other. 4. Sew a circle of blue beads around the purple circle. 5. Sew a circle of purple beads, then a circle of blue, a circle of purple, a circle of blue, a circle of purple. 6. Sew a circle of blue beads. When you've sew the last bead in this circle, tie off the thread and firmly knot on the reverse side of the felt. (by this time you should have eight concentric circles of alternating colors of beads around the center blue bead.) 7. Remove beaded felt from the hoop. With a pair of sharp scissors, carefully cut off the access felt as close to the last circle of beads as you can. Ensure that you don't cut any of the threads that secure the last ring of beads. 8. Glue Psychic Mandala onto the rock with household glue. Be sure of your placement. (If you can't find a suitable rock, glue the Mandala to a flat piece of driftwood or some other natural object.) It is now ready for use. 9. Hold the completed Psychic Mandala between your palms. Breathe deeply and close your eyes. Send it peaceful, soothing psychic energy. When you wish to use the Psychic Mandala, light a blue candle. Place it behind and to one side of you so that its light shines onto the Psychic Mandala. Turn off all the other lights in the room. Gaze at the concentric circles. Say in a hushed voice: Sacred Circle of Second Sight, With Magick Rings of Nine; Bring me Psychic Visions tonight While gazing at this Sign. Sit comfortably and contemplate the Psychic Mandala. Don't stare; gaze. Blink naturally if you wish. Soon your Higher Consciousness will be awakened. Be still and listen. Night is the best time to promote Psychic Visions. Be sure that you are alone when you make the attempt. Some History on Beads... From the earliest times, we've created forms of self-decoration. This is understandable. Early humans must have looked in wonder at the fantastic colors and patterns that decorated the creatures of the land, sea, and air. In contrast, humans must have seemed quite drab. To compensate for this lack of natural ornamentation, our ancestors created the earliest forms of jewelry, using bright feathers, shiny stones, unique shells, seed pods, even teeth and bones. Stringing such objects on tough grasses or on thin strips of animal hide, the first necklaces, belts, armlets, and anklets were created tens of thousands of years ago. Many examples of such early forms of jewelry have been recovered at prehistoric archaeological sites. Seemingly mystical incisions found on some of these items, viewed in light of our knowledge of ritual jewelry use in later cultures, suggest that these necklaces and pendants were worn for more than bodily adornment. They were most certainly thought to imbue their wearers with the Magickal properties of the materials from which they were made. Even in this far distant time, jewelry was associated with Magick. Perhaps the earliest form of Magickal jewelry was found on the skull of the prehistoric Grimaldi man, which was carbon dated at approximately 90,000 B.C.E. Placed around the top of the skull was a circlet made from matching, small, round marine mollusks strung in a bead-like pattern. These were the forerunners of the perfect glass beads that weren't to be made for several millennia. Today we know that these beads originated in ancient Mesopotamia, in the areas now occupied by Iran and Iraq. Smooth, highly polished carnelian beads were found on a necklace of Dentalium (tooth-shaped) shells dated to perhaps 5,500 B.C.E. Additionally, archaeologists excavating the royal cemetery of Ur found exquisite beads of gold and precious stones. Beads made of such expensive materials must have been the sole property of royalty, and were often intimately related to specific deities. Beads were also used as amulets to drive away evil or talismans to attract specific, beneficial energies. Soon, however, the masses were demanding their own beads. Faience (a form of self-glazing clay) was used to make less expensive beads. In Egypt, around 1500 B.C.E., glass was finally developed. This revolutionary process was soon used to create glass beads and imitation precious stones. Ancient Egypt sent glass beads to the more "barbaric" peoples of Europe. Soon, this means of decoration became a medium of exchange and barter unhindered by local currency; hence the term "trade beads." The first European bead factories were established in Venice and Murano, Italy. Mass-produced beads became widely available, and soon made their way to the United States. Before the coming of the Europeans, American Indians fashioned beads from a variety of materials including bone, claw, and stone. Perhaps the most famous of these was wampum, which was made from clam, conch, and periwinkle shells. The word "wampum" originated in the Algonquin term wam pum peak or wamponage, meaning "string of beads." Settlers and traders to North America brought beads with them. Eventually, the European glass beads were used as money, as well as for the decoration of clothing and ritual objects. European explorers spread trade beads around the world. Soon, these small glass wonders, in various sizes and colors, replaced many other locally-produced beads. Their shimmering appearance, wide range of colors, and easy availability ensured their universal acceptance, even in religious and Magickal applications. Today, many beads are available for far less than a cent each. But they still haven't lost their aura of Magick. Magick Mirror From the book "Spell Crafts" by Scott Cunningham & David Harrington * 50 to 150 shells of various sizes. Scallop shells are ideal for this project. Have at least one dozen tiny shells, which you'll use to fill in small spaces. * Clean sand or white-colored, fine aquarium gravel * Household glue. This shouldn't be instant drying, and should be clear. * An 8 inch piece of thin wood or corrugated cardboard * 1 round, 4 inch mirror * A ruler and a pencil * Moistened and dry cotton cloth * A large scrap piece of corrugated cardboard * A chewed piece of bubble gum or a piece of tape * 1 blue candle and candle holder. This will be used in the ritual to bless the magick mirror. 1. Assemble all the items on a table or other flat working surface. Sort the shells according to size and, if you wish, color. Hold your hands over the shells and say: Spiraled treasures of the Sea, Awake the Psychic Mind in me. 2. Using the pencil and ruler, draw lines across the wooden or cardboard base, from a to c, and from b to d. This will allow you to accurately place the mirror onto the center of the base. 3. Allow at least a 1/2 hour for this step. Place the mirror onto the center of the base, using the lines as a guide. Now place the shells in a symmetrical pattern on the base around the mirror. Some of the shells may overlap a bit onto the mirror itself. Some suggestions: begin with the largest shells first, then fit in the smaller ones. Large shells can be placed at the base's four corners. Shells of different colors can be alternated to form pleasing, contrasting patterns. A large shell can be placed between two corners to create the "top" of the mirror. Cover as much of the base as possible. If you don't like the pattern that you've created, begin again. This is the time to decide, not later when you've actually gluing the shells in place. 4. When you've finalized your pattern, individually transfer the shells to a flat surface, re-creating the same pattern there. 5. Enchant the mirror by holding your hands above it and saying, in a soft, dreamy voice: Glow, Mirror, Shimmer with Power. Assist me in my Workings. 6. Apply the household glue to the back of the mirror. Also apply glue to the center of the base. Place the mirror onto the center of the base. Place base and mirror firmly together. Allow to dry for at least a 1/2 hour. 7. Apply glue to the base around the mirror. (If glue smears on the mirror, remove it with a moistened piece of cloth). Spread glue evenly with a finger. Pour the sand (or gravel) onto the glue, ensuring an even coat. Allow to dry for at least 15 minutes. 8. Tip up one end of the base and tap gently on the reverse side. Some sand will slide off. If the base isn't completely covered with sand, re-glue those areas and pour on more sand. Let dry for 15 minutes. 9. Spread household glue onto the scrap piece of cardboard (or a paper plate). Press the bubble gum or a piece of tape onto the center of one large shell that you'll be using in your pattern. Using the gum as a holder, lift the shell, quickly dip its edges into the glue, and press it firmly onto the base according to your previously created pattern. Carefully detach the gum or tape. 10. Repeat this entire process for each shell. Begin with the largest shells. It's best to also start with those shells that are close to the mirror, then work your way outward toward the edges of the base. Remove all glue smears immediately from the mirror with a moist cloth and dry. Don't be tempted to check if the glue has fastened the shells to the mirror. It's best not to touch them until the glue has had time to dry. If you find that you are losing the pattern that you've created, alter it as best as you can. Shells seem to grow or shrink when you're actually trying to glue them to fit the design. 11. Fill in any holes with leftover small shells. These can be difficult to accurately place, so use care. Allow the glue to dry for at least a 1/2 hour. 12. Gently touch each shell. If any are loose, re-glue and allow to dry for at least 15 minutes. 