
This is my home. My name is Nai Chemeretsya. It is not much now, but I hope to do some re-decorating soon.

The beginning.........

Two figures lay in the grass on a hot sunny day. Holding each other lovingly as a cool breeze makes the flowers in the field sway. As Nai Chemeretsya looks down into his wife Diedre's light brown eyes. He smiles gently as he runs his fingers through her long blonde hair. "You know you are the most beautiful sight I have ever seen."

As she gazes back at him she says, "You have been saying that for 3 years now. Ever since we first met. And now you still say it after a year of marriage."

"But you know that it is true. Can I help but to state the truth?" Grinning wildly he pulls her up for a passionate kiss before she can say anything more. "Tonight we will celebrate our first anniversary. It is hard to believe that it has been a year since we got married. Seems like just yesterday." Sitting up suddenly causing her to fall off to the ground. "Oh man, how long have we been here? I have to get back to work before they fire me."

As she stands dusting her slim well formed 5'4 body off, she gathers up the blanket looking at him. "You could own any martial arts dojo in the world with the skills you posses. Yet you insist on letting them think you are a low class teacher. They wouldn't even let you have our anniversary off."

Pulling her close he hugs her. "You know that if anybody knew who I was I would never get a moments rest. It is better this way. I promise I will be home just after dark to celebrate with you. I have to run now. Take care." After a long kiss he turns and runs for the town as she turns and walks for their house a short ways off.

"Your late John!" Bellowed the voice of the dojo's Sensei.

Being used to the fake name he made for himself, Nai snaps to attention at hearing it. "Sorry Sensei. I lost track of time. My humblest apologies."

"It is not me you should apologize to. But your students who have lost valuable training time while waiting for you. But I am sure that you will be more than willing to make it up to them tonight."

"But Sensei it is my anniversary night, I promised my wife I would be home right after dark." A worried look crossing Nai's face.

The Sensei doesn't even answer just gives him a stern look then turns to leave. At that Nai goes to his class and starts their training for the extended day. All the while trying to think of the best way to soothe things with his wife when he gets home late.

After finally finishing with his class several hours after dark, Nai starts to make his way home. With a brief stop at the local shops picks up some gifts to help patch things up with his wife. Then continuing out of town he walks the dark path toward his house, noticing how beautiful the full moon looks tonight. Quietly he says, "We will have to go for a walk later on." As he starts to get near his house a smile spreads across his face as he smells the food. But then a scream shatters the silence and sends chills up his spine. Dropping the gifts he runs for the house and with the little effort kicks the door down. As he looks inside the site he sees makes him freeze in his steps. There before his eyes stands a hideous demon and in it's grasp are the torn remains of a human body. Suddenly he realizes that is his wife's body that the foul demon is eating. He snaps into action and lets out a howl as he leaps forward with a flying roundhouse kick. When he hits the demon it fly's across the room from the sheer force of the kick, dropping the remains of his wife. Shaken the demon is trying to stand when Nai starts moves in and starts hammering at it with well placed hits and kicks. Unable to mount a good defense or attack and severely damaged the demon just vanishes leaving behind a light mist. Cursing as his fist hits the wall instead of the demon Nai turns to the remains of his wife, tears in his eyes.

Barely even able to stand the site he looks away from her body. There on the floor he notices several torn pieces of fabric, taking a closer look he sees that the were not part of his wife's clothing. Picking up one of the larger pieces he sees a symbol on it. Then he recognizes it as one of the local royal families crest's. Nai had heard of demons that make themselves look human and live out good lives, but till tonight he thought it was just a tale. But holding this torn cloth he now knows that it is true. Swearing on his wife's blood, Nai makes a vow to kill the demon that did this, no matter how high ranked he is.

Going out into the night Nai starts to dig a grave for his wife by her favorite spot in their field. Filled with anger he digs furiously till he is exhausted, not even noticing the rain that has started to fall. Going to his shop he constructs the coffin of the best wood he can find then lines it with all the silk and velvet he can find in the house. As he lays her body into the coffin his tears run from his face into it. To make sure the demon doesn't try to finish what he started Nai seals the coffin with crosses and covers it in holy water. As he finishes piling the dirt on the grave he drives the cross marker into the ground then looking at the full moon hits his knees letting out howl of pain and anger.

