Lectionary Year B
March 23, 2003
I Corinthians 1:18-25

Step II: Disposition


(EM) Not a "gospel" but an "epistle" with a sub-genre that is not a pure faith formula but a theological/doctrinal faith formula? i.e. from a diagram of the content it is clear that "being saved" means ethical conduct, to live under the "sign" of the crucified life in all of its folly and offense.

(RA) strong "parenetic" feel to it.

(KA) "epistle" of a special kind?

(JW) Belongs to the "wisdom" genre

(JA) of what kind, proverbial or ? Specialized vocabulary like "foolish" or "wise" marks the text for conduct.

Dispositional questions:

(EM) Should the limits be expanded to v. 17? (JW) or even beyond?

(SA) should one look at the other lectionary texts? OT and/or gospel reading for connections - here Jn. 2:13-22? 3) (EM) focus of foolishness or wisdom for believers in their conduct?

Who is the God of v. 19 and why would this One want to do this to wisdom and intelligence? aren't teaching and learning gifts from God's Spirit and not objects of destruction? aren't three years of seminary "worth" something?

Is the "word of the cross" and echo from the "logos" in John's Gospel?

(KA) special situation in Corinth to make the "target" clearer here? on recent travel seminar that included a visit to Corinth students saw the temple to Apollo = the world of many gods?

(MW) the social situation and particular communication about understanding on a very personal basis almost like monastic orders could be intended.

(JH) context for "wisdom" that of stoics, pythagoreans, gnosticism, "pure" hellenistic thinking etc.?

(JA) how does one decide what in the history-of-religion comparison is relevant?

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