M.A.S.K. Agents  Created By Fans


Scott Trakker

 Not really a new character, an adult Scott is featured (or should I say was?) in the M.A.S.K. RPG which was created by Jarod Kowalski. He may appear as the leader of the future M.A.S.K. in some other fan fictions, though. An example would be Dark Eternity's "Iron age of Nikademus"
A young adult Scott is also featured in The Half-Mask series created by Hytac, and as a teenager in Lisa Leonard's "Blood and Water" stories, and will undoubtedly feature in many more in the future.

Jack Lee  Created by Okocha

 Originating from China, Jack Lee is the Ultimate Martial Artist. He wears Hermes, a mask which enables him to move very rapidly, in turn enhancing his kung-fu skills. Drives a 'kawasaki motorbike that can form a shield and drill underground.'
Jack is a typical-looking Chinese with small eyes, tanned skin with a braid remisnicent of Obi-wan Kenobi's. Wears spectacles when reading. An philosophist and artist, with a liking for Confucius.
According to Okocha, "Vanessa Warfield is his biggest fan. Even after he joined M.A.S.K., Vanessa has a crush for him."




Inaya Vendun Created by Hytac

Captain Inaya Vendun was a commando working for the P.N.A. before she was unwillingly recruited into the M.A.S.K. as a partner for young Scott Trakker. Unfortunately, she has a personal grudge against Matt Trakker and regards the M.A.S.K. leader with contempt. Being a commando she is skilled in the use of most weapons, stealth work and is a fairly good hand to hand combatant. She is also a bio-weapon specialist with considerable experience in dealing with terrorism.

M.A.S.K. II A new generation of M.A.S.K. agents are back! Click on the Link for more information

(Trained Intelligent Killer)

Created by

 Billy Sorrels 

Name: Kit     Age: 71/2      Skin: fair      Hair: black with one white strip right down the middle of it.     
Eyes: depending on his mood Kit's eyes vary, when outraged they change to a lizard gold color, but when calm and cool there a sky blue. 

Background: though an orphan from when he could remember, Kit spent his young childhood friends with Roxanne Trakker. Before the orphanage and before Kit could remember he was the only survivor of a biogenetic project that the P.N.A. was working on but when the project was disbanded Kit was throw out to be left for dead, but by some strange reason he did not die but was found my a person that took him to an orphanage, the experiment was to fuse the best trait of animal DNA with Humans, the X factor of the DNA was the two Human donors that came forth and gave there blood for the project, the reason for such a project the plane was to use this person this combination of animal and human DNA as a weapon to us against the enemies that threaten the peace of the world but it was disband when the peace treaty was signed.

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