Blood and Water
Chapter 11
by Lisa Leonard.

Illustration(s) by Hytac


By Lisa Leonard

It was a nice cool summer afternoon at the Trakker mansion, but of course all that was about to change. Inaya Vendun, cleverly disguised as Ivy Green, pulled up in her green Ford Ranger. This time she was not dressed in her military uniform, instead she was dressed more casually, wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
Despite the change of appearance, she still had a strong attitude towards Trakker and following her job description. She had no time to sit back and relax. Her investigation of MASK was the utmost importance. The more information she dug out the better her promotion was going to be. She barged into the
mansion as though she owned the place. She did not care about respecting Matt or his house hold, all she wanted was answers. As hot headed and irritated as Inaya was becoming, due to her frustrating job, she did not have time for 20 questions from the billionaire. She opened every door and glanced around every

The house maid walked up to Inaya who was snooping around, "Miss Green! I have never seen such rude manners. I would appreciate it if you'd knock next time you decided to visit."

Inaya a.k.a. Ivy Green stopped peeking and turned to look at her, "Where is he!" Her tone was slightly cold, and maid was a bit scared to face her wrath, "He's... He's in the back around the pool." 

Inaya smiled and apologized, "Sorry I'm a bit tensed. I've been up the last 48 hours drinking
coffee. I promise I'll knock next time." 

She hastily walked through the house towards the pool. Trakker was sitting in a lawn chair under a yellow umbrella, meanwhile both Scott and T-bob were playing in the pool. Matt was busy talking to a business partner over his cell phone and keeping a sharp eye on his son in the pool. 

Inaya walked up behind him taking him by surprise. She said in a loud angry voice, "Trakker you have some explaining to do!" He turned around and nearly jumped out of his seat as he saw her, "Ivy this is definitely unexpected." 

She yanked the cell phone out of his hand and placed it to her ear, "He'll call you back." She hit the end transmission button and slammed the phone on the nearby table. 

Matt stood up towering over her with a paranoid expression, "I don't appreciate you barging in here, disrupting me and my business, and expecting me to drop everything your for your sake." 

Inaya said bluntly, "Relax Trakker your not putting your private life on hold for me. This issue concerns MASK."
Matt suggests, "Then you could have called ahead of time or better yet just say so
to being with." 

Inaya crosses her arms, "I've been up too long to have patience with anyone." She turns her head to notice Scott in the pool staring curiously at her, "I would appreciate it if we would go some place more private for this conversation."

Matt leaders her into the house and into his private study. Matt shuts the door and glances at her wardrobe and tired face, "I see you'e out of uniform major. You look as though you've been on a stake out." She rubs her forehead as she sits down on the leather couch, "I have been. We've been staking out Brad
Turner's apartment complex, studio, and any other place he usually hangs out. He's been gone for about a month now and nobody knows where he is." 

Matt walks over to her shrugging, "And you think I know where he is?" 

Inaya crossed her arms, "Everyone tells me you were such good friends with him, and I know how much you love to cover things up." 

Matt sits on the edge of his desk, "Obviously you've been talking to his associates at his record company and not any of my agents. My agents would tell you I've been at his throat a couple times." Matt looks at her suspiciously, "Any ways what do I have to cover up? I've been honest with you since the day we've met, after all you've read my entire file and their really isn't much I could keep from you. The way I look at it your the one who is covering something up." 

She felt like he was turning the spot light on her, "Trakker I have nothing to hide and quit avoiding the question." 

Matt interrupts, "That's just like you, always sticking your head in, trying to find out as much dirt as you possibly can on me, so you can take over my job. For your information, I don't keep tabs on my agents. What they choose to do during their spare time is none of my concern. I especially see no reason as to why I would bother baby-sitting an ex-agent, who is forbidden to step anywhere on the premises." Matt points a finger in her face, "No the real question is, Who are you? I've tried to do a back ground check on you, but all my searches have brought me to a dead end. Nobody at the PNA has heard of your name before, and
I'm starting to wonder where you fit into all of this." 

Inaya didn't like the hot seat and she knew her cover was soon to be blown if she didn't do something, "Matt my background information is highly classified and since you've lost that privilege I feel you have no right snoopy around in my life." 

He replies back, "Then what gives you the right to go and analyze mine!" 

Just before Inaya could defend herself, both their watches started to beep. It was obvious somebody was trying to reach the leaders of MASK. Matt leads her into his private computer room, next to his study. He hits the switch on the computer and an image of President Duane Kennedy appeared. 

