Lectionary Year A
June 30, 2002
Matthew 10:40-42



Pre - The first 9 chapters of the Gospel of Matthew tell of Jesus' advent, teachings, healings, miracles & callings. As this part of this Gospel aims toward the pericope we consider this week, Jesus teaches mostly about the callings of disciples, apostles and groups of servants who follow Him and obey God. Eventually, in Scripture, we will know them as "the Church".

Post - Following our text, we read of Jesus' dealings with John the Baptist, the Pharisees, Peter, parables and stories, His entry into Jerusalem, His passion, death and resurrection.


Matthew focuses on Jesus' instructional callings. Here, Jesus teaches that the Church is the fulfillment of ancient Israel's mission as God's Servant People. Matthew seems to emphasize that the Church is made up inclusively of all people. The church is a higher example of following Jesus than Israel was in obeying God. This week's lection from the Gospels tells how God and Jesus and followers are united in mission. As we go, we unite others into that circle.


Twice in Matthew's Gospel (9:9 & 10:3), the name Matthew is mentioned as a tax collector and called as a disciple by Jesus. Markan and Lukan parallels use the name, Levi. Commentators doubt that this person authored this Gospel. Have we encountered in these pages the recollection that a second century Bishop, Papias, claimed that Matthew, an apostle of Jesus' wrote Jesus' sayings in Hebrew? Our Gospel by that name is written in Greek and of much more than just sayings. It was likely written in Syria between 65 and 75 CE, give or take 5 years.

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