After the long sleepless night he goes to speak with the Sensei to get help in bringing down the demon disguised as a royal member. After telling what happened and presenting the evidence Nai waits for the sensie's reply. After several moments of silence he speaks, "While I do believe that your wife was killed by a demon, I cannot accept that this demon was who you saw it was. Yes, I accept that the cloth was there. But maybe he was there earlier collecting a royal tribune from your wife and somehow it got torn."

"How dare you suggest that my wife would sleep with another man!" Nai bellowed filled with rage.

"How dare you speak to your Sensei with such a tone!" Jumping up he advances on Nai intent on teaching him a lesson for raising his voice. As he attacks Nai easily it off sending the master across the room. As the Sensei stands shakily he says, "I have only seen one man fight with such power and style, but he is a grand master of the martial arts....."

"You speak of Nai Chemeretsya, champion of the arts. Who has vanished from sight for the past 3 years.." As he speaks Nai gets a wicked grin on his face.

"Are you really him? Have my old eyes really been so blind? How could I not see that you were holding back?" As the old man sits and mumbles set into a depression of questions Nai turns and leaves in search of the demon that killed his wife.

Going back to his house Nai gathers up a few things for the journey and the battle. Stripping out of his normal clothes he opens a long box that is covered with a thick layer of dust. Inside is his katana and fighting suit. Standing up he pulls on the black pants that fit loosely to allow freedom of movement. Pulling on a tight black short sleeved shirt he stands smoothing it over his well defined gut and chest. Reaching down Nai picks up his katana and straps it onto his back positioning it so that it sits comfortably. Then reaching back into the box removes a long black cape and a piece of soft elastic cloth, which he straps around his face covering his mouth and nose. Then with a motion smooth and refined from long practice he puts the cape on positioning it so that he can still access his katana in an instant.

Leaving his house he turns and locks the door then stands there lingering over all the old memories and dreams that are now crushed and exist as a pain. Then turning he sets his mind on the task ahead and starts to walk towards the kingdom that belongs to the emblem on the cloth he has in his hand.

After several days of travel he arrives at the kingdom. Entering inside he goes to a local tavern to see if they might be able to identify who's emblem it is exactly. After showing several drunks the emblem and watching as they turn white and walk off, he figures that whomever it belongs to must be pretty important, maybe very close to the lord of the kingdom himself. Then just as he is about to give up finding information, an off duty royal guard walks in, already drunk from his previous stops. Probably been tossed from a couple taverns. Approaching the drunk Nai puts his hand on his back, "Can I buy you a drink?"

Looking up and eager to get a free drink the drunk slurs, "Aye, and thank ye. Wish I could return the favor for ye."

Knowing that the drunk didn't mean it still tries to give it a shot. "Maybe you could, you see I have to deliver a message to a man. But all I have to find him by is this emblem." He holds up the torn piece of clothe and the drunk takes it and starts to look at it, half falling in the process. "What you have here is a piece of the Lords clothe. How did ye get this? I should run you to jail just for touching it." After saying this the drunk tries to stand to take Nai but winds up passing out on the floor. Exiting the bar Nai steps into the cool clear night pondering over this new fact. The demon that killed his wife, is actually the Lord of this kingdom. How many other kingdoms are ruled by demons?

Looking up from his thoughts at the clear sky and the moon, notices that the castle is set back from the town along a long path through a wooded section. Setting his mind to the task at hand starts to walk towards the woods, determined to end this demon's reign by the end of the day tomorrow.

After walking in the woods a ways he suddenly notices that all the creatures have gone silent. Continuing forward but being very cautious he starts to notice some light cutting through the trees ahead. When he gets to the source of the light he sees it is a large circular clearing in the woods. All around the edges of this clearing several torches burn, illuminating the area very well. Standing in the middle of this clearing is a tall, thin man dressed all in black, with long flowing hair the color of a raven. As he steps further into the circle the man looks up at Nai with a cold glare. "Why do you seek my master? He has heard of all the questions you have been asking and has sent me to investigate," speaking in an icy cold tone the mans eyes seem to grow more intense with every word.

