Here are links to some of my favorite sites.

X-Files Sites

Darkness and Light A fanfic archive - from angst to romance.

Deep Background A collection of reviews and fanfic by Pellinor. She has a whole section of angst! check it out.

E's X-Page E has incredible manipulated pix and collages on her site.

The Engimatic Dr. Scully's Page This is a great place to go for fic.

Further X-Plorations A post-episodal fanfic archive.

Lauren's X-Files Page Lauren's got a great photo gallery.

Mulder and Scully Tactically Deprived  I would highly recommend this site to Angsters.  It's got a great gallery, fanfic and more.

X-Files Institute For Relationshippers A safe haven for the 'shippers among us.

X-Files Multimedia Archive One of the most comprehensive XF sites out there. You name it, they have it

X-Files Season Premiere Party  X-Files fun all year long. *GO HERE NOW*

X-Files Studio Pics, Links, Reviews, Fanfic and more.

Other Great Sites

Serendipity's BtVS Page Not an xf page but a great place to go if you're into awesome fic.

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