Sermon - "Do You Believe This?"

John 11:1-45


(17 March 2002 - 5th Sunday of Lent)

Sermon Outline

Title: ""Do you believe this?""

Focus (What does the text say?): Jesus has the power to bring life even

from death. Jesus ""unbinds us"" from the forces that hold us down and

unable to live and breathe and act.

Function (How will the text affect the listeners?): To remind us how

easy it is to disbelieve anything, and yet how powerful belief can be

when we let it lead us.


Jesus has the power to bring life even from death. Jesus ""unbinds us""

from the forces that hold us down and unable to live and breathe and


As the light of the cosmos, Jesus offers to lead us in a way that we

will not stumble.

Some people will not believe no matter what happens.

It is so easy to disbelieve anything, and yet how powerful belief can be

when we let it lead us.

Although life often seems uncertain to us, Jesus offers us assurance of

a divine purpose for our lives as well as his guidance to follow that


The Power of Belief and the Power of Unbelief

A few weeks ago on PBS there was a documentary on the aging brain. For

years, scientists thought the adult brain was incapable of repairing

itself. They thought once brain cells were destroyed in a certain part

of the brain, that damage was permanent. However, recent research has

demonstrated that the adult brain can repair itself.

As an example, they followed the progress of a man who had suffered a

stroke and had lost the use of his right hand. When they first

interviewed him, his hand was useless. However, they explained to him

their hopes that he could recover its function and then they started him

on a regimen of exercises. They would cover his good hand with a bulky

mitten that rendered it useless, and then they would force him to use

his weak, immobile hand. The work was very frustrating. It took hours

and hours of exercise every day. But he slowly began to regain the use

of his hand.

As they went through this process, they carefully examined his brain

function. They demonstrated that as he regained the function of his

hand, the part of his brain which had been nothing but dead cells, was

beginning to show life again. The body was slowly rebuilding the nerve

pathways through that section of the brain.

What interests me in this story is not so much the science, as the

belief. For decades doctors told stroke patients that healing was not

possible. Based on this counsel, countless people may have been left

with little hope for healing. But now, when this one man was told he

could heal, he had the courage and patience to work for healing.

Without belief in healing, it was unlikely this man would have healed.

An Even Greater Hope

Jesus offers us even more than earthly hope. Jesus begins with the

Jewish belief in resurrection. Martha''s faith has already given her the

comfort that she will be reunited with her brother in the eschatological

resurrection. She knows that death cannot separate them forever. But

Jesus challenges her to believe that even here and now, new life is


We may not see any physical resurrections today, but I believe Jesus''

words are still true. The life that Jesus promises: the life of

forgiveness and compassion for those who suffer, of love for all people

. . . this life is so far superior to our old way of life, that it is

like being raised from the dead. Can we even imagine a world without

war or crime or violence? Without economic inequalities? A world in

which all people equally share in God''s blessings? Jesus offers us an

invitation to build this new world with him as we live our life of


Realistic Responses

But even as we hear this message of good news, we have a hard time

believing it. Martha says she believes but she still mourns for her

brother. Even Jesus is overwhelmed by the pain that he sees in this

world. Before he raises Lazarus, even Jesus weeps.

Do not feel guilty about these kinds of feelings. When you read the

newspaper and feel overwhelmed by the pain of the world, remember this

moment in Jesus'' life. When we learn to love one another, we will feel

pain when we hear of others'' pain. When a loved one dies, do not feel

ashamed to grieve. Jesus also grieved.

But do not stop with frustration and grief. Jesus reminds us that in

God there is amazing power to create. Even death cannot stand in God''s

way. Perhaps, even our human stubbornness in this life cannot stand in

God''s way.


The power of belief can open incredible possibilities to us. As we

follow Christ, challenge yourself to believe ever more courageously that

God can work great goodness through your life, through our lives

together as the Church. And do not forget the power of unbelief.

Failing to believe also has a power to create. It can create roadblocks

in our lives that keep us from growing.

Although life often seems uncertain to us, Jesus offers us assurance of

a divine purpose for our lives as well as his guidance to follow that

purpose. Believe in the life God promises us. Jesus will raise us up.
