Lectionary Year B
Pentecost Sunday
June 8, 2003
John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
Initial Acquaintance
KJV "Comforter which proceedeth from the Father"
NRSV "Advocate...who comes from the Father"
JB "Advocate...who issues from the Father"
NIV "Advocate...who goes out from the Father"
NASB "Helper..."
SPANISH -- Reina Valera 1960 Revision has "El Consolador", "The
New Spanish Bible (1975): "El Abogado", meaning "The Advocate" or "The
Defender" (as in a courtroom setting)
KJV "He will reprove the world"
JB "He will show the world how wrong it was"
RSV "He will convince the world"
NRSV "He will prove the world wrong"
NIV "He will convict the world of guilt"
Reina Valera 1960, "El convencera al mundo del pecado" ("He will
convince the world of its sin")
New Spanish Bible "le probara al mundo que hay culpa, inocencia, y
sentencia" ("he will prove to the world guilt, innocence, and sentence.")
KJV, JB "The Prince of this world"
RSV, NRSV "The ruler of this world"
New Spanish Bible "El jefe del orden este" ("The chief of this order")
KJV "...ye cannot bear them now."
NRSV "More than you can now bear"
JB "They would be too much for you now"
KJV, NIV "He will guide you into all truth"
JB "He will lead you to the complete truth"
NRSV "He will guide you into all the truth"
New Spanish Bible: "El os ira guiando en la verdad completa" ("He will go
leading you in the whole truth")
KJV "He shall take of me, and shew it unto you"
NRSV "He will take what is mine and declare it to you"
JB "All he tells you will be taken from what is mine"
NIV "The Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known
to you
New Spanish Bible "Tomara de lo mio y os lo interpretara" ("He will
take from that which is mine and interpret it to you")
(from Bruce Metzger, A Textual Commentary on the Greek New
Testament, p. 247)
a. 16:13 Some later copyists aided Greek "eis" and the accusative
perhaps thinking it more idiomatic after "odegesei" than the construction of
"en" and the dative
b. 16:13 The reading "osa akousei" is preferred as best accounting for
other readings. "Osa akouei" was an "improvement" made for dogmatic
reasons, perhaps to suggest the eternal relationship of the Spirit with the
Father. "Osa an akouse" is a grammatical "improvement".
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