"I have a message for him. It is important that I deliver it in person." Trying hard to hide his true intentions, Nai speaks calmly to the stranger. But is wondering about this man, he feels that something is not quite right.

The strangers eyes suddenly flare to a bright red. "Do you take me for a fool? No messenger dresses in battle attire. And I have heard of the clothe you are waving about. there is only one way to have gotten that. And as such, my orders are to destroy you here on this very spot. I will turn the ground red with your blood, to stand as a warning for all who come this path that those who go against the Lord shall perish." With that his clothing starts to tear as his whole body starts to change into a hideous demon form. Not standing exceptionally tall, only about 6'4", his hands now carrying long claws. His whole face contorting and elongating till it looks kinda like a wolfs, long fangs appear in his mouth as the saliva runs out. His voice changing to a low growl he looks at Nai. "Prepare to die worm!"

"I think not!" And with one easy motion removes his cape tossing it to the ground and draws his katana and takes a defensive stance. Trying to size Nai up the demon starts to circle him, but Nai just stands his ground and watches his every move. Suddenly with almost blinding speed the demon advances with his claws outstretched to slash at Nai's chest. Barely seeing it coming only raises his sword in time by mere reflex and knocks away the demons hand. Only when he hears the demon howl does he notice that the razor edge of the blade had been the side that made contact with the demons hand. Looking down he sees two of the demons claws on the ground and grins. Seeing the demon is off guard for a second Nai leaps forward with a roundhouse kick to it's jaw. Hearing the satisfactory snap and thud as he makes sound contact, lands back on his feet and turns to make another attack. But what he didn't expect is what happened, the demon had already recovered and was making his next move. Trying to dodge to the side barely escape getting his guts torn out by the demons claws, but the demon did manage to make a very good cut in his side. Turning quickly barely paying attention to the damage and knowing that the fact that he managed to side step the worst has thrown the demon off-balance, Nai is able to drive his katana into the demons exposed back. Twisting it and ripping it out, is satisfied by the site of a large chunk of flesh flying to the ground.

Both wounded they start to circle again slowly. But Nai can see that the demon was hurt bad by his katana. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, knowing that demons can heal their bodies, Nai advances. Dropping low at the last minute as the demon slashes out, Nai trips him and then rolls over driving his elbow into it's face. Rolling away jumps to his feet and watches the demon for a second to see if there is another opening. Watching as the demon slowly stands and rubs his jaw, Nai suddenly gets struck by a nagging sense that it has barely even started to fight. Suddenly the demon throws it's hands forward and flames come shooting towards Nai. Leaping to the side he feels the heat on his legs as he hits the ground and rolls back to a standing position. Only to see another stream of fire coming at him. Again he jumps sideways, but this time the fire catches his legs, and as he rolls away he bats the flames on his legs out while constantly rolling. Taking a crouching leap, is able to land far enough to the side that it buys him a second to prepare for the next flame stream. Just as the demon raises his hands to fire it, Nai rolls forward and under the flames. Leaping up with his katana Nai drives it straight through the demons chest, blade up so that as his inertia carries him up the blade keeps cutting up it's chest. Pulling out his katana and stepping back, looks at the demons now split chest. As the demon stumbles a bit Nai dashes forward to chop off it's head. But suddenly as Nai raises his katana the demon thrusts forward with it's claws and buries them into Nai's stomach. A stunned look comes across Nai's face as the demon grins. But Nai was only stunned temporarily, swinging his katana down he takes the demons head off it's shoulders. As the demons body crumbles and disintegrates, Nai falls to his knees bleeding and knowing he is dying.

As he feels himself losing consciousness, Nai starts to laugh softly, almost from pure hysteria. He starts to realize that he has failed in avenging his wife, but is happy that he is now going to join her. Just before he blacks out, Nai sees a blinding flash of light.....