13. Charge the blue candle with Psychic Energy. Place it into the holder. Place holder onto the center of the mirror. Say these or similar words with your hands held, palms downward over the mirror: Candle lights Mirror bright: Bring to me The Second Sight. Allow the candle to burn for 9, 18, 27, or 36 minutes. Snuff out the candle's flame and wrap the mirror in blue cloth when not in use. To use, position the mirror so that it reflects the ceiling (this may be achieved by leaning it against a book). Turn off the lights. Empower a blue candle, light it, and place it behind the mirror (where it won't be reflected). Sit comfortably before the mirror, breathe deeply, and gaze into the mirror. Allow yourself to be psychic. Some Facts... Mirrors and reflective surfaces have always been used as tools to promote psychic awareness. Originally, mirrors fashioned of polished metal or volcanic glass served as a focal point for the seer. Bowls filled with darkened liquid, even pools of ink, were also used. The idea was consistent: gazing at a reflective surface drowsed the conscious mind and awakened psychic awareness. Surprisingly, the familiar glass mirror as we know it today has been little used in promoting psychic awareness since its creation in the 16th century. This is due, in part, to the fact that the mirror's near perfect reflection distracts the conscious mind, which easily (and usually) inhibits psychic awareness. However, if we situate the mirror so that it reflects a blank image, and use it in a darkened room, even these mirrors can be extremely helpful in contacting the psychic mind. Psychic awareness is our birthright as human beings. With tools such as this, we can recapture this innate ability and use it to better our lives. Absinthe What was that magickal drink that Mina was drinking in Bram Stoker's Dracula? It was Absinthe. It has been banned from this country and many others due to the fact that it causes hallucinations. Not to mention that wormwood is a poison. I've made this drink and haven't suffered any hallucinations. But then again, I don't drink much. Also, not much wormwood is put into this drink. It hasn't made me sick, but I can't speak for everybody. If you are concerned about the wormwood, don't add it. Ingredients: 1 pint vodka 2 tsp. crumbled wormwood (dried) 2 tsp. anise seed 1/2 tsp. fennel seed 4 cardamom pods 1 tsp. marjoram 1/2 tsp. ground coriander 2 tsp. chopped angelica root 1 2/3 cups sugar syrup Preparation: Place vodka in a large jar with a tight fitting lid. Add wormwood and shake well; steep for 48 hours and strain out. Crush seeds and pods in mortar. Add them and all remaining herbs to vodka and steep in a warm place for 1 week. Filter and sweeten. Pour into a bottle and enjoy a piece of history. Suggestion: Pour a half glass of water into a half glass of Absinthe for authenticity. Note: This drink will be very bitter even with the sugar syrup in it. Wormwood is a bitter herb. And unlike the movie, this drink will not be green. It will be brown. Blackberry Wine This recipe was found on Dragonwood's Kitchen Witch Page. Ingredients: 3 pounds of blackberries 3 pounds of sugar 1 gallon of boiling water Preparation: Wash berries and place in a large bowl. Pour in gallon of boiling water. Stir well, then cover bowl and leave for 10 days. Strain liquid into new bowl through muslin, add the three pounds of sugar and stir well. Cover and leave for 3 days, stirring once a day. Put into bottles. Cork loosely at first, so that air may move easily, then tightly after a few weeks. The wine will be ready in 6 months. Short Cut Meade From the book "Lady of the Night" By: Edain McCoy Meade, a honey ale from the Celtic traditions, is a traditional drink of the Esbats, but wines have also been used frequently. Meade, related to the Irish word midhe, meaning center, represents the spirit around which all life revolves. Connoisseurs of meade cultivate their brews as carefully as makers of fine wine, and jealously guard their secret recipes. There is even a meade society which tries to gather these recipes from around the world and preserve and publish meade lore. The following is a much-simplified recipe for meade. It eliminates the lengthy fermentation process. You can add grain alcohol or leave it out depending on your personal tastes. Ingredients: 1/2 gallon water 1 1/2 cups raw honey 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/8 tsp. nutmeg 1/8 tsp. allspice, rounded 1/2 cup Everclear or other grain alcohol Preparation: Slowly heat all ingredients together -- except the alcohol -- in a large stock pot. As the honey melts, an oily crust will form on the top of the meade. You can leave it there -- some feel it adds to the full-bodied texture of the meade. Others will tell you to skim it off. Do not allow the meade to come to a roiling boil. When it is well blended, remove from the heat, stirring occasionally until it settles. When it has cooled, add the Everclear and serve. No-Cook Egg Nog From the book "Lady of the Night" By: Edain McCoy Ingredients: 12 pasteurized eggs, separated 1 lb. confectioner's sugar 2 quarts whipping cream 3/4 tsp. ground nutmeg 1/8 tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla 1 cup water 3 cups rich milk (evaporated or whole) Preparation: Mix the egg yokes, sugar, and salt together and let stand in the refrigerator overnight so that the flavors can "marry". Next day, beat the egg whites until they are just stiff, then mix them in with the rest of the ingredients until slightly thick. Serve chilled. Lunar Cookies From the book "Lady of the Night" By: Edain McCoy Ingredients: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg 1/8 tsp. ground allspice 1 1/4 tsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp. salt 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 beaten egg 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1/4 cup milk Preparation: Thoroughly mix all the dry ingredients and the oil together in a large mixing bowl. Beat all other ingredients together until they appear light and fluffy, then put them in the mixing bowl with the other mixture and stir them together. Set the mixture in the refrigerator to chill for at least two hours. If you can leave it overnight it will be easier to handle. When you are ready to roll out the dough, divide the chilled mixture into four equal sections. One section at a time, roll the dough out onto a generously-floured cutting board until it is about 1/8 inch thick. Cut out crescent shapes with a cookie cutter or sharp knife and place the cut-outs on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 400 degrees for 7-8 minutes. The cookies will be a bit stiff and will be starting to change to a very light golden color. Do not bake cookies until browned or they will become hard and brittle. Recipe makes about 2 1/2 dozen. Honey Cake From the book "Lady of the Night" By: Edain McCoy Honey Cake is a dessert which Jews traditionally serve on their spiritual new year, Rosh Hashanna. In keeping with the old adage that "we are what we eat," they believe that sharing and eating this cake ensures all who partake a sweet and happy year to come. Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups flour 1/2 tsp. baking soda 2 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1 heaping tsp. allspice 3/4 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tsp. ground ginger 1/8 tsp. nutmeg 4 beaten eggs 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar 1 /2 cup safflower oil 1 cup raw honey 1 1/4 cups unsweetened orange juice 2 cups raisins (optional) 2 cups walnuts (optional) Preparation: Grease and flour a 9" x 13" baking pan. Combine all ingredients, stirring until they are well mixed. Pour into the greased pan and bake for 45 minutes in an oven pre-heated to 350 degrees. This cake is traditionally served unfrosted, but you can make a glaze for it with confectioner's sugar and orange juice. Drizzle the glaze over the cake while it is cooling. TO QUIT SMOKING This is a spell that I created out of a desperate need to quit smoking (I was suffering from chronic bronchitis and was getting sick all the time!) It can also be used to quit drinking and/or using drugs. On the night of a full moon (preferably) or during the Waning Moon, make a quit-smoking gemstone candle. Empower (Go here to find out how to empower) three or more small pieces of amethyst and three or more large pieces of amethyst with the power to remove your addiction to cigarettes. Now make a black candle (this can be done easily by melting those cute little black six-inch household candles over low heat, and then pouring the melted wax into a glass container (which you have prepared with metal tab and wick). Now add the three or more small pieces of amethyst to the melted wax in the glass container. You may also wish to add an appropriate oil, such as Patchouli, to the melted wax, to give it added power. Allow the candle to cool. You may wish to reserve a small amount of wax to "top off" the candle in case it caves in while cooling. Once the candle is ready, you may begin the spell. Place the candle on your altar and ring it with the three large pieces of amethyst. Light the candle and gaze into its flame. Visualize yourself being free from the addiction to cigarettes. Visualize your cravings dissipating. Visualize the toxins in your body being removed. Hold this visualization for as long as possible. Now allow the candle to burn down completely. You may wish to repeat this spell for added strength. You may make more candles, or simply use a black candle, ringed with amethyst stones. When the Waxing Moon period begins, this spell may be reinforced by empowering your amethyst stones with the power to keep you free from cigarettes and using them to circle a white candle. You may also wish to carry one of your amethyst stones with you to strengthen your magickal intention. When a craving starts, simply take the stone out of your pocket and rub it until the craving stops. Remember that magick tends to build upon itself...it grows stronger with repetition...don't be discouraged if you have to repeat this spell several times...it CAN and WILL work...if I can quit smoking, anyone can!!! Good luck and please e-mail me with your success stories!!! Dream Magick By Silver RavenWolf Do you ever want to get an important message through to someone, but you just don't know how to do it? Here is what you do: 1. Determine precisely what it is you want them to hear, or perhaps feel. Write down your wish on a piece of paper in simple sentence form. 2. Make a dream pillow using a small square of fabric and a little batting. Throw in a pinch of lavender and rosemary. Put in the piece of paper last, then sew up the end. 3. Put the dream pillow on your altar. Do an altar devotion to center yourself, then create sacred space. Cast a circle and call the quarters if you like, but is isn't necessary. 