He wasted no time getting to the point, "Good you're both here. The day we've feared has finally arrived. VENOM has sent their ransom demands and it isn't pretty. Mayhem is demanding $100 billion dollars or else he'll blow up San Francisco. Of course that's not he end of the deal, he want's $100 billion per each major city he intends to blow up in the future. Considering the United States has several major cities throughout the country, just trying to figure out the math and logic of it is driving everyone in Washington crazy." 

Inaya couldn'tbelieve that such a hefty impossible demand was even made, "Surely Mayhem not that stupid to know that nobody going to have that kind of money." 

Matt rest his hand on his chin, "He's a smart man and no doubt already knows that. He's just looking for a way to play with his new toy. Of course, he already knows the government is not going to negotiate with terrorist. 

Duane Kennedy nodded, " That's right Matt. That is why were hoping you'll be able to get your team out
there, before he actually hits that red button." 

Matt reassures him, "Duane, you can tell the government not to worry. Mayhem is not going to blow up San Francisco." 

Duane looked at him confused, "Have you lost your marbles, he threaten.." Matt stays cool headed, "I know what he told you guy in Washington, but he has a bigger mouse to test in his new maze, MASK. We're the target not San Francisco." 

Duane eyes shift over to Inaya hoping she'd disagree with his statement. After a minute of silence Duane said, "All right I've never doubted you before. Good luck and please do come back in one piece." 

The transmission ends and Matt turns around in his chair. He glances at Inaya, "I thought you were going to speak up and tell Duane I've gone crazy." 

Inaya rested her hand on her waist and snickers a bit, "You have gone crazy, but your brain still functioning somewhere in there. Besides all those diplomats in Washington know nothing about what happens out on the battlefield. Once Mayhem gets MASK out of the way, he can blow up any thing he wants." 

Matt smiles slightly, maybe she wasn't that bad after all, "All right then! Let's assemble Mobile Arm Strike
Kommand. Computer select the best agents suited for this assignment..."

Roxanne leaned up against Chameleon, wearing her black and purple race uniform. Her mask rested securely on the seat of the bike. The entire area was covered by dense forest, which was the prefect disguise for the laser. It was also a great spot facing San Francisco, which was several miles away from their
location. She thought, "We can't just mass murder everybody who's living down there. Most those people are innocent bystanders." Her conscious really started to get to her, and her faced defiantly looked worried. 

Vanessa headed over to her direction, "Hey why so gloomy? If it's Mayhem your worried about,
he's probably already forgotten about your joy ride. He's got enough trouble with the guys going out and looking for booze and parties. What you did is forgivable." 

Roxanne cracked a small smile, " Naa I was actually wondering. Are we really going to blow up San Francisco?" 

Vanessa lead her off the bike and towards a clearing in the forest, "Now if you wouldn't of drove off last night, you'd know what is going on." Vanessa pointed to a valley just below their location, "That's where the laser is set to fire." 

Roxanne looked at her questionable, "A valley?" Vanessa elaborates, "As soon as MASK comes into view were going to pick them off one by one. Does that make you feel better?"
Roxanne smiled wickedly, "Defiantly!" 

Brad approaches the two, "Roxanne, Vanessa, Mayhem wants to see you."

Mayhem had a map set up against the side of Outlaw. "Rax, Bruno" he points to two points hidden in dense forest, "I want you two hidden here and here. Roxanne you're going to be stationed at the edge of this hill just over looking the road way. I want you keeping an eye out for MASK. Once you've radioed their
position, both Rax and Bruno will start to lead them into the clearing. Then it will be show time and we'll pull off our greatest attack yet." 

She sounds disappointed, "So basically I'm a sitting duck on a hill waiting and watch, while you guys get all the fun and action. I feel really hurt."

Mayhem's voiced boomed, "That was a direct order that I expect you to follow and stay out of sight. Unless things get out of hand you'll be staying put rookie." 

She sighs, "Yes sir." 

Mayhem continues with his instructions, "Turner I need you to stay by and operate Outlaw's cannon in case MASK gets beyond our defenses. Nash is going to be too busy operating the laser and I can't have him running both weapons." 

Roxanne grumbled as she walked towards Chameleon, "Oh ya! You trust him more then you trust me." Roxanne puts on her mask and gets on Chameleon, "Right now I'm hoping this entire operation screws up. That way he will see with his own eyes how ready I am for battle." 

Chameleon was waiting at its designated stake out spot in stealth mode. To Roxanne it felt like she'd been watching the same scenery for the past six hours. She was yawning constantly and could barely keep her eyes open. Her screen kept showing the same dull boring image, and no matter how any times she zoomed the image in and out it was putting her asleep. She shakes her head, "Too bad this thing doesn't have an alarm system, then I could snooze while I wait." 

