Lectionary Year A
April 14, 2002
1 Peter 1:17-23

Step VI: Contemporary Address

Small town, smaller congregation, only recently discovering that God calls the Church to do mission and to engage in ministries. Older folk had to admit and act on the realization that they could no longer afford to sustain a minister of several years. They grieved for nearly a whole year having to dissolve that pastoral relationship. Now, at long last, newer and younger families bring lots of children and youth with whom they expect to get involved in the life and programs of the local congregation to aid and to witness among the community.


Keep their spirits up without ignoring their inevitable troubles. Declare God's role in renewing, loving and giving them hope and faith. Show Christ's sacrifice and intentions, still recallable since Lent and Holy Week and Easter are still recent.


Introduction - Do you pray? Do you address God? Do you call upon God? Do you invoke God? Surely, some of us can answer in the affirmative some of those questions. Surely.

I. Identifying the characters of God this passage mentions
God always is in a listening mode
God ransomed us through Christ
God charts paths for our renewal and trust

II. Christ's nature and actions this passage describes
The lamb without defect or blemish
The Revealer par excellence

III. Human response in faith
Speak with God
Live reverently all one's pilgrimage, like Christ
Keep previous learnings and conditionings in proper perspective
Grow in trust, obedience and love

Conclusion - Taking fullest advantage of using God's gifts for developing faith and hope

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