Shapes, Sorting & Stacking Toys for Children up to 12 Months of Age


Children are born ready to learn, ready to explore.

From the moment they first open their eyes, they immediately begin exploring and learning.


What Babies Love: Ages 0-12 Months
The first 12 months are a time of amazing growth and development. Your favorite baby will love:

Stack 'n' Build Animal Mix-Ups
toys by Fisher-Price

Aquarium Shape Sorter
toys by Little Tikes

Baby's First Blocks
toys by Fisher-Price


Teletubbies Stacking Blocks
toys by Hasbro


Nesting Action Vehicles
toys by Fisher-Price


Lamaze Soft Stacking Rings
toys by Learning Curve


Shape Sorting Box
toys by Schylling


Stacking Hen
toys by Galt America Inc
Lamaze Soft Sorter
toys by Learning Curve

Activity Bowls Infant Toy

toys by Fisher-Price

Ambi Lock a Block Shape Sorter
toys by Learning Curve

Animal Stackables: Penguin and Giraffe
toys by Little Tikes

0-12 months toys

 1-2 years toys

3-4 years toys

5-7 years toys

8-11 years toys

12 years & up toys

grownups toys



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