Just then her tired eyes caught five MASK vehicles coming up the road side. She radioed in, "Roxanne calling Mayhem. MASK has been sighted, and they'll be at my location in about 5 minutes." Mayhem replies back, "All right make sure they stay on that road and alert Rax and Bruno as soon as they leave your sight." 

She says in a hesitant voice, "Yeah will do." Roxanne looked at the oncoming MASK vehicles. The first thing she noticed was the red camero with 2 streaks of lighting, on the front of the hood. She laughs out loud as she instantly recognized the vehicle, "I can't believe I never figured it out before. It all makes perfect sense and all the pieces have fallen into place. I wonder why Mayhem never figured this out. Well guess what, I'm not going to sit by and let some one else take my revenge. As soon as they pass by, I'm going to shoot down that red camero. Nothing like a deadly game of follow the MASK leader." She waited impatiently for the chance to blow her own father to smithereens and to satisfy her deadly thirst for revenge.

Mayhem shouts to Nash, "Ok, let's get the laser ready to fire." Nash smiles, "You got it boss and may I say this will be one for the history books." Mayhem grumbles, "Nash just get the laser ready and stop gobbling at my feet." Nash nodded and hits the power button, but nothing happened. "Oh come on you piece of
junk, "he repeatedly hits the on button. Mayhem walked up to Professor Michael, who was tied up next to the laser cannon. He grabs him by the collar of his shirt "What did you do to it? It was working perfectly two days ago!" 

The professor cowers before Mayhem, "I...I didn't do..." 

Mayhem throws him aside and looks at Nash who was opening the control panel. Nash glances inside and moves his fingers around to get a better look. Nash lifts his head up and turns to Mayhem, " All the wrong wires have been crossed, if it would of powered up it could have short circuited, he was trying to stop our scheme." 

Mayhem shouts in anger, "I know that you idiot can you fix it!" 

Nash says in a sly voice, "Yeah sure thing boss just give me 10 minutes to clean up this mess." Mayhem replies back, "Well you better get it done in 5 minutes!" He gets back on the radio, "Sly, Bruno, " he then says hesitantly, "Roxanne, I need you to lead MASK away from this site and keep them busy for the next 10 minutes!" 

Roxanne eyes widened with pleasure. Her prayers had been answered. Well it wouldn't of mattered much any ways if Mayhem gave her the go or not. She had no intentions of missing out of the battle of the century. She hastily started the engine and started her journey straight towards the enemy. She raced her
motorcycle down the hill as fast as she could. Roxanne snickered at the fact that they couldn't even see her coming straight at them. She wanted to so badly to give them all the surprise of their lives, but in order to do that she had to beat both Sly Rax and Bruno to the welcoming committee. 

By the time she reached the road, she was trailing behind Rhino. Roxanne grumbled, "I don't want the back, I want the front of the action. I want the driver in Thunderhawk to see who he's dealing with." Roxanne waited for a second, to see if Rhino radar could actually pick her up. Her suspicion was right they hardly even noticed her. She sped Chameleon right down the center of the parade passing Rhino, Firecracker, Gator, and finally Condor. 

Every driver pretty much thought it was the wind picking up around them, as they saw the dust trail. Inaya waved her hand around in front of her face, as she drove Condor behind Thunderhawk, "Quit picking up the dirt Trakker your not the only one back here." 

Chameleon made its way right up against Thunderhawk's passenger side. She looked over at the driver, and she could feel the rage building up inside, "Finally dad we can end this once and for all. Soon my mother's soul will be at rest, and I can go on with my life. I'll never forgive you for screwing my life up."
Roxanne speeds up ahead of Thunderhawk about a half a mile. She turns her bike around to face the oncoming challenge. She knew Sly Rax in Piranha was going to be the first to show up on the scene, and now was her only chance to introduce herself.

Roxanne waited until Thunderhawk came back into view, before she deactivated the stealth and over protective shell mode. 

Matt was confused as he notices the appearing cycle out of nowhere, "Where did that come from?" 

Roxanne says under her mask, "Have a nice death daddy!" She flicks a switch that activates a rocket on the side of the bike. The missile leaves the bike heading straight towards Thunderhawk. 

Matt was quick to react and evaded the missile before it made contact.

By this time, both Sly Rax and Bruno, in Piranha and Stinger, were heading over the horizon towards the MASK vehicles. Rax yells over his radio, "Roxanne what the hell are you doing! Are you crazy? You'll get caught in the line of fire!" 