4. Center yourself, then hold your hands over the dream pillow and say the following: Holy Mother, Goddess Divine, I stand before your sacred shrine. This person won't listen or hear My words tickle at deafened ear. Holy Mother, Goddess Divine, Send a dream, awaken the mind. Through his/her vision he/she might live The nightmare/passion/lesson he/she so freely give. Holy Mother, Goddess Divine Send them your enchanted design Clear out the cobwebs, tear down walls Carry my message through spirit calls. Feel free to change the incantation to suit your purpose. * Rainmaking Spell * written by Satrina Preparation: The best day for the spell is on a Monday and/or on a full moon. If it is not possible to perform the spell on a full moon, do so on a waxing moon. Three days prior to the spell, freeze two or more clear quartz crystals or beryl crystals to cleanse them of negative vibrations or any previous programing. On the chosen date, prepare yourself mentally and physically. Gather the supplies, and arrange the altar or workplace appropriately. The two candles should be arranged on either side of the altar. The dish of heated water should be set in the center on the pentacle. The chalice should be set in the dish. Let the crystals become colder by setting them in the ice and salt mixture to the left of the altar. Set the remaining supplies on the right of the altar. Supplies: Two white candles, a dish of bottled water and salt heated to at least 100 degrees Celcius, a dish of an ice and salt mixture, a glass chalice with a little bit of salt in it, a small, white hand towel for spills, a pentacle disk, one tumbled and one point of either clear quartz or beryl, one hematite stone, a separate stone for rainmaking programming (optional), a foot-long piece of cling wrap, a small plastic bag for water (vacuum sealing bags work well), light blue power bag with thread, a smaller light blue bag for salt, and an appropriate sigil and request drawn on swatch of same fabric as bag. Procedure: Begin by admiring the salt in the chalice and holding it high. Say: Blessed Earth, the Element of the Great Mother and the Earth, our home. The Great Mother supplies all for her children, and so it is at this time that we beg her to supply us with the necessity of rain for this dry land. Lift high the dish of heated water and the chalice in it. Say: Blessed Water, the Element of the Great Mother and the sea, our source of water. The Great Mother supplies all for her children, and so it is at this time that we beg her to supply us with the necessity of rain from this abundant sea. Place the dish back on the pentacle. Bow your head, expressing your desperate desire for and imagining the refreshing beauty of the life-giving gift of rain. Stretch the cling wrap over the chalice and tuck under the dish, leaving enough space to place the cold crystals in the dish of heated water. Place the clear quartz or beryl crystals in the water. As steam rises from the water, say: Blessed Fire, the Element of the Great Father and the Sun, our source of heat. The Great Father supplies all for his children, and so it is at this time that we beg him to supply us with the necessity of rain from this vaporous heat. Place the hematite in the center of the cling wrap stretched over the chalice. Say: Blessed Air, the Element of the Great Father and Water Vapor, a step in the cycle. The Great Father supplies all for his children, and so it is at this time that we beg him to supply us with the necessity of rain from this moist air. Watch the water vapor rise and condense on the cling wrap, falling into the chalice and onto the crystal and salt. Draw an appropriate rain sigil and the words illustrating your need for rain on the swatch of fabric with a black permanent marker. When this cycle of rain is completed, remove the cling wrap. Dip your fingers in the water and sprinkle this into the cup to illustrate your power to bring rain. Hold the chalice high once again. Say: May the Great Mother and Great Father within and about grant me with the power to make rain. The privilege that I ask of you will be neither misused nor abused, but treasured and cherished and appreciated. I sincerely ask you both to grant me with such an important power to fulfill the needs of us, your children. Thank you. Place a little salt from the chalice into the smaller blue bag and tie it with a piece of matching thread. Pour some of the water into the plastic bag and also tie this with a piece of thread. (You can use a vacuum sealer later to ensure that the bag is closed.) Put these things, the sigil and the stones in the bigger blue bag, and tie shut with a piece of thread. Say the following to complete the spell. As above, so below. As the universe, so the soul. As without, so within, By feather, leaf, twig, and fin, I ask the Beloved Elder Gods to bless us with rain. So mote it be. Carry the bag to bring rain. When the bag has fulfilled it's purposes, empty the contents and recite the following mojo spell-breaking chant: May your magickal power be broken As these magickal words are spoken, And as I loosen this magickal knot, I loosen my grip on the magick I sought. So mote it be. * Basic Mojo Bag Spells * written by Satrina Basic Spell Supplies: 2 white candles, 1 candle of the specified color, candle oil (Optional), an appropriate incense (A piece to burn and a piece to put in bag), 2 pieces of cord or ribbon of the specified color (Cut from one yard. One six inches long. The other for tying the bag), a mojo bag of the specified color, the appropriate sigils, an appropriate stone, any specified herbs or oils, and the witness link. To be done on the specified date in the appropriate moon phase. Procedure: Having set up the materials, rest and meditate. After feeling a change in consciousness, begin the ritual. Start by lighting two white candles on opposite sides of the work area. Light the third candle and place the cord which is to be knotted around the candle. Create the appropriate energies through visualization, imagination, or meditation. When you feel that the energies are the strongest, direct them into the string as you tie the first knot in the center of the string. Tie another knot at the end of the string tying the ends together. This seals in the power. Place the string, sigils, stones, herbs or oils, and witness link in the prepared power bag and tie as a necklace. The spell is finished. Wear the bag until the spell has proven successful. When the spell is finished, remove the spell by carefully opening the bag and examining thoroughly each piece. Understand how each piece helped to fulfill your wishes. Untie the knot to release the trapped energies back into the world around you. This will cause the energies to be further emphasized in the spell. Materials For Mojo Bags Love: mauve fabric and cord mauve candle waxing moon rose quartz jasmine and lavender Friday Moon in Libra Venus sign and heart shape a wedding or engagement ring Good Luck: green fabric and cord green candle waxing moon aventurine fresh mint leaves Thursday Jupiter sign and four leaf clover sign clean, shiny birthyear penny Inspiration: blue fabric and cord blue candle full moon moonstone or clear quartz bay laurel leaves Monday Moon sign and lightning sign Moon in Pisces object representing where inspiration is needed Good Sleep: white fabric and cord white candle full moon amethyst lavender oil Monday Moon sign and clouds sign a small dream catcher Financial Prosperity: green fabric and cord green candle waxing moon aventurine whole cloves Thursday Moon in Taurus Jupiter sign and dollar sign one crisp dollar bill Tangible Beauty: red fabric and cord red candle waxing moon lapis lazuli and copper pieces jasmine Friday Venus sign a small mirror and a small photograph Weight Loss: black fabric and cord black candle carved with vertical lines waning moon moonstone Wednesday Pluto sign and Mercury sign Moon in Taurus a photograph with black lines drawn where you wish to lose weight Astal Familiars Sit down in a comfortable chair, close your eyes and relax. Breathe deeply, slowly, counting from ten to one, relaxing. When you get to one invision yourself in a dim cavern or cave. Walk slowly to the back of the cave. There you will see a spiral stairway. Walk down the stairway. At the bottom there will be an animal. Speak with the animal. When you are done, walk back up the stairs, and back to the front of the cave. Count from one to ten, on ten open your eyes. Write down everything that happened to you. Things you saw, what your animal was, what you spoke about, ect. Releasing Negativity Supplies Usual ritual materials plus: Large metal or ceramic bowl half filled with water. White candle, sage, and one quartz crystal. Before casting circle place hot candle wax on the bottom of the bowl and stick the candle in it so it's secure. Cast circle, ground and center. Place crystal in water of the bowl. Pleace sage around candle in the water. Light the candle. As the candle burns down stare into the flame, allow the flame to take your negativity. As the flame lowers to the water feel your negativity drain away. When the water quenches out the flame you should be negativity free. If not repeat this spell every few nights. This has always worked well for me. APPLE ORCHARD CIDER SOAP 6 lbs. vegetable shortening 12 oz. can lye 4 cups apple cider 3 teaspoons honey 2-3 teaspoons nutmeg 9 teaspoons MULLED CIDER fo Make as usual only dissolve the lye in the cider as opposed to water. Heat the honey with the oils and then use a hand blender to emulsify the honey so it doesn't separate. I mixed the oil and lye at about 100 degrees. At light trace add the nutmeg and MULLED CIDER fo. House Happy Charm - from Seasons This is a small sachet pillow stuffed with good things, an excellent gift when people newly in love move in together. All the while you're assembling it, focus on their hopes, dreams and your bright wishes for their hearth. Make a small pillow (I usually do a 5x5 square) from an interesting material. Leave one end open for stuffing. Gather, mix and empower the following herbs: Sage and Sandlewood for blessing and protection Lavender for domestic tranquility Rose petals to honor their love Vervain for bright witchery A couple drops of cinnamon oil. Stuff the pillow and sew the open end shut Decorate as desired In sacred space, dedicate it under the auspices of the Lord and the Lady If you're blessing your friends home for them, include the pillow in the ritual. If they're doing their own home blessing, offer it as a house warming gift. MOROCCAN MINT TEA Mint tea is considered the national drink of Morocco, although tea was introduced there only as recently as the 1850s, brought from the Far East by British merchants. Fresh mint and sugar are always added, and the tea is served in small glasses. 