Douglas SBD-5 "Dauntless"

Country United States Of America

Dual seat dive-bomber

Date of service April 1943
Powerplant One Wright R-1820-60 radial air-cooled
Horsepower 1,000 hp.With WEP1,200 hp
Max Speed 255 mph @ 14,000 ft.
ClimbRate 7 mins. to 10,000ft
empty 6,535 lbs.
loaded 9,519 lbs.
Ceiling 25,200 ft.
Range 1,345 miles normal dive bombing mission or
1,580 miles for scout-bombing missions or long range dive bombing

2 - 50 caliber machine guns in cowling firing through propeller
2 - 30 caliber machine guns on rear firing flex mount from gunners position