Roxanne says in a howling rage, "I don't CARE I want him DEAD!" Bruno looked over to Rax in Piranha," That doesn't sound like the Roxy I know." Sly Rax pressing the pedal to the metal, "Great we have to deal with MASK and one rogue VENOM agents who's let it all gone to her head." 

Bruno suggest proudly, "I think she's just learning the fundamentals of battle." 

Sly demand, "Bruno try to get Stinger between Chameleon and MASK. Maybe the kid will come to her senses and back down." 

Bruno says disagreeing with the plan, "I don't think that's going to be even remotely possible." 

Sly Rax didn't like people disobeyed his orders, "Why not?" 

Bruno says in an unbelievable tone, "That nut heading right towards

Chameleon converted its two headlights into two laser guns. Roxanne grunted under her mask, as her eyes stayed strongly focused on Thunderhawk. She again stepped on the gas and sped towards the five oncoming MASK vehicles. Chameleon lasers were pounding hard against the front of Thunderhawk. Matt was trying his best to evade the laser fire, but found it difficult due to how close both laser shots were. 

Matt orders, "Come on let's show our guest who he dealing with." Each vehicle broke out into a V formation coming up the road. Gator, Condor, Rhino, Firecracker, and Thunderhawk all fired their lasers at the oncoming bike.

Roxanne swayed her bike all over the road ceasing fire. She was spending more time dodging laser fire, then actually shooting it. Of course, that didn't stop her from heading straight towards them. Hondo speaks up, "I'm tell you Matt this nut got more guts all then all those VENOM agents combined. By this point, their
usually turning around and running for their lives." 

Inaya suggest, "Well if this idiot doesn't stop with this game of chicken, he's going to end up splat all over your car Matt!"

Roxanne started to think more clearly as she got closer to Thunderhawk, "What the hell am I doing, I'm not on my death bed. I'll get another chance at him." She shut off the radio. She was sick'n tired of both Rax and 

Bruno yelling at her, to get out of the way. She thinks, "They can't fire as long as I'm in the way, and I know nobody going to be proud of me if I get myself killed. I guess I'll back off for the moment." Roxanne hits another button and in a matter of seconds the bike was covered by a black shell. The lasers were pounding hard against Chameleon, yet they were unable to do any damage. 

Matt, Hondo, Dusty, and Bruce all stopped their vehicles rapidly as they saw a bright blinding flash come from the bike. Dusty says concerned, "You didn't hit him did you?" 

Matt shook  his head, "No, what the heck was that!" 

Alex said from Rhino passenger seat, "I say Matt there isn't a trace of that renegade anywhere on the radar." Dusty adds rubbing his eyes, "It's like he vanished like a ghost in a shell." 

Matt replies, "You just took the words out of my mouth, Dusty." 

Inaya yells back at the guys, "Why did you all stop? Rax and Bruno are starting to fire. I would appreciate
some back up!" 

The guys took their foot off the break and sped up towards Condor's position. Matt adds, "I have a feeling that's not the last of our mystery guest. Keep a very sharp eye out for him." 

Sly Rax said slightly relieved that Roxanne left the battlefield, "Finally! She moved out of the way! Let's get to it Bruno!" 

Bruno changed Stringer from a cleverly disguised sports car to an armor tank. Bruno added, " Maybe we don't need no stink'n laser to defeat MASK. We could probably take them all on ourselves." 

Rax replies, "As much as I wish it was possible, we're still sticking to Mayhem's plan." Sly says silently to himself, "That's if he doesn't blow it like the last five dozen of his plans." Rax and Bruno quitted their
small talk and turn their focus directly towards MASK. Rax started the attack by fixing the machine guns, on the front of Piranha, right at Condor. Bruno's two front retractable wheel guns were also aimed at Condor. 

Inaya wasn't liking this scenario. She tired her best not to panic or get hit. Her front laser was hardly enough fire power to take on the two VENOM agent. While she was busy dealing with them, the rest of the MASK team was trail behind her a couple yards. Inaya radioed to her teammates, "Guys I'm taking Condor up, before Rax and Bruno ground me permanently." Condor then converted from a motorcycle into a helicopter. 

Rax was unable to get near her. Bruno, on the other hand, made an attempt to aim his front cannon at Condor, but the air allowed Condor more space to maneuver. Firecracker pulled forward and elevated it's body. Hondo shouted, "See how you like being under the heat" He then activated the thermal detonators on the front of Firecracker at piranha. Rhino lowered it's smoke stacks as it came in range of Stinger. 

Rhino first shot was a direct hit on the front of Stringer, but it's tank armor absorbed most of the damage. Gator came up behind Firecracker and Rhino offering support to it's friends. Meanwhile in the back, Matt Trakker was more concern with the mysterious motorcycle driver who disappeared without a trace. Sly Rax radioed to Mayhem, "Mayhem were pretty much taking a beating out here. This 2-5 ratio isn't working as an advantage in our favor." 