2 cups loosely packed fresh mint leaves plus mint sprigs for garnish 1/3 cup sugar 2 tablespoons gunpowder green tea (available at specialty tea shops) 6 cups boiling water In a teapot combine mint leaves, sugar, and tea and add boiling water. Let tea steep 5 to 10 minutes. Strain tea trough a fine sieve into teacups and garnish with mint sprigs. Makes about 6 cups HOT TEA PUNCH Here's a warming drink for a chilly day. 6 cups water 3/4 cup sugar 2 cinnamon sticks 8 whole cloves 5 tea bags 1 1/2 cups orange juice 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice Bring first 4 ingredients to boil in heavy large saucepan over high heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Boil 6 minutes. Remove from heat. Add tea bags. Cover and let steep 10 minutes. Discard tea bags. Add orange and lemon juices to punch. (Can be prepared 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Rewarm before continuing.) Using slotted spoon, remove whole spices. Serve hot. Makes about 6 cups VIENNESE ICED TEA Crushed ice Slice lemon Superfine sugar to taste 1 1/2 ounces rum or brandy Freshly brewed, hot tea Fresh mint sprigs Fill a 14-ounce collins glass three-quarters full with crushed ice. Add the lemon slice, sugar and rum or brandy. Fill up with tea and stir gently. Garnish with mint. Serves 1 Locating lost items "Bound & binding, Binding bound, See the sight, hear the sound. What was lost is now found, Bound & binding, Binding bound" Reversing a Spell Take a special hand-held mirror and simply turn completely around with the mirror reflecting outward and say: "Circle of reflection, Circle of protection, May the sender of all harm, Feel the power of this charm." Night of Inner light Choose a candlestick that you especially like and reserve it for this use only. Seated in darkness, light a pure white candle and stare into the blue of the flame until you feel at ease within yourself. You are about to set in motion a renewal of courage, vitality, and good cheer by this creative act. Let your mind wander as it will, clearing away all negative debris. Concentrate on your own worth and essential goodness. When you reach a level of perfect serenity, stand up - with your major hand, slowly trace in the air a clockwise circle around the candle. Without taking your eyes from the flame, say: "This night I vow to recall the past, only as it brings me joy and satisfaction. May fear and regret no longer dwell in my heart. So may I prosper." Prayer to the Goddess "I know the laws of nature are you Lady, Keep me mindful that I step upon your body with my feet, that my sorrows are Your sorrows. I feel your breath in the wind, and Your hand in mine. Keep me sincere, Give me Your work, which is to be joyous, and to tend all things, because all things live of themselves, and with Your spirit. Your will through mine, So mote it be." Reversing a Spell "Spell, spell, spell be gone. Back to which ye belong. Back to the caster, take your disaster." Simple Purification Preparations - This ritual is a purification bath. You will need an infusion of vervain to the following proportions: 4 teaspoons crushed vervain 2 cups water Pour boiling water over crushed vervain. Cover and let steep until cool. Strain into a clear glass container. While straining the infusion, picture its purpose, a pure you. Fill the infusion with those energies. The Ritual - Fill your bathtub with water. Add the infusion. Immerse yourself, and feel the impurities flow out of you. Inhale the scent of the vervain. Breathe deeply and relax. When the water has cooled, watch the impurities flow down the drain. Rinse off the last impurities from your body. That evening, you may wish to keep a sachet of crushed vervain on your pillow. Protection Ritual - Drawing Off Negativity Preparations: Go out into the woods and find a few pieces of wood. Properly thank the tree. You will need as many pieces of wood as there are entries to whatever area you wish to protect. The Ritual: Bring the wood to your alter. Light a white candle. Sprinkle the wood with lavender oil and say: "Wood is of a shield. Please protect my home." Concentrate on protection and pour this energy into the wood. When you sense the wood is pulsing with the shielding energy, take it up, and place it around your home, near all entrances, and then return to your alter. See the shield around your house. Say a prayer of thanks to the wood, and the Lord and the Lady for enabling this. Re-do this when the wood no longer smells of lavender. Protection You will need: 1 orange candle 1 carnation Basil Place the carnation in water, and the basil in front of the candle. Breath deeply, and clear your mind. Begin to concentrate on the powers of protection and say in a powerful voice: "I call in the guardians and the power of the masculine and feminine. I surround myself with the fire of protection. The earth's grace supports me. The winds bring me gentle shifts and the flow of water eases the energy of this time. I believe in this protection and I release my fears, so that I may connect to the pulse of life. I ask that this be done within the greater good. So be it, and so it is." Let the candle burn as long as you like. Throw the basil out on the full moon. Making Your Own Bathsalts (Author unknown, email if you know who wrote this!) Bath Salts are an easily prepared alternative to bath herbs, and are to be preferred to the mixtures now on the market; most of these chemical-ridden formulas are almost guaranteed to irritate your skin. Bath salts are used for many different purposes, and they make great gifts too. The basic ingredients are table salt, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) & Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate). Some herbalists also use borax. Add the salts to a large bowl in these proportions: 3 parts Epsom salts 2 parts baking soda 1 part table salt (or borax) Essential (scented, herbal/floral) Oils Mix thoroughly using your hands to stir the ingredients. Some people will tell you to use a spoon or other utensil, although if you are like me, you will find the salts work better if you use your hands. This is now the base from which you can create a wide variety of bath salts. Its wise to add colors to bath salts. Use plain food coloring for this purpose, letting it fall drop by drop onto the salt base. If two or more colors are required to mix an exotic hue (such as purple), mix these in a spoon first and then add to the salts to avoid creating a two-toned product, unless of course, you plan on a two or three tone salt. Add many drops for a darker colored salt; fewer for a lightly hued salt. Mix the color into the salts until it is evenly distributed; again use your hands or you may use a utensil. Now add the essential oils drop by drop, one ingredient at a time, until the scent seems right. using your hands and fingertips, mix it until all salt particles are moistened. This may take up to fifteen minutes or longer. As to proportions, rely on your nose to determine the exact quanties. The more potent the finished products' scent, the less will have to be used for each bath. They should be strongly scented. To use, add from 2 tablespoons to one-half cup of the bath salts to a full tub. Mix with your hands into the water. Enjoy your homemade bath salts! Dream Spell Items Needed: 1 amethyst, charged 1 Rose petal (pink or red), charged 1 lock of hair Place the amethyst next to your bed before sleep. Place the rose petal on top of the amethyst. Put one lock of hair (from the person you wish to dream about) on top of the rose petal. Say: I wish to dream of (person's name) tonight. If you wish for that person to dream of you, then place one lock of your hair next to theirs on top of the amethyst. Say: I wish (person's name) dreams of me tonight. Then lay down and fall asleep. Spell To Become Closer To Your Cat Preparation: Work with brown candles. Take the following herbs and empower each with its meaning and becoming closer to your pet/familier in mind. Catnit-Helps create a bond between you Vervain-For Peace and Protection Gardernia-For Spirituality Saffron-For Strength Love Seed-For Friendship Working: Take 1/2 of the empowered herbs and wrap in a small square of brown cloth and tie it off with a brown cord or string. Take the other half and make a smaller satchet for your pet. Wear yours four days meditating with your pet at least once a day. You can tie the pets satchet on while meditating. After those four days take all the herbs and burn as an incense while sharing a meal with your pet. Astral Projection: Witches' Flying Ointment Recipe The notorious "Witches Flying Ointment," a dangerous herbal concoction producing psychedelic effects, was said to be used by Witches in the Middle Ages. It consisted mainly of parsley, hemlock, water of aconite, poplar leaves, soot, bat's blood, deadly nightshade (or belledonna), Henbane & Hashish. In a large cauldron over a fire, these ingredients would be mixed together with the melted fat of an unbaptised infant & then rubbed on various parts of a Witch's body to enable her to "fly" off to the Sabbat. (Of course, Witches didn't really fly; however, the ointment did induce incredible hallucinations, psychic visions and astral projections.) The following is a modern Witch's flying ointment recipe. It is safer to use and much easier to concoct: 1/4 cup lard 1/2 tsp. clove oil 1 tsp. chimney soot 1/4 tsp. dried cinquefoil 1/4 tsp. dried mugwort 1/4 tsp. dried thistle 1/4 dried Vervain 1/2 tsp. Benzoin tincture Using a mortar and pestle, crush the dried herbs until almost powdered. In a small cauldron or saucepan, heat the lard over a low flame until it is melted completely. Add the herbs, the clove oil and chimney soot to the lard base and mix well. Add the Benzoin as a natural preservative, stir together clockwise and then simmer for ten to fifteen minutes. Strain it through cheesecloth into a small heat resistant container and then allow it to cool. Store it in your refrigerator or in a cool dark place until it is ready to be used. On a night of the Full Moon, anoint your temples and Third Eye with a small amount of the flying ointment prior to astral projection or dream magick. IMPORTANT!!!!! - For external use only! Crystal Countdown First, clear your mind, and imagine a white screen surrounding you. After a moment, feel and sense a red seven appearing before you. Next, an orange six. Then, a yellow five, a green four, a blue three, an indigo two, and a violet one. After each number appears, feel the number, sense the curves to make it... imagine big block letters, and go through the lines. Visualize... Ryan guarantees that this one is kind of orgasmic, so in that case, I'd say try it. *smile* The Twelve-Steps Meditation This is the one I use. Visualize yourself at the top of a 12-step staircase, and a door is at the bottom. The more stairs you go down, the deeper you're going into your subconcious. Through the door is the answer to a problem, or just something you want to find out in general. When you're finished behind the door, come back out, and ascend the stairs. This meditation can be suited to fit your own needs. Remember to breathe deeply and keep your spine erect as not to restrict the flow of air. Sitting cross-legged, palms on knees, is the best posture for this exercise. DREAM SPELL This spell is to give someone a dream about you. Set a glass of water on your windowsill in the moonlight. This will nocturnally charge the water for future uses. Adding a quartz crystal to the glass will strengthen the consecration. Keep the glass there for at least one night during the waxing moon, nearing the full. After this, consecrate your bed by sprinkling it with the water. Gather some yarrow and sage and thyme, yarrow