Focke-Wulf 190A-4 "Wurger"

Country Gremany
Type Single Seat Fighter
Date of service April 1942
Powerplant BMW 801D-2 14-cylinder radial air-cooled
Horsepower 1,440hp With WEP 1,700hp (MW 50)
Max Speed 418 @ 21,000 ft
ClimbRate 2,830 ft/min.
empty 6,393 lbs.
loaded 7,110 lbs.
Ceiling 34,775 ft.
Range 497 miles normal / 942 miles with 2 - 79 Imp. gal drop tanks
Armament 2 - 7.9mm MG 17 (cowl) with 1000 rpg
2 - 20mm MG151 (wing roots) with 200 rpg
2 - 20mm MG FF (outer wing) with 55 rpg.