This is the page where Bean007's visitors have either emailed me, or filled out the form on the feedback page, with great comments about this site. Below are a current list of all these visitors, no email addresses have been disclosed for privacy reasons. If you wish to fill out a testimonial form, just fill in the form below.




Bill McNeil


Awesome Site Bean007! Enjoyed it all - the BEST site on the web featuring Christina Ricci. Even loved the cute icons on the menu bar! Great work buddy, keep it up, you are a tribute to all Ricci fans!!! -Bill


Randy Real


Heyaa people how'ra you doing? I'm just fine here in this meautifull island and I love surfing on the best sites and homepages. That's why I'm here. This is a nice home congratulations. I hope to here once from you. All the best and till then. Warm wishes from a cool guy. Randy Merencia.

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