Lectionary Year A
September 1, 2002

Romans 12:9-21
Contemporary Address

Step VI - Contemporary Address

A. Goals

(JFC) A sermon from this part of Holy Writ might help enlarge/expand peoples' perceptions/appreciations of how the Old Testament legalism relates to and gets freed by the New Testament's grace.

B. Describing the Audience

(JFC) Any congregation hung up on a legalistic milieu might get something out of this sermon's attempt to deal with a contemporary problem run amuck/prevailing here and now.

C. Address

(JFC) A sermon entitled for this working draft, "Accentuating the Positive"

You remember the song, "accentuating the positive"? God is for that kind of strategy, exemplified it in both Testaments and especially in Jesus' life, death and resurrection.

I. God's Will

A. God loves us and wills for us to love, too.
B. God wills for us to love as did Jesus.

II. God's Negatives

A. God knows we are tempted to do wrong/bad/improperly/disorderly/sinfully. Therefore, God's Word from the Apostle Paul in Romans 12:9-21 records over two dozen temptations we are prone to yield to. How good of God to be so understanding of our plights, huh?

B. The sinfulness God wants us to avoid include evil, persecution, haughtiness, self-pride, self-vengeance, refusing to feed and/or water any with whom we take exception, etc.

III. God's Positives

A. God emphasizes the positives of genuine love, mutual affection, rejoicing in hope, patience, prayer, blessing instead of cursing, prevailing good, etc.
B. God's advice proves beneficial for us, for others and for the whole world.

When we do God's will, we do well for all, here, there and yonder.

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