Cutting Down

Like I said before, I don't compete so I really don't have the need 
to cut down.  I like to put on all the mass I can, but if you want to
cut down here's what you need to do.

1. Burn more calories then you take in.
       -Take in calories sparingly.  Make sure you don't take in a 
lot of calories, and make sure the ones you do take in are not from fat.
2. Use lighter weight and do more reps.
       -This tends to work well for cutting down.  Just like when you 
see runners.  The distance runners tend to be the skinny guys while 
the sprinters tend to be the bigger guys.  I'm not trying to put 
anyone down, I'm just saying that the more reps or distance you 
do the more cut you will be, and the less reps or distance you do the
bulkier you will be.
3. Do some aerobic activity every day.  
       -This will help to burn off those extra calories.

If you want to know what types of food to eat look at my weight loss

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