A large explosion hits right next to Piranha, yet Rax continues with his transmission, "That was too close! We need reinforcements. They already have Condor flying in the air  and it won't be long until Thunderhawk does the same." 

The plan was going haywire, like every other plan he attempted, but the battle wasn't even close to being over yet. Mayhem thought, "I'm just going to have to re-strategize this whole operation." He goes back to the radio, "I'm sending Vanessa right out to your location to give you help. Where in the blazes is Roxanne? She should be backing you up."

 Rax says irritated, "She started this mess out here, and I'm guessing she probably hiding in the woods. I'm hoping she's waiting for a chance to come back in. I have no way to reach her, because she turned her radio off." 

Mayhem grumbled under his breath. He then looks to Nash, "How much longer?" Nash says putting all his focus on the laser, "Two minutes max. Mayhem sir." Mayhem sends another transmission over the radio, "In exactly two minutes I want everyone to act as though your retreating back to his point. You better make sure MASK is following your trail. Then you'll have a full force to back you up."

Bruce says to Alex, "I think their distracting us. Rax and Bruno are making us run in circles." Alex says nodding, "I agree with you Bruce this is hardly the force Mayhem would use to guard his ultimate weapon." 

Inaya said contradicting them, "I don't know about that guys. Vanessa in Manta is about to join the
party. We have to be getting closer." Vanessa did not like how the plan was coming along either. She had no problems with chasing Condor and Thunderhawk through rings of fire. The whole object of the game was not to get burn. She came up behind Condor like a hawk and began firing her magazine gun on her

Matt knew from personal experience that Condor could not out run Manta. Matt says to Inaya over the radio, "Ivy I'm coming up to help you." 

Inaya did not want Matt's help. She was new to the team and felt she need to prove she could handle Condor in any situation. Inaya thought, "Since I'm out gun and out whited speed wise. I guess I'm going to have to use my brain for this operation." She shouts to Trakker, "Don't bother, by the time you get up here
I'll have her right where I want her. Over and out." 

Vanessa laughs, "I think ya better jump out missy. Only 1 person is qualified to drive Condor and I'm
sure he's dying to get it back." 

Inaya shouts, "Come and get me if you can!" Inaya flew low towards the trees. She waited for an appropriate opening big enough for her and Manta to crawl through. As Inaya predicted, Vanessa followed
Condor straight into the trees. Condor then converted back to a motorcycle as it touched the ground. For a moment, Vanessa thought she lost Condor, but she soon saw Condor flying in the distance in front of Manta. Of course, what Vanessa didn't know was Inaya was driving parallel to Manta using Hocus Pocus to fool her with an image of Condor. 

Vanessa smiled slightly, "Now I've got you!" Just as Vanessa was going to fire a missile, Inaya turned Hocus Pocus off, which caused the image of Condor to disappear. Vanessa's eye widen as she came within inches of hitting a tree head on. She turned her steering wheel hard to the right, but her effort to avoid the tree failed causing her left wing to be clipped. Vanessa slammed her fist against the wheel, "Grounded!" She converted Manta back to a car, "When I find you, I'll see how you like your own wings getting clipped. I may not be able to fly, but I can still hunt and shoot you down!" 

Roxanne watches the battle from deep within the bushes. She stationed herself there ever since she left the battleground. She watches the battle with eagerness, "I shouldn't be a bystander. I have to go out their and help them. I made a complete idiot of myself, by trying to get run over. She says in a confused voice, "I don't want to destroy MASK. I just want to destroy him. I'll be dammed if I let Mayhem or anyone else take that away from me. As soon as they enter the target area, I'll lose my only chance to get revenge. I have t o
have him all for myself. The only way to do that is to separate him from the group. It's now or never, but how am I going to accomplish that? Mayhem hasn't ask his agents to retreat yet. That will be the perfect time to resurface." She starts up Chameleon and heads back on the battlefield invisible, to the
surrounding fight.

Sly Rax ask Bruno, "How's it going?" Bruno shouts, "If I have to take another hit, I'm going to grab each and every one of them with my claw and disassemble them piece by piece." 

Rax pulled up along side Rhino, "Siletto Fire!" sharp metal darts slam right into Rhino's front tire." 

