Lectionary Year B
April 20, 2003
Easter Sunday
John 20:1-18
Step IV: Broader Context
a. Resurrection as key to proclamation of the Gospel in the
early Church: passages like Acts 2: 31, 4: 33, 17: 18;
1 Cor. 15
b. Mary Magdalene: Luke 8: 2, "seven demons cast out"; Luke
8: 1-3 has her as part of a group of women followers of Jesus who helped support him and the circle of disciples.
John 19: 25 has her as one of the tiny group with Jesus as
he died on the cross.
a. Resurrection "according to the Scriptures": like Psalm 16: 8-11?
b. Matthew 22: 23 notes that the Sadducees did not believe in
a resurrection of the body. Was this an item of dispute
back then?
Friends and colleagues, I'm a long way from the library. Did anyone find anything on what people in 1st century Jewish and Hellenistic cultures thought about the possibility of the resurrection of the dead?
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