This page is designed to give you all the latest gossip and rumours circulating around the world and the web about Christina Ricci. These rumours may not be accurate, but at the time of posting they are believed to be true! If you have ANY info on Christina then please use the URL in the frame, or at the bottom of the page and I will consider posting it on this site - you will get credit for this! As soon as any more info comes to hand, it will be posted at THIS site so bookmark and come back! Thanks!


*Christina Ricci is currently in talks about directing her own screen play ASYLUM (see upcoming movies page) If she directs this, this will be her debut at directing.

*Christina has been romantically tied to Brendan Sexton Jr a fellow actor and co-star after appearing at one of his film premiers.

*Word is that Chris tried out for the part of "Rose" in James Cameron's movie TITANIC but was passed over for Kate Winslet.

*Her part in the movie - "The Ice Storm" (see movies page) was originally intended for Natalie Portman (another young teen starlet) but Chris accepted the part after Natalie turned it down.

*Associates inform me that Christina Ricci is currently living in the City Of Angels - Las Angeles with two guys including her boyfriend.

FULL CREDIT for these rumours go to Aaron Rich! Visit his Christina Ricci Site - Christina Ricci 99 - Very Good Site To Visit! Thanks Aaron!

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