Bruce tries to maintain control. Alex says laughing, "The lad should know by now that shooting out
tires is an old parlor trick." Bruce his a switch and the flat tire instantly replenishes it's air. Mayhem then gets on the radio to his VENOM agents. "All right boys and girls this is it. Nash has gotten the laser operational. Start looking like your retreating." Bruno smirks, "That won't be too hard. We've done it so many times, I feel like a natural at it." Rax, Bruno, and Vanessa all started to head towards the valley clearing. Dusty says joyously, "Their retreating! Should we follow after them?" Matt replies, "Defiantly! They might lead us right towards the laser, but be careful it could still be a trap." 

Each of the MASK vehicles followed behind the retreating VENOM vehicles. Matt was still driving in the back. Just then he began to receive a radio transmission from someone outside of his team. It was obvious that he was the only one receiving it, and the voice was hardly recognizable. The voice sounded like a female computer.

"Hello there Matt Trakker. I take it you're a man of too many words and so little action today." Matt narrows his eye brow under his mask, "Who is this?" The mysterious voice laughs, "Ah come on you should know by now." 

Matt order's his computer, "Computer tell me where this transmission is being sent from?" The computer replies, "Transmission unknown." 

The voice answered, "Trying to find my location. Here let me give you a hint. Better keep your eyes on the road!" Chameleon appeared in front of Thunderhawk. Matt slams his foot on the breaks. He came within 12 feet of actually hitting Chameleon. 

Roxanne sat on Chameleon clapping her hands, "Good job! You wouldn't want to accidentally kill somebody. But silly me you find it more suitable to kill intentionally." She waves to him, "Catch me if you can, daddy." She drives off in the opposite direction. Matt turns Thunderhawk around to follow her. 

Inaya replies, "Trakker where are you going?" 

Matt answers, "I just found out who our mysterious cyclist is. I'm going to follow her. Inaya I trust you'll have no problems taking over command. I'll join up with you guys shortly." 

Inaya sure wasn't going to argue with that order. The idea of having full command was a dream of hers, "All right Trakker, but be careful you don't know what that cycle is capable of." The four MASK vehicles stayed close together in formation. Inaya order, "Let's stay close together now. I'm going up to get a better look." 

Inaya converted Condor to helicopter mode and flew high above the tree tops. She radios back to the guys, "That's odd the coast is clear." 

Alex said worried, "That's not a good sign, anything else you can make out up there." Inaya looks below, "That's weird...I might have something." She increases her range of vision on Hocus Pocus, on a shiny metal object sticking out of the tree top. She continues to inform the team, "I can defiantly see the laser, it's coming up in a couple of kilometers. It looks as though Nash Gordy is operating it. I don't see Mayhem yet or any other VENOM agents." 

Inaya smiles as her suspicions were right all along, "Well..well look who we have here, if it isn't our dear old bud Brad." 

Dusty says, "Your joking right, Ivy? Please tell me you are." She says, "Afraid not Dusty, I've been fearing this for awhile." 

While Inaya was surveying the area, Switchblade in helicopter mode popped up right in front of her. Inaya pulled Condor to a hard right to avoid a collision. The three MASK vehicles entered the valley clearing and were meet by Cliff Dagger, Sly Rax, Bruno, and Vanessa. 

Hondo says surprise, "It's an ambush!"

Inaya says encouraging her teammates, "Ok gang lets stay strong. All we need to do is sneak by their forces and bomb that laser." Dusty says, "That's easier said then done." 

Bruce suggest, "We're going to have to distract Switchblade. Condor is our only hope to breach their defense line." 

Alex suggest, "Hondo and Dusty keep Dagger, Rax, Bruno, and Vanessa busy. We'll use Rhino to occupy Switchblade." Condor attempts to go around Switchblade. Mayhem twitches his mustache, "Think you can sneak by me, this will make you change your mind." Mayhem launches a missile at Condor. 

Inaya used the front laser on Condor to blow it up before it came into range. Alex radioed to Inaya, "Ivy we'll take it from here!" Inaya a.k.a. Ivy replied, "Roger that!" 

Rhino side cannons both aim at Switchblade and started to fire repeatedly. Switchblade was running circles
in the sky attempting to avoid Rhino's fire power. Nash saw Condor heading towards his position, "So you think your going to destroy this baby. Well I've got news for you. Your going to be my first target." Nash starts to lock the target on Condor. 

Brad also saw Condor heading towards their location. His view from Outlaw wasn't the best, but he could see most of the battle going on below. 

Brad thought, "So he replaced me. Should have known, well I hate to do this to my precious bike." 

Brad activates the computer in Outlaw and targets the cannon at Condor as well. Brad lines up the target, "This is going to hurt me more then it hurts you." Brad launches the missile at Condor's back side. 