His eyes opening slowly, Nai is hit with an overwhelming pain and then a wave of nausea. Leaning back as he almost slips back into unconsciousness, he hears voices and knows that he can't be dead. It hurts to much! "He is conscious, use the heal on him now. He is a strong man to have lived through that damage. Now his body is ready for you to heal it." Barely able to hear the words Nai wonders what is happening a s a warm comforting feeling flows through his body from his stomach. Suddenly the pain and nausea are gone and he opens his eyes. Once they come into focus he can see several monks standing around him. One is just removing his hands from Nai's bandaged stomach.

"Who are you? Where am I? How did I get here?" Nai mumbles out as he tries to sit up. He is surprised to see how easy it is to sit up, knowing how badly damaged his stomach is. Laying a hand on his stomach he feels no pain. "And what have you done to me?"

"We are friends, that is all you need to know of us. You are in our monastery and you got here because we brought you here. And as for your wound, you can thank our healer for healing it." Looking at the one speaking, Nai can tell by his robes that he must be in charge. "But I can't feel any pain there. How?" Nai says bewildered.

The one who had his hands on Nai's stomach steps forward and says, "Because I healed you with magic. The wound is now perfectly closed and there will be no scar." Again looking around with a blank look that cries out millions of questions and seeks answers, Nai is stumped and does not know what to say.

The leader steps back forward and speaks again. "We are monks who watch over all that occurs in this kingdom. We rarely interfere with mortal ways. But the battle you have chosen to fight is one that must be fought. But unfortunately, no normal mortal can fight this battle, as you found out. But we were very impressed with you. You actually managed to defeat an elite guard of the demon you seek to kill. But the one you seek is stronger than the one that you fought. You need additional talents, you need to be able to harness energy attacks. While you stay with us we will train you to do these. But most importantly, you must learn strong energy defenses, so that you are not spending your time dodging his attacks and instead you are retaliating. Are you ready to begin? Most of it will be transferred to you. The only real training needed is to ensure that you can use them efficiently."

Looking up at the monk that is speaking. "Transferred?" Before Nai can say another word a new monk steps forward and puts his palms against Nai's temples. For a few seconds Nai feels a sharp pain like a needle going into both sides of his head. then when it stops his mind is flooded with information he never knew before. As he tried to figure out what it was he caught one bit of information and suddenly a green energy ball formed in his right hand. "Did I do this?" Looking at the ball as he holds his hand up.

"Yes, and that is just a small portion of what you now can do. But there is a limit to all you can do. Your body can only create so much energy. As you use it you will get tired. So you must refrain from using it in excessive amounts. During your training you will learn to easily access all the powers you were just taught." The leader speaks up once again. "Now let the training begin."

After a week of hard rigorous training with all the energy attacks Nai now knows, it is time for him to go to his battle. Bowing to the monks Nai says, "I thank you for everything that you have done for me and taught me. I pray that it will be enough. And now the time has come for me to face the demon that killed my wife. Once again, thank you." As he turns to leave, the monks talk amongst themselves.

"Wait," the leader steps forward and touches Nai's shoulder, "We have one last thing to bestow upon you." As Nai turns he sees one of them holding up a katana. All over this katana are ancient words written in a foreign language. "Take this katana. It is a special one, it will help you to channel more energy in your battle. But respect this katana, for it is blessed and posses some powers of it's own that it will unleash to aid you when you need it."

Bowing Nai accepts the katana and removes his own and hands it to them. Then as he stands he straps this new katana onto his back. And for a bit he swears he can feel the power of the katana, then he feels as if it has always been his. "Again, I thank you." With that he turns and walks for the door. With a sudden flash of light the monks transport him back to the circular clearing where he had fought the demon.

Looking up to see that the moon is full once again, realizes that he has spent a long time there, most of which was obviously unconscious. Setting his mind, he starts to walk forward once again. Upon reaching the main gates of the castle Nai forces his way past many guards and bursts into the main chamber of the castle. Sitting in the throne is a tall stately man, on his chest is the emblem that Nai recognizes as the one from his clothe. Standing the man speaks in a loud forceful voice, "Who are you? And Why have you barged into my castle?"

Stepping closer and setting his eyes with the man in front of him Nai speaks coldly, "My name is Nai Chemeretsya, and you killed my wife. I am here to avenge her death." The man looks at Nai with a puzzled look then dismisses everyone from the room. "How can you be? I sent my elite guard after you. He killed you before he died. I know he did!" Hiding his fear and wonder behind fiery red eyes the man steps forward looking at Nai.

