Lectionary Year A, B and C
Ash Wednesday
II Corinthians 5:20b-6:10

Initial Acquaintance/Rough Translation

(v. 20b) "We pray on behalf of Christ, you all be reconciled to God; (v. 21) he made (to be) sin on our behalf the One who did not know sin, in order that we could become the righteousness of God in him. (6:1) And working together we also implore you all not to receive the grace of God in vain, (v. 2) for he/she/it says: "at the favorable critical hour I heard you (sing.) and on the day of salvation I came to the aid of you (sing.)" Behold, now is the propitious critical hour, behold now is the day of salvation. (v. 3) Providing no occasion for stumbling in nothing in order that (our) service may not be faulted, (v. 4) but in everything presenting ourselves as God's servants in much patience, in trials, in necessities, in narrow escapes, (v. 5) in beatings, in imprisonments, in public disturbances, in much hard work, in sleepless nights, in occasions of going hungry, (v. 6) in purity, in knowledge, in longsuffering, in kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in unhypocritical love, (v. 7) in the declaration of truth, in the power of God, through the weapons of righteousness for the rights and for the lefts, (v. 8) through glory and dishonor, through ill repute and good repute: as though imposters yet true, (v. 9) as though not being comprehended and yet recognized, as though dying and - behold - let us live! ...as those being subjected to discipline and not as those coming to death, (v. 10) as those subjected to grieving but always rejoicing, as those who are poor but making many wealthy, as having nothing and as possessing all things."
(CH) It may be helpful to make an overview chart comparing 4 versions (RSV, NRSV, NIV, Rough):


v20b-- Why trans. ‘pray' you? "Stumbling Block"
v3. "ministry vs service". v.4-- "servant ones"= a word play "calamities vs distresses"
v.5 "tumults vs riots" "sleepless nights vs watching"
v.6 "genuine vs unmasked."

(JA) There is no mention in the various translations of the word "hand"--is it there as an idiom?

(GG) Re: "ill repute" -- Is "ill" a repeated term as in the Joseph story (Gen.)

(JA) Vs.9 "behold" stops everything and then appears the hortatory subj. "let us live"

(JA) "discipline"vs "punished" "grieving" vs "sorrow" "Killed" vs "death"--not as those coming to death. Note also: v.10 Prepositional prefix "kata" intensifies root meaning in verbs, as "really implore," used for high emphasis

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