The missile was a direct hit on the back end of Condor. Inaya tried not to panic, as she was going down, and had absolutely no control over Condor. She yells over the radio, "I'm going down! I'm Hit! Brad Turner shot me out of the sky!" The bike fell to the ground slowly, since the propeller was trying to use the last of it's power. Inaya jumps off Condor, before it crashes into the ground. 

 Dusty stops Gator right next to her, "Get in!" 

"You don't have to tell me," Inaya hoped into Gator with out a scratch on her. She says as Dusty drives Gator away from Condor, "I'm lucky that didn't hit me head on or I would of been done for." 

Dusty ask trying to focus on driving, "Was it the laser?" 

Inaya says confused, "No. I could of sworn they were going to activate it on me, instead I got hit with Outlaw's missile" 

Nash walks over to Brad yelling, "What did you do that for?" You took my target away from me!" 

Brad shrugs, "Hey I'm only following orders. It was heading this way, it's not like you told me you were going to shoot it down. If you would of told me, I wouldn't of done it." 

Nash growls, "I'm going to have to pick another target. Any ideas out there?" 

Rax says over the radio, "What about that annoying red Camero?" Nash says looking all over the battlefield,
"What red Camero?" Rax said, "He was right behind the group" 

Bruno suggest, "Maybe Roxy keeping him busy." Nash says, "Never mind I'll pick the target myself. Hmm I pick that one!" Nash lines the laser up to Firecracker. Brad walks right up besides Nash. Nash scolds him, "What do you want?" 

Brad says in a friendly tone, "I'm staying away from Outlaw, so I don't take another one of your targets. Who's the target this time?" 

Nash says laughing, "The orange truck is soon to be history." Brad leans over the control panel paying close attention to the screen. Nash rubs his hands together, "All right this time nothing going to interfere with this perfect shot I have set up. It will be in range in 4..3..2..1." Nash hits the fire button, but at the same time Brad steps back accidentally hitting the controls that activate the spinning platform that is hooked up to the laser. Brad apologizes, "Whoops sorry I didn't mean too." There was nothing Nash could do the laser was activated and ready to fire. 

Hondo drives Firecracker unsuspected of the surprise. He was more focus on Cliff Dagger trailing behind him. His eyes widen as he saw a bright red beam head straight towards him, "Oh Shit!" The beam hit the ground right before Firecracker, and the dirt went flying everywhere. A huge crater was left from
the blast, and there was no way for Hondo to avoid it, at his current speed. Firecracker fell right into the hole landing upside-down. Hondo could not believe his eyes. He was upside-down and still attach to his seat thanks to his strong seat belt. He lets out a huge breath of air, "I think I just saw my life
flash before my eyes." 

Rhino stopped right next to the newly formed crater. "Hondo!" Bruce yells. 

Hondo cuts his seat belt and exits Firecracker, "Yeah I'm still alive. Firecracker is another story. Mayhem shouts to Nash on the radio, "Don't you know how to aim Gordy! I can't believe you didn't hit one of our own with your aiming." Nash protest, "It..It's not my fault Mayhem sir." Mayhem continues, "I don't want excuses Gordy. I want results!"

Bruce uses lifter to get Hondo out of the giant hole. Hondo hastily enters Rhino. Alex says, "We have to retreat were out numbered." 

Inaya agreed, "Yes let's fall back. If Matt was here we wouldn't have to retreat." 

Dusty says doubting that, "I don't know about that. Their pretty tuff varmints with an ace up their sleeves. We need to fight on our own turf." 

Inaya orders, "Alex track Matt's location."


Matt was still chasing Chameleon around the forest, "Roxanne can we talk!" 

She snickers, "We are talking." 

Matt insists, "No in person." 

She laughs, "Am I going to fast for you to keep up? When you shoot me down, well talk." 

Matt argues, "I'm not going to shoot you down." 

She shrugs, "Well then it's your loss." She turns around and heads towards his direction. She begins to fire her front lasers at Thunderhawk. 

Matt says angry, "All right Roxanne you leave me choice, but to do this." Matt opens Thunderhawk's doors and takes her flying in the sky. 

Roxanne pouts since she had no way to aim her lasers towards the sky, "That's not fair!" 

Matt replies, "Life isn't suppose to be fair." Matt leans out of Thunderhawk and aims Spectrum right on Roxanne. He shouts, "Spectrum fire!" Spectrum let out sound waves of an awful shrilling noise. Roxanne lift
her hands to the side of her mask wanting to protect her ears, but couldn't.  Both her hands were off the handles of the bike. She lost complete control of her bike which was going 70 mph. The bike fell to it's side skidding along the ground to halt. Roxanne just laid their with the bike on top of her. 