"You might say I had some help." Nai speaks sharply as a grin crosses his lips. The mans rage fires up and his eyes turn blood red. "No matter I will finish you here and now!" Suddenly his whole body grows and contorts. Forming into the demon Nai saw the night his wife was killed, only this time he is much larger standing about 10' tall. The first thing Nai notices though is that the demons neck is wider than his katana is long. He starts to puzzle how he is going to make the final blow but figures he will worry about that when the time comes.

The first attack the demon makes is to shoot a stream of fire from his mouth. Nai quickly calls up a defensive ball around himself and then vanishes from inside of the flames. As the demon stops his flame he looks down at the empty spot not aware of what has happened. "That was ea.....ARGH!" Screaming out in pain as Nai cuts at his heels from behind him with the mystical katana. Rolling away a bit the demon stands shakily on his one good heal. "I see your help also taught you some stuff. I might get to have some fun after all."

Not waiting for the next attack Nai dashes forward and leaps at the demons throat with a snap kick. The demon sidesteps and backhands Nai sending him into a wall. As Nai turns and tries to recover he barely has time to see the energy ball flying at him. Dashing to the side Nai starts to dodge the continuous onslaught of shots. Finally remembering not to dodge Nai stands and forms a reflective shield and braces against the force of the blast hitting the shield. Then the blast is reflected back at the demon hitting him right in his head. In one blur of speed, Nai leaps into the air as the Demon hits his knees and tries to clear his vision. Yelling out Nai draws the katana and as he gets near the demon and starts to swing it down, the katana suddenly grows to an extraordinary length. As the demon looks up at Nai his face goes blank seeing the blade as a flash before it severs his head from his shoulders. Landing with his back to the demon Nai re-sheaths the katana after it returns to normal size. then turning watches as the demon dies. "I have now avenged you my love. Rest in peace till the day I join you."

Nai suddenly realizes how much energy he used to fight this man as he gets tired and feels the need to sleep. Sitting to rest for a bit, he chews on some snack he had in his pouch. Suddenly the ground heaves and splits as another demon rises out of it. This one bigger than any he has fought yet starts to speak to Nai in a loud voice. "You have killed my brother you fool. For that you should die. But I see in you great talent, one which I will put to use for myself." Before Nai can even stand he finds himself bound inside of a circle of energy, unable to move or speak. "I shall make you one of my loyal followers. I will transform you into a demon and bestow upon you great powers so that you may replace my brother and fight for me."

A searing pain rips through Nai's body as it transforms slowly. He can feel all his skin being torn by the new body forming, and he feels his fingers torn to shreds as the claws come out of them. The process is long and Nai is almost blind from the sheer pain of it. But during the whole process he can feel a warm, homely sensation in the back of his head, like a best friend is there to help him. When the pain stops Nai looks down at his body. Now standing 20 feet tall he is a grotesque demon, the thing he hates the most. But suddenly he grins, Nai realizes who his friend in his head was, the mystical katana was protecting his mind and soul. Nai realizes that while his body is a demons body, he is still the same man he always was. Looking at his hands, he notices that the claw on his right pointer finger glows slightly. Then examining it more closely he sees that it contains the emblems from the katana, his friend is now part of him.

Still inside of the holding circle Nai lets out a tremendous laugh. the demon outside moves closer to try and see why Nai is laughing. "Do you like what I have done to you my minion?" Suddenly thrusting his right hand forward, claws out, Nai bursts through the bubble and drives his pointer finger into the demons throat. As the mystical katana does it's work on the demons throat, it looks at Nai puzzled. "How? I transformed you!"

"You managed to get my body, but not my soul. Now I shall kill you where you stand!" With that the claw in the demons throat expands in every direction severing his head. But suddenly Nai feels weak and collapses. With a wicked grin on it's face the demon says with it's last breath, "You fool. You destroyed me, now you will die also. Without me you can't exist."

Nai looks up and smiles. "I knew that, but I would rather be dead than live as a demon. I gladly accept my fate and go to join my wife. But I will live long enough to see you long gone. I know that as long as I do not expend myself I can live for weeks."