optional. Put these herbs together in a pouch, preferably leather or cotton, but zip-lock will do. Put the bag in the pillowcase. Concentrate on this person and type of dream you wish them to have before you fall asleep. Burn a candle coordinated to the color of your purpose as you sleep. Make sure you don't burn the house down! Candle Anointing Anoint your candle with the oil that you have chosen. This is done by placing a little of the oil on your fingertips. Grasp the candle at its midpoint with your left index finger and thumb, and use your right index finger and thumb to stroke oil on the candle from the midpoint up to the top of the candle. Next, grasp the candle at its midpoint with your right index finger and thumb, and use your left index finger and thumb to stroke oil on the candle from the midpoint down to the bottom of the candle. Continue in this fashion until the entire candle has been anointed. Charging a candle with your personal energy While ritually anointing your candle, visualize a pure white beam of light coming up from Mother Earth, entering your body through the soles of your feet and another beam of white light coming down from the Universe and entering your body through the top of your head. Envision the energy of these beams of light flowing throughout your body and mingling together, finally concentrating in your hands, causing them to feel warm and to tingle. Now continue to stroke your candle until you feel the energy from your hands transfer to the candle. Your candle is now charged with your personal energy and Magickal intent. Empowering To empower a stone, place it in your left hand (your right hand, if left-handed) and place against your "third eye" chakra (this is located on your forehead between your eyebrows). Now concentrate strongly on what power you want the stone to have (to help you quit smoking, to bring peace, to attract success, to draw love, etc.). You may wish to verbalize this, such as "amethyst, I empower you with the ability to help me quit smoking", or, "I empower you with the ability to gain in financial status", etc. When you feel the stone has been properly empowered, it is ready for use in your magick. An All-Purpose Candle Spell This is a quick, uncomplicated ritual designed to be used for all positive purposes. You'll need one candle of the appropriate color, one holder, and matches. When you're ready to begin, hold the candle between the palms of your hands. Breathe deeply. Visualize your goal. Push personal, programmed power into the candle between your hands. Feel the energy streaming into it. Say appropriate words if you wish simply stating what you need to occur. Place the candle in its holder. Strike a match above the candle and draw down the flame toward the candle. Light the wick. Put the still-flaming match into a heat-proof container (or extinguish its flame with a quick flip of the wrist). Hold your hands around the candle's flame. Feel the energy. Visualize strongly. Leave the area. Let the candle do its work. Consecration of Tools Supplies: tools Goddess and God candles bowl of water bowl of salt/earth incense white candle. -Cast the circle. -Invocation to the Goddess and God: "I invoke and call upon thee O Mother Goddess, who shines for all, who flows through all. Maiden, Mother and Crone, I invite you to my circle; Touch us, change us, make us whole. I invoke and call upon thee O Father God, Lord of the Sun, Master of all that is wild and free. I invite you to my circle; Touch us, change us, make us whole." -Hold the tool in your hands and say: "Before these spirits, I bring (name of tool) to be dedicated to the service of the great Gods (you may use specific names)." Place the tool on the pentacle. Touch it with your projective hand (left) and say: "I consecrate you, O knife of steel (or wand of wood, etc.) to cleanse and purify you to serve me within the magick circle. In the name of the Mother Goddess and Father God, you are consecrated." Pick up the tool and touch it to the salt, pass it through the incense smoke, through the candle flame and sprinkle with water. Then hold the tool to the sky, saying: "Great Gods, bless this (name of tool). Let it be pure for thy service and bind it so that no harm may come of it to any being. Keep watch over it, and guard the works which come forth from it. I dedicate this (name of tool) to thy service, Great Ones. -Thank the Goddess and God: "Great Gods, thank you for sharing this time with us My thanks for watching over us, guarding and guiding us Go if you must, stay if you will, but remain always in our hearts and know that you are always welcome here. -Close the circle The Faery Fetch Journey The Faery Fetch Journey allows us to come in contact with our Faery Companion, who will in turn fetch our Spiritual Benefactor. It is important to note that we cannot control our Faery Companion, nor make him do work for us. The Faery Companion teaches us about Faery morality, should we lack any of the virtues so deemed necessary by them for successful communion with the realm of the faerie. Rudeness, lack of generocity, selfishness and gloominess are traits shunned by the Faerie. Once you have made contact with your Faery Companion, they will begin to visit our dwelling places without warning, and they always expect to find them neat, and beautiful. The Faerie companion will scold us if we are unfair and hold deceit in our hearts, for even the Hosts (the negative polarity of the faerie) do not lie, only evade the truth. Before taking the Faery Fetch journey, perform the Preperation and Ground & Centre format as seen below. Preperation Format Burning incence Lighting a white candle Playing gentle music on your stereo Arrange a sitting place in front of a mirror hung at eye level. Ground and Centre Format Before we begin each journey or ceremony, it is important to first ground and centre our energy. By doing this, we are not worried about events happening in our day-to-day lives whilst performing the ritual. When you have organised your space in the Preperation Format, and thus, turned into a sense of Sacred Space, sit in front of the mirror, and relax. Let your eyes rest on your image in the mirror. Blink very gently a few times and relax your eyes so that the lids shut half-way and now, stop trying to see, thus attaining soft-sight. Next, focus on your soft-breath by following its natural flow in.. and out, in... and out (three times). Take a full belly breath in through your nose, filling your belly first then your lungs, and now initiate the out breath with the diaphragm by releasing your breath through your mouth. Do this once for mind, a second time for body, and a third time for Spirit. Let your breathing resume its natural rhythm. You are now ready to perform the Faery Fetch. Very quietly you rest within, flowing with the breath. Sinking your awwareness deeper and deeper into your power. Deeper and deeper into your power. Deeper and deeper into your power. Earth the power beneath by feet, forming the road I am ready to greet The earth is below your feet, you stand within a vague and shadowy landscape. Before you is a hill. Begin walking up the hill towards the peak. Half way up, three figures are sitting in the road, stopping your progress. They are naked, and each of them gaze on you with intent earnestness. You look at each one. The first being is so beautiful that your eye fails upon him, flinching aside as a great brightness. He is mighty in stature and well-proportioned, so exquisitely slender and graceful that no idea of gravity or bulk goes with his height. He is kingly and youthful, and of a terrifying serenity. The second being is off equal height, but broad to wonderment. So broad is he that his great height seems diminished. The tense arm on which he leans is knotted and ridged with muscle, and his hand grips deeply into thr ground. His face seems as though it has been hammered from hard rock, a massive, blunt face, as rigid as his arm. The third being can scarcely be described. He is neither short nor tall. He is as muscled as heavily as the second being. From the way he is sitting, he looks like a colossal toad, with his arms about his knees and upon these his chin rests. He has no shape nor swiftness, and his head is flattened down and is scarcely wider than his neck. He has a protruding, dog-like mouth that twitches occasionally, and from his little eyes, their glints a horrible intelligence. The first being speaks. He asks "For what purpose do you go abroad this day and on this hill?" You tell him that you travel searching for your Faery Companion. He ponders this answer. Then states "We are the three Absolutes, the Three Redeemers, the Alembics: The Most Beautiful Fay, the Strongest Fay, and the Ugliest Fay. In the midst of every strife we go unheart. We count the slain and the victors and pass on laughing, and to us in the eternal order come all the people of the world to be regenerated forever. Why have you called to us?" You tell him a second time that you are seeking your Faery Companion. He responds: "There are no paths closed to us. Even the gods seek us, for they grow weary in their splendid desolation. You must now tell us why you have called to us?" You tell him a third time that you are seeking your Faery Companion, adding that you seek a Faery Fetch of the Ancient Ones, a Faery Fetch who will be able to help you find your Spiritual Benefactor. He responds: "Then you must choose now one of us to be your Fetch, and do not fear to chose, for out kingdoms are equal and our powers are equal." Look at each one of the beings before you. Choose one to be your Faery Fetch. Point to your Faery Fetch and tell him that you have chosen him, and open yourself to communing with him. Allow your Fetch to school you in the ways of Faery morality. Hear what he has to share, and know that he is gifting you with his wisdom, preparing you for deeper journeys. [Meditation time approximately 15 minutes] The time has come to return to the outer world. See if you have something to offer your Faery Fetch as a gift, and then offer it to him. Take a full belly breath and focus on your Faery Fetch, as you exhale, all his form to dissolve, but know that you will retain him in your consciousness. With your next belly breath, you are going to raise your awareness back to your eyes. Taking a third full belly breath, blink open your eyes and focus your image on the mirror. Gradually open your eyelids back to a normal attention. Let your breathing resume its normal rhythm. You now have your Faery Fetch. Calling the Fae Earth Faeries It is easiest to contact Earth Faeries during dawn, as this is the time when they are around, giving out energy. To contact them, you need to go out into a