Lectionary Year B
August 3, 2003
II Samuel 11:26-12:13a

Step II: Disposition

A. Genre

(JFC) The account this pericope records reads like a straightforward narrative telling of a historical event with some human interest details in a parable introducing the major thrust of the passage. It tells almost matter-of-factly what transpired, who said what and where God was acting/speaking in the environs of this incident. Brueggemann terms these first two verses of this week's pericope, "reported so tersely". He calls Nathan's parable, "artistic finesse". God reviews divine blessings bestowed on David in the past and promises to provide more if warranted. The two relatively lengthy sentences read like ordinary conversation/storytelling. The cathartic end of the lesson seems to read a bit insignificantly for the power it coveys, re: David's remorse.

B. Personal Interaction

(JFC) First, it has to be wondered why the lection ends in the middle of its final verse. The text seems to begin the story Nathan tells rather abruptly. Surely it had some introductory qualification, like, "Let me tell you a story" or, "A story with a poignant point begins with two men . . ," etc. The story's rich man seems too selfish to have no explanation for why he is so selfish. And, did God really prepare to punish David's family so harshly?

C. Organization

(JFC) The final verse is 12:13. Nathan's story begins in the text's 12:1b. The rich man in the story appears unexplainably selfish beyond belief in 12:4b. God's punishment is forecast in the 12th chapter's 11th verse.

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