Lectionary Year B
July 27, 2003
II Samuel 11:1-15
Step II: Disposition
A. Genre
(JFC) This narrative sets its stage and then reports the antics of King David on a day
in the spring. It gets right specific when accounting for his actions with Bathsheba. It registers the consequences of his exploiting Bathsheba. Then it describes David's encounter with Joab and Uriah. Next, it gets rather detailed in telling of Joab's integrity while on leave from the war and in Jerusalem, but refusing to go to his house and wife. David is presented as either unbelieving or sarcastic, re: Uriah's integrity. Finally, David resorts to tactics that will accomplish his intended ends.
B. Personal Interaction
(JFC) Does the messenger David sends to find out about Bathsheba go ad find out
about her or does he know without going? Could a soldier from the battlefield really stay away from his wife and home if he were in his hometown and having to return to the war the next day? Would a king really get such a soldier drunk? Can a soldier really be trusted to hand-deliver such a note from the king saying he was to be left in the heat of battle to die?
C. Organization
(JFC) David sends the messenger and he reports on Bathsheba's identity in verse 3.
The soldier from the war on leave in Jerusalem is portrayed in verses 7 through 13. David gets Uriah drunk in the 13th verse. The hand-delivered note is in verses 14f.
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