garden, wood, meadow, or into the bush. The energy of the Earth Faerie is one of grounding, and can help you focus on the present, and shifting awareness to the physical. You can use this chant to encourage connection with an earth faerie: I knew you when the earth was cold, I knew you when the earth was hot, I knew you when my hands in soil sought The light within the earth. Also bury a crystal into the soil as a gift to the faerie, and they will reward you with their presence and perhaps a gift of their own! Don't forget to ask the faerie to identify itself, and to tell you what it wishes to be called, and how and when it would like you to make contact with it again! Also make sure that you let them know that the crystal that you planted is a gift to their realm :) Air Faeries It is easiest to find an Air Faerie during sunset, or on a foggy, misty day. To call an Air Faerie, go outside where there is a lot of open space, and turn three times in a deosil (clockwise for Nothern Hemisphere, anti-clockwise for the Southern Hemisphere) circle, throwing a handful of glitter in the air each time. Try using the following chant: The power of the eagle The power of the storm And the hand of valor Which a blade well becomes - Come now breath of Dana. Once you have found the Air Faerie, you will gain the energy of inspiration, they will help free your mind from any troubles, and you will return from their realm refreshed, and inspired. It is also important to present a gift to the Air Faeries, perhaps a decorated feather. Toss it into the air, and let it float and land where it may, leaving it behind when you depart. Water Faeries Water faeries can be found around the middle of the day, when the sunlight sparkles off the water. The Water faeries teach us to dream, and can help to bind any magickal working. The following chant will help when calling a Water Faerie. Guile! Guile! of the dark waves. Guile! Guile! of the Dirge. Guilog! Guilog! Voice of the swans. On their bodies by the warrior Michael. On their protection, By Brigid, daughter of Dugall the brown. In ocean and narrow, Deep in the trough of the whirlpool May the Three follow them And in the suckling cauldron of Cerridwen! Wade into the body of water, waist deep. Let your body relax with the movement of the water, and the constant flowing pattern. Set sail a tiny handcrafted boat into the water. Be sure to tell the Fae that this is a gift to their realm, and find out how you can contact them again. Fire Faeries The Fire Ally is a very dangerous spirit which shouldn't be invoked if you don't know what you are doing. But if you are careful, you can try this simple ritual. Use the following chant: Burn it with fire. Golden, bejewled. Clasped by magick, About her slim hips Loose the girdle Burn it with fire. Burn it with fire! Light a candle and focus on the flame, whilst reciting the above chant. Burn something which you value, and have a container to put the burning item in, as you watch the destructive energy of the Fire Ally. Remember to inform it of the gift that you gave it in order for it to come alive. Working with the Flame Spirit will help you to develop meditation skills and removing all the unnecessary pressures and worries on your mind. NB:It is not possible for the Faery Allies to "possess" you, as they are helpers, and are not evoked into this realm, nor are you trying to control them. By doing this you are simply asking for their help in exchange for a gift to their realm. HOUSE BLESSING Items needed: sea salt spring water incense white candle broom Sweep your house and discard of the dust outside your home. Starting from the East, carry the incense around the inner perimeter of your home and say, "Powers of Air, cleanse my home of any negativity." Imagine the incense absorbing all negativity and spiralling out of your home. When you are done, say Thank you. Then continue with the candle for the powers of Fire, the water (sprinkle) for Water, and the sea salt for Mother Earth. In each turn, visualize the elemental banishing all negativity from your home. You'll know when you're done when your home shines of a white blinding light or feels right to you. Don't forget to thank the elementals for their help. Other House Blessings include: Keeping herbs in your home, black stones in the corners, lighting incense and/or b/w candles, visualizing a giant bubble surrounding your home deflecting any negativity. Dream Spell: 1 amethyst Rock (chunk) 1 rose pedal (pink or red) 1 lock of hair Place the amethyst next to your bed before sleep. Place the rose pedal on top of the amethyst. Place one lock of hair (from the person you wish to dream about) on top of the rose pedal. Say aloud: I wish I dream of (persons name) tonite. If you wish for that person to dream of you than place one lock of your own hair next to theres on top of the amethyst. Say aloud: I wish (persons name) dreams of me tonite. Then lay down and fall asleep. (dont forget to charge the rose pedal, and the amethyst) To restore harmony-Take a white candle and dress it with Peace N' Protection oil Then over the candle chant "Peace come to me i make it so in days of three as is my will so mote it be." all the time envisioning whatever has caused this upset state dissapearing. To attract luck-Put the following items in a drawstring bag: 2 lode stones, a dried sea hores, a horseshoe, and a clover. Burn Strawberry incense. Get two green candles (or which ever symbolizes luck to you) and dress the candles with Voilet oil. Then chant over the bag, "Luck shall come to me by the powers of three, by my will so shall it be!" At this point in time you should anoint the bag with holy water and say, "The bag is sealed and this charm is made." To get out of a depression-This one is simple, just burn Black Rose incense. To have creativity-No matter what you are doing you always need to be creative but, some people have trouble with that all the time. So here is a spell to get those creative juices flowing. First, you will need either a flute or a set of pan pipes. Once you have obtained these items go outside and sit in a comfortable spot. Play the instrument that you are holding. Don't worry about how it sounds just play what ever you feel like. When this is done go back and finish your work and if you feel youself getting stuck again perform this spell again. To develop ESP-This is also a very simple little exersise, all you have to do is picture a color surround your friend in in and ask them what color that they thought you were thinking. Then picture an object and then words and numbers and finally picture an action sceen if you and your friend can achieve all of these you can properly project your thoughts. To make the stars light up the night-This is also a very simple exersise best done during the warmer months. On a stary night take dried Lucuma and toss it into the fire. After a few minutes you will notice that the stars are swirling in the sky. Protection Spell This is a spell to protect a person from the criticism and hate of another. --Can be done during any phase of the moon You must have something that is connected to the person, like a peice of handwriting, a picture, hair, etc. Place this in a container, and set it aflame. While it is burning, chant: Away from me Away from me Away from me Away from me This spell won't keep the person away, but you will have a friendlier relationship with them than before. Overcome Depression Spell Tools you will need are: Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also) Yellow 8" Taper Candle It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for three days. If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open. This spell is used to uplift your energy and overcome depression. Read over this spell and customize it prior to use-the work will go much smoother. Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may use. While setting up your area, CONCENTRATE on the purpose of your work. Imagine how good it feels to be happy. Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind! Just prior to your work, bathe in purification herbs, or with your favorite bath salts. While you are bathing, concentrate again on the purpose of your spell. Again, do not let negative thoughts enter your mind. After bathing, go to your work area. Cast a circle and light your incense. Envision a large, yellow ball of light surrounding you and your work area. Hold the yellow candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your positive energy into the candle. Place the candle in its candle holder. Prior to lighting the candle, say (either aloud, or to yourself): "This candle represents the love and energy I have for myself" Light the candle and say (either aloud or to yourself): "As I light this candle, the veil of darkness that is ever present in my mind is lifting. The darkness ceases to exist as the light of this flame glows. Long has the darkness filled my mind, my desire to be happy is intense like the heat of fire. As this candle burns, my spirits are lifting and the negative energy is washing away. I will be happy, my life will be peaceful. I can see myself as I wish to be-happy and free!" Sit back and watch the candle burn. Meditate on how good if feels to be happy and envision the veil of darkness lifting. When the candle had burned 1/3 of the way, say: As the flame of the candle is extinguished-the light burns forever in my mind and blow out the candle. Repeat this for two more nights. On the last night, after the candle has burned away and the leftover wax has cooled-throw away the leftover wax into to trash and envision your depression being thrown away with the wax. You will overcome your depression! Love Charm Ingredients: --A pink, red, or white pouch or cloth --Rose quartz (stone and chips) --Malachite(chips) --Rose oil --Ylang ylang oil --5 small rosebuds --lavander --sea salt --Pink, red, or white string Directions: Put several drops of rose oil on the cloth. Anoint the stones with both oils, empower them and put them in the cloth or pouch. Anoint the rosebuds. Add only 4 of them with the lavander to the cloth. Sprinkle a bit of sea salt over everything to purify. Gather the 4 corners of the cloth together and tie with ribbon or string. Tie 2 knots while visualizing or chanting a spell. Example: "By the spell i cast today May the magick I weave bring love my way." Place the fifth rosebud where the knots are being tied. Place it there and tie the remaining five knots over the rosebud to hold it in place. End the spell by saying " For the good of all and with harm to none this is my will and it is done. Prosperity Pouch Ingredients: --Green or gold cloth and bag --Cinnamon --Patchouli --Mint --Basil --Money oil, cinnamon