North American P-51B-1 "Mustang"

Country United States Of America
Type Single seat fighter
Date of service July 1943
Powerplant Packard Merlin V-1650-3 12-cylinder Vee liquid-cooled
Horsepower 1,380 hp.With WEP1,600 hp.
Max Speed 440 mph @ 30,000 ft.
ClimbRate 3,900 ft/min.
empty 6,840 lbs.
loaded 9,800 lbs.
Ceiling 42,000 ft.
Range 1300 miles normal / 2200 miles max with 419 Imp. gallons of fuel including 2 drop tanks and enlarged fuel tank behind pilot's seat.
Armament 4 - 50 cal Colt Browning M-2 machine guns (2/wing) with 350 rounds per inboard gun and 280 rounds per outboard gun