Suddenly off to the side a bright flash of light appears and from it steps forth the leader of the monks. He walks over to Nai and touches him, suddenly Nai is returned to a human form resembling his old one. Only now his eyes are cold and black, and his hair is an exaggerated bright blonde. "I have come to offer you a choice Nai." Speaking up the monk looks directly at Nai. "Die now and join your wife. Or we can connect you directly to the source of this demons dark powers. It will enable you to live as an immortal demon with all the powers of one. But you have your human conscious and we know that you will use these dark powers for good. What do you choose?"

Thinking for a second Nai grins. "My wife always said that I should live life to the fullest. And with this I can truly do so. I choose to stay, as a champion for what is good and right. To fight against all darkness with it's own powers."

"Done. You can now live out a full life, using the dark powers of the demons for the good of all. And your friend will always be with you through it all." Nodding towards the katana that is now on his back again. The monk turns and vanishes in the bright light again. As Nai turns to leave the castle he grins and reaches back to touch the katana, his best friend.

And so begins a saga~~~~~

Time passes slowly for most, but for Nai the centuries seemed to fly. After many years of wandering, he found a land hidden from most others. A mysterious place called Rhydin. In this land mingled many creatures and abominations. Everyone ruled by the love of the fight. He quickly grew to enjoy living here, making a few freinds quickly who began to teach him the ways of the land. The more he fought, the stronger he became. Learning a new skill from every battle he fought. Often times stealing signature moves from his opponents just to shame them. He began to live for the fight, spending his every moment wrapped in battle.

But the battles soon became boring and he started to wander out at night, seeking some fun in various other forms. On one of these excursions he met a lovely lady, wrapped in tight clothes that grabbed his attention. He took her home that night, but instead of doing the obvious, they wound up sitting and talking the night away. That is till her sire barged into his home and took her away. This infuriated Nai, he made it a goal to get her free of her sire somehow. But it turns out that she did it herself by being a rebel. This ravenous woman was like an angel to Nai, and oddly enough that was her name. He quickly became addicted to ahving her around. Would do anything for her, he was actualy falling in love again after all these centuries.

They would spend their days fighting eachother in slave matches for sport. And he would lose more often than win, most likely he did not desire to won her. At night he would put her to bed, gently tucking her into her bed and sleeping on the floor in a corner so he could be near to watch over her. But it seemed no matter how much he loved her, he was cursed not to feel her love in return. Then one fatefull day, things went bad for Angel and she commited suicide.

Nai spent many days in depression, but things only got worse. In these dark hours for him he was losing his grip on his humanity. He quickly starting slipping into a pure demon. He was changing, turning on all his closest freinds and hurting them. With his last bit of sanity he turned to his most trusted freind and asked for a way out. So he and Aris fought in a death match, set up of course, there was no way Nai could beat Aris. Their plan was simple, Nai had to die and be resurected by a preistess of the white magics so that his humanity would be able to return.

After his resurection things returned to normal for Nai. Back to fighting all the time, not thinking much about love. He soon met another anchanting woman that was the commander of a guild. Lady Dark Rose was not only fun, but intruiging. This woman captured Nai's interest so he soon swore himself to her and joined her guild. He had a family and responsabilities for the first time in centuries. Nai and Rose grew to be close freinds quickly, spending time together sparring and enjoying eachothers company. Although Nai still trusted very few and would not give out his heart easily.

There were a few that came close to having his heart, but things always fell apart. So he was getting used to not loving anymore. Yet Rose still intruiged him greatly after all this time. Then one fatefull day Nai proposed to her. Naturaly she was shocked and said she needed to think things over. So he waited, then a few days later he receives word that she is now married to another man. Feeling betrayed once again Nai's heart starts to turn dark. Along with his heart his own body changes, his hair growing incredibly long and raven black. His eyes taking on a subtle green glow of energy to them. He was mad, infuriated, but what could he do, he is sworn to Rose. So even though he will often be seen growling at Rose, he remains loyal to her and works hard for the guild.


Stupid mun's stuff is this way.:
Lady Dark Rose: Nai's GC and closest freind.