oil, or heliotrope oil --1 small cinnamon stick --Malachite --Pyrite --1 Gold Candle --1 Green candle --Prosperity incense Directions: Empower all objects Carve a prosperity rune or symbol on the candles and dress them with any of the above oils. Visualize your goal as you dress them. Add a chant if you like. "Wealth and money, come to me I deserve prosperity." Light the candles on your altar or place of magick. Place the empowered herbs in the bag and ask for the blessings of the earth. Wave the bag through the incense smoke and ask for the blessings of air. Pass the bag throught the flame of each candle and ask for the blassings of fire. Anoint the bag with any of the money drawing oils and ask for the blessings of water. Hold the stones and tell them what they are to do. Explain their magickal purpose. Add them to your pouch. Take the cinnamon stick and drip some green wax on one end and gold wax on the other. These are 2 traditional money drawing colors but can also be viewed as colors for the Goddess (Green) and the God (Gold). Ask for their blessing on your spell. Say: "For the good of all and with harm to none this is my will And it is done! Inner Power Pouch Ingredients: --Purple bag or cloth --Vervain --Dragon's blood resin --Rosemary --Frankincense --Galangal or ginger root --High John oil, personal power oil or Dragon's blood oil --1 Clear quartz crystal --A personal talisman --Purple Candle Directions: I suggest making up your own directions and spell for this one because it is a very personal pouch. Add ingredients or objects that have meaning to YOU. One suggestion: Try to sew on some small semi-precious stone chips or a stiched personal symbol. Relaxation Ritual Step One Lay or sit in a place where you will not be disturbed for at least five minutes. Get comfortable. If you are sitting, your back should be straight. Sitting or lying down, your legs should be crossed. If sitting, rest your hands,palms down, in your lap. Close your eyes. Step Two Visualize a golden ball of beautiful, warm light surrounding your feet. If you cannot "see" the golden ball when you visualize it, its okay, just know it is there. The ball of golden warm light always brings peace and total relaxation. Wherever the ball goes tension departs. Step Three Now allow this ball of light to rise up your legs and up your torso. Then allow it to go down your arms to your fingers, and finally up your neck and into your head until covered with total peace and relaxation and all tension is gone. If you feel tension anywhere, send the ball there and the tension will vanish. Step Four Stay in this state for a few moments. If you are having trouble sleeping, try this. Be at one with yourself. Step Five When you are ready to come out of this state of deep relaxation, take three deep breaths and feel fresh life and energy coming out of your body with each breath. Record your thoughts and experience in your ritual diary. Spells to Protect Pets With some level of emotion hold the image of your kitties being safe in your mind. Feel your desire for their continued safety. If one is gone from your side imagine what it will be like when your pet returns. Rough out the images as clearly as you can. You can incorporate this technique into other, more structured, ritual forms. (Submitted by Barbara) To keep your cats free from fleas, soak garlic in olive oil and mix a tablespoon of the oil in with their food daily. (I would add that, while you soak the garlic and whenever you place it in the cat's dish, you might visualize the fleas jumping off the cat and never coming back.) (Submitted by Dan) Take some fur of the cat (shed fur will do nicely). Tie fur into a bunch with some red thread (silk by preference, although cotton or even acrylic will do). Invoke the blessing of your patron deity. Place consecrated fur into a cannister (the following is imperative!). The cannister must be reflective on the outside, but NOT on the inside (If the cannister is reflective on the inside, it will focus malicious intent on the cats!). Seal the cannister with red wax (just a dab will do) Place cannister next to cat's usual exit. Red is the color of protection, silk is an insulator, the reflective cannister reflects malicious intent, the blessing is for extra whammy to the spell. To Bind a Trouble Maker BEST TIME: Waning Moon Situate the cauldron between 2 black candles, with a third black candle opposite you on the far side of the altar. Burn a protection or binding incense. Have the names of your enemies writtenon a smallpeice of parchment. If the names are unknown, merely write all my enemies. Sprinkle basil and elder flowers into the cauldron. Say: Bubble, bubble, cauldron bubble Burn the evil, destroy the trouble. Ignite the parchment from the central candle and drop into the cauldron. Take up the wand and stir the air above the cauldron while chanting: Darkness ended, control is done. Light has come. My battle's won. Take the ashes and herbs outside. Throw them up to the winds and the Moon. A Crayon Spell for Self-Assurance Gather a piece of paper, one grey crayon, one bright crayon (orange-yellow is good), matches, and a small item to represent yourself (perhaps a pebble). On the left side of the paper write in grey the word "doubt," and draw a cloud over the word. On the right side, use the bright crayon to draw a sun with the word "assurance" underneath it. Then lay the paper before you, placing the symbol of self on the left side. Slowly, while repeating the phrase, "From doubt to certainty, light to mark my way. Misgivings be gone, I'm seizing the day," move the stone across the page until it sets firmly on the word "assurance." Next, take a deep breath and tear away the left side of the paper, releasing your breath as you finish tearing. Burn that side to literally destroy your doubt. Wrap the remaining paper around the stone or object and carry it to encourage confidence every day. Easing indecision. Clarifying a sense of confusion. Reservations, misgivings, skepticism. Moon in Gemini or Capricorn. Month of August. Waning moons. On bright, sunlit days. Protection Spells "The Witch's Bottle" It is possible for the nicest person the have enemies. Some people may be jealous of you; misunderstand you; just dislike the way you do your hair! Many people have said, "I don't need protection. I don't have any enemies." But there are the above-type "enemies" that you wouldn't even know about. They may well be as sweet as pie to you, to your face, but be bitterly jealous, or whatever it may be, behind your back. How do you protect yourself against their negativity? How to you protect yourself against a warped individual who decides to work magick against you? You don't want to hurt them, but you certainly want to protect yourself. The best way to deal with this is a "Witch's Bottle". This is an ancient defense, known throughout folklore. It is made on an individual basis. The idea is to protect yourself and at the same time, send back whatever is being sent at you. You should never be the originator of harm, nor seek revenge, but you can protect yourself. To make a Witch's Bottle, take a regular jar such as a 6 oz instant-coffee jar. Half fill it with sharp objects such as broken glass, old razor blades, rusty nails and screws, pins, needles, etc. When the jar is half-filled with these objects, urinate in it to fill it. If a woman is preparing her bottle, she might also want to get some menstrual blood into it. Now put the top on the jar and seal it with tape. It should then be buried in the ground, at least twelve inches deep, in an isolated spot where it can remain undisturbed. If you live in a city, then it will be worth a trip out of town to find some remote spot to bury it. So long as the bottle remains buried and unbroken, it will protect you from any evil directed against you. This applies whether the evil is directed by an individual or a group of people. Not only will it protect you, but it will reflect back that evil on the sender(s). So the more he/she tries to harm you, the more he/she will be harmed her/himself. Such a bottle should last almost indefinitely, but to be on the safe side, I'd recommend redoing the ritual one a year. With the present rate of housing development you never know when your bottle may be dug up or inadvertently smashed. Binding Spells This should be used to prevent someone from giving away a secret. It is again a form of sympathetic magick. A clay or wax figure may be used, or a clothe poppet (voodoo doll). In the ritual it is named for the person whom it represents. Then, with appropriate word, the Witch takes a needle threaded with a twenty-one inch length of red silk, and sews up the mouth of the figure. She finishes off by winding the thread all around the body of the figure. The concentration is on the fact that the person is unable to speak on the forbidden subject - whatever the secret may be that is being safeguarded. At the end of the ritual the poppet is stored away in a safe place, wrapped in a piece of white cloth. So long as the thread remains in place, the person represented is bound. Candle and Crystal Spell for Successful Study Anoint two yellow candles with lemon oil and light them. Take a citrine quartz, anoint with lemon oil also, and place in front of the candles so that the candlelight shines on it. Chant the following: 'Charge the stone with candlelight To fill my mind with wisdom bright To keep my mind alert and clear So that no bane can interfere With the process of my brain So what I read is knowledge gained For all my life to stay with me This is my will, so mote it be!' Let the candles burn and charge the stone while you study. Keep the stone with you when you need to give papers, take exams or study. A Spell to Forget Lost Love As all things must surely have to end, and things must be left behind in the past, it's best that we remember to carry our good feelings and happy times with us, and to discard the remnants of things that need be left alone. This spell is one of my very own and it works well to be rid of the pain that breaking up with someone you love tends to bring forth. All you need is a picture of your ex-boyfriend (or ex-girlfriend), a lighter (I prefer a blow-torch, but matches may be supplemented), a heat safe container, a bittersweet root and a red ouanga bag (gris gris, hoodoo, yada yada...). I find that casting this spell on the night of a waning moon or new moon is best, when it's dark is always more peaceful, and you won't be disturbed. Place the picture of your ex in the heat safe container and light it on fire, as it burns down to ashes, meditate on your hurt and suffering leaving you while it turns to ashes and dust, chant the following with conviction: "As you