Lectionary Year B
April 6, 2003
Hebrews 5:5-10

Step 1 - Initial Acquaintance/Rough Translation


(v. 5) Thus also the Christ did not glorify himself to have become chief priest but the One having spoken toward him: "you are my son, I have birthed you today." (v. 6) Thus also it says in another (place): "you are priest into the age according to the order (Gr. "taxis") of Melchizedek" (v. 7) [you] who in the days of his flesh offered prayers and supplications toward the One being able to save him out of death with strong clamor and tears and having been heard from the cautious piety (v. 8) although being a son, he learned from what things he suffered with respect to obedience (v. 9) and having been made complete he became originator of eternal salvation for all the ones being obedient to him (v.10) having been designated by God high priest according to the order (Gr."taxis") of Melchizedek.

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