Sermon Outline

Matthew 17:1-9


I. Building Project

· We've made many preparations

· Gone through so many processes, recommendations, steps

· Architects

· Contractors

· Bankers

· Committees

· The Discipline

· They all have their procedures, their prescribed methods of getting ready

· But soon, we'll be ready

· Soon it will be time to build

· Nothing can stop us now

· Except reality

· The reality is that there are always interruptions

· It's unavoidable

· Weather

· Materials

· Miscellaneous (whatever that means)

· How frustrating, to be ready to build and then be interrupted

  1. The mountain

· It's been six days since Peter's confession, since Jesus has predicted his death and resurrection

· Jesus leads Peter, James, John on a little hike

· Mountain-climbing expedition

· Not ordinary trip

· Something extraordinary happens

· There, while they are alone, Jesus is transfigured

· Jesus goes through an amazing metamorphosis

· He is changed

· Face shone like the sun

· Clothes became white as light

· And Moses and Elijah appear before their eyes, talking with Jesus

· This gives Peter an idea

· Build

· Three shelters

· One for each of you

· Three buildings

· Original word - skene - tent

· Different translations over the years

· Shelter

· Tabernacle

· dwelling

· memorial

· same word skenai used for ordinary tents, for the tabernacle, for the temporary huts built at the Festival of Booths (some Jewish traditions associated the future advent of the kingdom of God with Feast of Booths)

· different understandings of this word have implications for Peter's project

· shelter - where you go for safety

· tabernacle - where you go to encounter the fiery cloud that symbolized the presence of God, as it dwelt over the ark of the Covenant

· dwelling - simply where you live, where you exist

· memorial - where you remember the past

· what was Peter to build?

  1. The interruption

· Peter still laying out his project plans

· Interrupted by a cloud

· Told you weather can be a factor

· Interrupted by a bright cloud

· From the cloud a voice

· "This is my son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him!"

· sets the project back, to say the least

· disciples fall to ground, overcome with fear

· Jesus comes to them

· Touches them

· "Get up and do not be afraid"

· everyone else gone, saw only Jesus

· coming back down, Jesus orders them not to tell anyone about their vision

· what just happened?

· Another epiphany

· Christophany

· Unique occasions in Matthew's gospel in which the glorified Christ comes to his followers - Craddock talks about three of these in Matthew

· Sea of Galilee - ch. 14

· Fearful disciples wonder if they are seeing a ghost, as Jesus "came to them, walking on the sea"

· After the resurrection - ch. 28

· Confused disciples - some worshipped, "some doubted. And Jesus came to them."

· And here in this text - the Transfiguration - ch. 17

· Disciples fall to ground in fear and awe and Jesus came and touched them

· We become aware of something about Jesus

· Interrupts our project

· Peter's building program interrupted by "beholding" of this strange cloud, God's voice

· Not mentioned again in this story

· Disciples fall on their face, afraid

· Jesus comes to them and touches them

· And then they're back on the way down, without any discussion of "what about the tents"

· Is this a relocation of the project?

  1. Changes to the project

· Plans have changed

· Where you build makes a difference

· Relocate from exclusive, mountain resort to valley

· Where the action is

· Jesus' return to valley to minister to human need

· Perhaps our call to move ministry outside the exclusive walls of the church?

· Maybe, but let's not be too hasty

· What you build makes a difference

· Shelter - if we value safety above all else

· Dwelling - if we value mere existence, place to "be" above all else

· Memorial - if we value the past above all else

· Tabernacle - if we value the presence of God above all else

· Elements of all these things probably necessary

· Shall we call the architect? Change our blueprints?

· Maybe, but let's not be too hasty

· How you build makes a difference

· Build around ourselves

· Imperfect blueprint

· Affirmations found in this text about Christ, not about us

· Build around christophany

· What is revealed about Christ

· Peter's building project interrupted by voice of God

· Our building project now interrupted by Ash Wednesday, Lent

· Same voice

· Same message

· Same prediction Jesus made days before going up to mountain

· Death and resurrection

· Now we build around christophany, what was revealed

· Problem is, exactly what was revealed on the mountain?

· Mystery

· We're quick, hasty to simply say, let's be like Jesus

· Quick to claim our own transfiguration, our own change

· Relocate the project among the people

· Build

· minister

· But we're not like Jesus

· That's what's revealed

· Christ is like us, and so he will return to the valley and help

· Christ is not like us, and so he is the only one who can help

· Maybe that's the good news

· Temptation is to quickly relocate the project, build, like we think Jesus would

· But we're not exactly like Jesus

· And so before we amend our plans, blueprints

· Before we get caught up in the glory of our design

· maybe we should take some time to consider the mystery

· The cloud

· The voice

· The interruption of Lent

· The uniqueness of Christ

· Will it cause us to fall to the ground in fear, in desperate anticipation of Jesus coming to us and touching us at Easter?