Below are some quotes that I have gathered on Christina Ricci. If you have any quotes, send them to me through the email. Thanks.

"If I haden't gone into acting, I would have been one of those weird runaways on Hollywood Boulevard. No it would b uglier, I'd probally be dead."-Movieline Magazine.

For years I hated myself I had to cover all the mirrors in my house. I still can't sit in a resturaunt where I can catch my reflection."-Movieline Magazine.

I took a year off after "Gold Diggers" I guess you could call it my "teenage awkward phase" I got ugly. People were just not having me."-Movieline Magazine

"I was too short for "William Shakespear's Remeo and Juliet, and I wanted that movie so badly, it hurt"-Movieline Magazine

"I think that I have a large forehead, I know that I have a large forehead people tell me it all the time. My whole family kinda have large foreheads."-Interview with Jay Leno

"I can be young and cute when I want to be, and I can be really mature when I want to be. It's kind of weird, like I'm the incredible changing girl,which is good because I can relate to adults and to people my age."