Matt looks down at her. It was obvious that he stopped her, but she wasn't moving. Matt looked for a big enough clearing for Thunderhawk to land. He moved as fast as he could towards Roxanne location. 

Roxanne opened her eyes, "What a ride." She pushes the heavy bike off herself. She says grunting, "I better hide." She moves towards a tree and hides behind it, attempting to say as quiet as possible. 

Matt ran through the bushes until he came across Chameleon. He was a bit disappointed not to see the driver next to it. He looks around shouting, "Roxanne show yourself!" 

Roxanne thinks, "He'll find me soon enough, I'll just get this over with." She stands up and steps out from behind a nearby tree. She walks towards him wearing her cobra shaped mask and her uniform which was ripped and dirty. Roxanne ignores the scrapes the bruises on her left side and focus solely on her anger for Matt Trakker, "Well I admit I didn't see that coming. Ok you got what you wanted. I'm standing here face to face with you. But that doesn't mean I'm coming quietly into your custody." 

Matt removes his mask and throws it on the ground, "I'm not going to take you anywhere, unless you want me too. I'm going to settle this whole grudge thing once and for all." Roxanne stood there crossing her arms and staring at him silently. Matt continues, "I know your not going to believe a word I say. Your mother never did and maybe that was my fault. I was never much of a listener." 

Roxanne shouted in anger, "So that gives you the right to kill her!" 

Matt says keeping up with the tone of
her voice, "Let's get one thing perfectly clear. I did not kill Rebecca! I could never physically hurt her. I loved her so much, she was the light of my life before any of this happened. If your so destined to find the man who killed your mother, why not ask him yourself." 

Roxanne mocks him, "Really and who would that person be?" 

Matt says in a cold voice, "Miles Mayhem." 

Roxanne face turned ugly, "Your lying!" 

Matt said questioning her judgment, "Am I?" He pulls out a CD case from his pocket, "On this CD is your mothers FBI file. It contains everything you ever wanted to know about Rebecca Travis-Trakker. I want
you to have it."

Her eyes fell on the disk. She wonders silently to herself, "Is it a trick?" She looks down uncertain what to do. She looks him in the eye, "Medusa On!" The eyes of her mask shot an electrical beam straight into Matt
Trakker's body. He falls to the ground and is instantly knocked out. She walks over to him standing directly over his head. She knees down and takes the disk out of his hand, "All right I'll see what you have." She stands up and places the CD into her pocket. 

Roxanne walks over to Chameleon and picks it off the ground. She then heads off towards VENOM temporary headquarters.


About 10 minutes later, Rhino and Gator arrive at Thunderhawk. Each driver gets out feeling the exhaustion of battle. Both Hondo and Inaya looked their  worst. Alex suggest, "I think you two should stay here, while we check the area for Matt." 

After 15 minutes of searching, Dusty spots Matt laying on the ground, "Oh dear Lord please don't be dead." Dusty rushes over to Matt's side and nudges him hoping he would wake up. 

Matt opens his eyes, "What was that!" 

Dusty said worried, "I don't know partner, but you sure the heck scared me." 

Matt sits up and looks for the CD, "She took it." Dusty looks at him confused.

 Matt gets up and slightly smiles, "I'll tell you later Dusty. What's the status of the team?" Dusty shook his head, "Not good. We got our butts whipped. Firecracker is out of commission and Condor might be reparable, but only Buddy can tell you that. Both drivers are doing find, just exhausted like the rest of
us." Both agents headed to rejoin the group.

Everyone was relieve to see Matt alive and well. Of course, Inaya felt like slapping him in the face. She says with her arms crossed in front of her, "So Matt what exactly were you doing out here, while we were dealing with the real fight. Your daughter was driving that wasn't she. That's it Trakker your off the team!" 

Matt walks over to her, "What makes you think that what I was doing wasn't equally as important?" Inaya shouts, "We could of used you out there fly boy!" 

Matt says honestly, "What I did was to assure that we get the upper hand in the next fight." 

She continues ignoring that statement, "Anyone of us could of gotten killed!" 

He says calmly, "But you didn't. If I felt I didn't have faith in my own team, then I wouldn't of pursued her." 

Inaya was out of breath, "What makes you certain that the next victory is ours. In case you didn't know already, Brad Turner has joined up with VENOM." 

Matt raises a brow, "No I didn't know that. Well that's just a minor set back." Inaya couldn't believe he was taking it so well. Matt orders, "Come on we have to get back to Boulder Hill and get ready for the final show down." Inaya ask, "What makes you so certain there's going to be an attack on Boulder Hill?" 

Matt smiles, "Call it a hutch."


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