Weird Science Stuff for Grownups

All work and no play? Bad idea! Just because you're a grownup doesn't mean you always have to act like one. These great toys will raise your fun quotient!

Take a Break!! Take a Play Break!!


Eyewitness Kit: Humanworks
toys by Skullduggery

Fun with Your Dog
toys by Scientific Explorer

Lightning Machine Activity Set
toys by Scientific Explorer

Neandertal Cranium ReplicaNeandertal Cranium Replica
toys by Skullduggery

Wild Wacky Weather
toys by Wild Goose

Human Skull with Moveable Jaw
toys by Safari

Alien Autopsy Game
toys by DaMert Company

Sabre-Toothed Tiger Skull with Moveable Jaw
toys by Safari

0-12 months toys

 1-2 years toys

3-4 years toys

5-7 years toys

8-11 years toys

12 years & up toys

grownups toys



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