February 15, 2002


I'm attempting my first transmission of the notes for Matt. 4.1-11. Hope it gets there.


(I can already tell the greek may not translate; I'll amend if necessary)

also: Here is my revised list of texts for our lenten project:

Feb 17: Matthew 4.1-11

Feb 24: John 3.1-17

Mar 3: John 4.5-42

Mar 10: John 9.1-41

Mar 17: John 11.1-45

Mar 24: Matthew 21.1-11 (Palm Sunday)

Mar 31: Matthew 28.1-10 (Easter Sunday)

I hope this works well with the others' selections. I have acquired one clergy with whom I'll meet weekly. I am also doing this with an adult church school class that I teach. Will this fulfill the involvement with the laity? I will try to get at least one to commit to giving feedback via the web. Let me know if this is workable, or I can find another avenue.

Hope your new semseter is going well, & look forward to hearing from others.



February 15, 2002


Got it, RKF. Thank you for the contribution. It is posted. As you anticipated the Greek did not come through (some punctuation as well), so this time I just deleted the scrambled portions. It would be good for all of us simply to use the English transliteration with quotation marks. I can smooth the choices out for common recognition and eventually we'll all be on the same page. Thanks also for the revised list of text choices. One of these days we'll find time to send in feedback perhaps on one another's work as we did during class here in Austin. The main thing just now, however, is that our "on-site" feedback partners are in place and functioning. Your partner and your discussion group are fine as choices. We look forward to hearing from them too. The semester is racing along as usual. You can check on the work of the I Corinthians seminar from the main menu of the website. You will find the syllabus and the rough translation of the first three chapters. German reading, Greek reading, and Senior Preaching are all also going along just fine. Thanks for asking. We appreciate your prayers.
