X-RIDERS (a motorcycle riding social organization, founded in 1997) Designed for riders who desire an affiliation but do not want to tolerate pressures to participate or the frequent monetary contributions that other organizations impose. X-RIDERS membership is open to ALL RIDERS of ANY BRAND of motorcycle. X-RIDERS does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, species or nationality. The club does discriminate against certain behaviors and attitudes. YOU ARE INVITED TO A LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP. A fee of $3 (three) US dollars, grants you membership in the X-RIDERS organization, a membership card and participation in the virtual web based clubhouse. Members may purchase X-RIDERS merchandise like patches and T-shirts. X-RIDERS has local chapters and memberships in: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Ontario Canada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Local chapter dues may be imposed at the chapter's discretion. X-RIDERS members shall obey the following rules: Hold club information strictly confidential. Have fun. Behave in a safe and orderly manner. Obey all national, state and local laws. Not whine or snivel, nor ride with those who do. Preach that loud pipes save lives. Ride low and slow, as it is the way to go. Help your brethren in need. Respect and honor all colors and affiliations. Covet traveling the serene backroads. Not allow your bike to gather dust. Ride and rejoice. For further information, please contact your local X-RIDERS representative at: