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Meet My Family!!
On December 13th, 1998, I left my brothers and sisters at Ellery Kennels to go to my new home!  I was very scared in the car and cried all of the way home (about 20 minutes!!)  But everyone in the  car smelled really nice, and that made me feel at ease!  I am so happy that my family picked me!!!!
Here are my proud parents, Mom and Dad or as everyone else calls them, Bob and Sandy!!!!  They love me very much, and take good care of me.  We go for walks, go in the car, watch TV!!  I love to watch TV!  Anything with doggies or animals!!!!
Julie is my bestest bud in the whole wide world!!  We hang out together all of the time!!! Sometimes when she's at work and I get lonely for her, I take a bunch of her socks and fall asleep on them!!!!! They smell just like her!!  Julie is also my personal hair stylist, and she does an awesome job!!  I'm not too fond of bathing, but she makes it bearable!
pictures of Julie to come!
These are Julie's birds, Sammy (on the left) and Honey (on the right).  They make alot of noise and sometimes give me a headache.  I'm not quite sure what Sammy thinks of me!  He gives me mixed messages.  He sings when I go into his room, but if I get too close then he gives me a nip on the nose!  I get him back by licking his feathers  backwards.  He hates that!
This is my great Aunt Ollie!!  Oh boy, do I love her!!!  We go and visit her in Renfrew, ON, Canada, and she lets me sit on her couch (which I'm not allowed to do at home!), and I get to lie in her bed!!  She also keeps a special blanket just for me!  I love giving her hugs and playing in her backyard!!  I really love it when she comes to visit us!  Then I get to steal her socks!!!
More pictures to come !  Click on the camera to return home!