leave my life, I leave behind my pain. As you burn to dust, So does all my hurt. As I leave you in my past, I leave with you my sorrow." Repeat this chant until his/her picture is reduced to ashes. You may now throw these ashes as far from your house as possible, or bury them in a remote location with your pain and bad memories of the breakup. Before you go to sleep for the night, take to bittersweet root and touch it to your forhead (third eye position -thousand leafed lotus), it's always best to have let out all your emotions earlyer while doing the burning, but if you feel you need to cry or scream and let out those last bits of remorse, feel free to do so now. Let the root soak up all your bad energies, then wrap it in the red cloth or put it in the sack, tying it with three knots, and then place it under your pillow or under your mattress near your head. Sleep with it there until your ex is a piece of your dead past, and they no longer affect you as an individual. A Spell to Look Magnificent Ingredients: Apples Snow peas Avocado Cherries Remember Snow White and the witch who tried to poison her with an apple? Don't believe all the fairy tales you read. Apples have long been used by Witches for love, health, and beauty spells. One old wives' tale mentions eating half a tablespoon of cider vinegar a day to retain your youthfulness. Norse legends tell how the gods and goddesses ate apples to keep their good looks. Remember the Princess and the pea? Another snow job! Peas (especially snow peas) are sacred to Venus, the goddess of beauty. To place a pea pod under your pillow will actually ensure your beauty rest. Avocado is another food sacred to Venus. Rich in oils, it is used in countless beauty products to rejuvenate the skin. Cherries promote self-confidence and happiness, keys to feeling beautiful. Take an apple and cut it horizontally. You should find a five-pointed star at its center. This is the Witch's magickal symbol, representing the perfection in the human form. The top point is the head, the center points are the two arms, and the bottom points are the two legs. Visualize yourself glowing like a perfect star. Color also plays a part in this ritual. If you want to look great for romantic reasons, use a red apple. To make someone green with envy or to look good for a job interview, use a green apple. Golden apples are recommended for people in the arts or anyone wanting to make an impression upon the public. Eat half the apple and leave the other half in you libation dish as an offering. Now peel the skin off the avocado. The avocado is also known as the alligator pear. Imagine all your 'alligator' traits being removed. The alligator lives in dark, swampy areas. Release all your murky and unattractive thoughts you have about yourself, shedding them with your avocado skin. Slice the fruit into seven pieces and remove the pit. (Seven is the sacred number of Venus.) Mash the slices into a paste as if you were making guacamole. Use the paste as a facemask. AS you cover your face visualize all your blemishes disappearing. Now take seven peas in your right hand and seven cherries in your left hand. Eat them alternately. The left hand rules the subconscious and unseen world, while the right hand rules the conscious and 'seen' world. What you are simultaneously creating beauty both within and without. This ritual should be done at least one to three days before you strut your stuff. A Spell to Let Go of Unpleasant Feelings Ingredients: One onion This spell as an option to all enemy spells. It is quite effective and spiritually regenerative. Simply stand alone in a dimly lit room, preferably when the moon is dark, and peel an onion. Onions are ruled by Mars and are used to draw anger or negativity to the surface. Onions open the heart chakra, which is why we sometimes cry when we cut them. In esoteric philosophy, anger is the layer covering pain or sorrow, and sorrow is the key to wisdom and understanding. In many situations it is our ego that has been damaged and that prompts us to seek revenge. The onion's spiritual vibration compels us to peel away the ego and helps us to see things through another's eyes. Onions bring clarity and cleanse the emotional body. As each layer is removed from the onion, feel the layers of emotional baggage being removed from your heart. This spell is very effective for love relationships that have turned bitter or hateful. After performing this spell, you should no longer possess the desire to 'get even'. Follow up this ritual with a warm bath, adding to the tub three fistfuls of kosher or sea salt, a tablespoon of rose water or sweet condensed milk, and a pinch of oat bran. These ingredients will maintain a positive and healing vibration in your heart center. As you soak in the tub meditate upon what you have learned from the situation by not 'getting even'. The Bewitching Bath Ingredients: Oranges Fresh mint leaves This bath is guaranteed to turn you into a love Goddess. Simply fill the tub with warm water and add five whole navel oranges and a bunch of fresh mint leaves. Get in the tub. Peel the oranges and squeeze the juice into the bath water. Rub the fruit onto your hair and skin. Eat a few slices and anoint yourself. Do the same with the mint; Rub it into the body and hair and chew on a leaf or two. You should be physically clean before taking this bath. Do not soap off when you're done. Let your body and hair air dry, now dress for your date. The combination of orange and mint will make you irresistible. A SPELL FOR THE RELIEF OF HEADACHES Find a place to be alone. This place should be comfortably lit and free of smoke and fumes (this includes incense and essential oils). Place two chairs (one comfortable enough to relax in) facing each other. Sit in the relaxing chair. Take two slow, deep breaths and allow your eyes to fall naturally on the other chair. Now instruct your central 'self' (or your higher self, subconsious mind, or whatever you use for non-consious workings) to form an image of the pain in that chair. REMEMBER TO BREATHE! As the image starts to appear, concentrate on making it as detailed as possible without letting your consious mind interfeare. Once the image is complete, note its appearance and then allow the remainder of your discomforts to flow into it (without otherwise empowering it or lending it your energy or essence). REMEMBER TO BREATHE while doing this. When the transfer is substantially complete, take two deep, relaxing breaths, stand up, and walk away (leaving the image in its chair). After an hour or so, the image will dissipate, making it safe to move the chair. After you have successfully done this two or three times, you can start streamlining it and customizing it to suit your own tastes. If the effectiveness starts to fade, return to this method for a few times. This spell can be used for a variety of discomforts, but it can also mask medical symptoms. In case of chronic or prolonged problems, CONSULT A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY! After all, there are few enough of us as it is! To Ease Pain and Renew Hope This spell can be performed to ease the pain of a broken relationship, divorce, death of a loved one or other painful circumstance and to build and renew a sense of hope in the future. The ingredients you will need are: One Black Candle 3 Pieces of Amethyst Vetivert Oil One White Candle 3 Pieces of Rose Quartz Lotus Oil At Sunset on the night of the Full Moon, take the Black Candle and inscribe with a short description of your problem, i.e. divorce, break-up, death, etc. Annoint the Candle with Vetivert oil and charge it. Set the candle in a holder on your altar. Take the three pieces of amethyst and hold in your hand. Visualize your pain and pour it into the stones. Place the stones in a circle around the base of the candle holder and light the candle. Visualize the pain leaving you. Allow the candle to burn down one third of the way and then extinguish. Take one of the pieces of amethyst outside. Hold it into your hand and again see and feel your pain transferring to the stone. Then take the stone and throw it from you with all your might. Never take this stone up again. Repeat this spell for the next two nights, until the candle has completely burned down, and the amethyst stones are gone. Take any remaining wax from the candle and bury off of your property. At Sunrise on the morning of the New Moon, take the White Candle and inscribe with the word "hope". Annoint the candle with Lotus oil and charge it. Set the candle in a holder on your altar. Take the three pieces of rose quartz and hold in your hand. Visualize a positive future for yourself. See yourself living, laughing, and enjoying life. Place the stones in a circle around the base of the candle holder and light the candle. Visualize and feel a strong sense of hope and expectancy coming to you. Allow the candle to burn down one third of the way and then extinguish. Repeat this spell for the next two nights, until the candle has completely burned down. Take the rose quartz pieces and place one in your purse, pocket, medicine bag, or amulet to be carried with you. Place another by a window sill in a sunny room. Take the last piece and bury it by a tree in your yard as an offering. If you don't have a yard, you may bury it in a flower pot or plant in your home or place outside the entrance of your home. Be patient...it takes time for pain to come to an end, but this spell will set you well on your way. The Five-fold Kiss The Five-fold Kiss is one of the most basic ritual forms, as well as one of the most meaningful. Consider the attitude one must have toward another to offer this salute. This is the state of a Witch. For heterosexual Witches, the kiss is given man to woman or woman to man. The one giving the Kiss kneels before the other person and kisses the each of the points after saying the associated line: the left and right feet, the left and right knees, the area just above the pubic hair, the left and right breasts just above the nipples, and finally the lips. The form as it is given man to woman is: Blessed be thy feet, which have brought thee in these ways. Blessed be thy knees, which kneel upon the sacred Earth. Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be. Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty and in strength. Blessed be thy lips, which call the ancient names. The form for giving the Kiss from woman to man is: Blessed be thy feet, which have brought thee in these ways. Blessed be thy knees, which kneel upon the sacred Earth. Blessed be thy loins, without which we would not be. Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty and in strength. Blessed be thy lips, which call the ancient names.